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from Red Rose

Book Description

Be careful of who you trust."

Words of warning, something Morgan Crowe tended to ignore.

Born Morriganna nic Thulath over thousands of years ago in the ShadowedLands of the Immortal Sidhe, she was the leader of the Mor'sin'dar King's Battle Crows. Named the Morrigu, she was deadly, precise and vengeful.

Favored by her King, Morgan lived an unrestrained life until her temper forced him to remove her from the Courts. For years she lived among the humans, keeping an eye out on things Fae and waiting until the time her beloved King resends his decision and welcomes her back with open arms. But things have changed within the Sidhe lands, deaths occurred and old rumors abound. Unknowingly Morgan has become the object of revenge of a hateful Queen and a sadistic enemy from her past.

Now enters a Were, shape changers with the natural ability to take animal form and with his appearance comes temptation and love. But is he all that he seems? And is she willing to defy her society to find out if he is. For Morgan, her world tumbles around in a whirlwind until all hell breaks loose.



Morgan’s body stiffened at the hollow voice that sounded both near and far. Cocking her head to listen harder she shivered as a cool breeze brushed across her bare skin, causing her nipples to harden and the muscles in her abdomen to clench. The hair on her arms stood on end as wintry chills from the rapidly lowering temperature ran down her spine.

Slowly a presence filled the room, causing the kitten next to her to arch her back up in fear until the soft gray fur stood on end. Baring her teeth, Sonji hissed at what she sensed but could not see then hastily raced under the bed to hide, abandoning the woman to fend for herself. Quickly the mirrors and windows in the room frosted, starting first at the corners then rapidly spreading toward the center. Morgan shivered at the growing coldness, pulling her bedspread over her nude body to cut out the chill as her breath left her mouth in small puffs of ghostly clouds. With a sigh, she settled back to wait, watching the fog of her breath hang on the air as she replaced her gun under the pillow.

Morgan recognized the voice that woken her from her sleep, one she hadn’t heard in years but felt a slight bit of relief to know she was not forgotten. But crappy time to be calling, she thought, glancing at the clock face on her nightstand. Three thirty in the morning. It was too freaking early for this. As seconds clicked by then minutes, irritation grew, driving out any want for communication of one of her kind. He sure seemed to be taking his own sweet time and she really didn’t have much patience for it. Not to mention the way it was being done. Obviously the scry was being done via water hence the cold.

With a growl Morgan tugged her blankets up over her shoulders, swearing softly under her breath as she tried to stave off the chill. Usually the cold didn’t bother her as her body naturally adapted to any of the elements but this was no natural frost forming. After several long minutes of silence the caller finally spoke. About time, she snarled, trying to keep her teeth from clacking together.

“Good evening, Morriganna, I hath need to speak with thee.”

“Well hurry up and do it quick, your freezing my ass off.”

The feeling of power pulsating filled the room, giving it an illusion of walls alive and breathing as a brief moment of vertigo swept over the seated woman. Breathing heavily, she leaned her head back against the wall while drawing her knees up to her chest and closed her eyes. It was always disorientating talking to someone not there but considering this was the first ‘call’ from any of the Mor’sin’dar since her banishment, who was she to complain. It was nice hearing a voice from her past.

Until the day her High King lifts her banishment from the Mor’sin’dar Court she would have to make due with the company of humans. Though inventive and chatty, often irritating and somewhat amusing, Morgan missed the company of her own people, missed them desperately. Feeling a soft breeze caressed her check and neck she opened her eyes, drawing her attention back to what was at hand for the moment.

“Morriganna, thou needth to be careful. I hath warn thee though I can not reveal more except that trouble stir in the Courts.”

The rich warm voice of Eryn Sye, an informant of hers from her more ‘active’ days, filled the room. He was always reliable for information if not more but it had been years since they last spoke. Blinking away the last ruminates of sleep from her mind, Morgan straightened up. “What are you talking about, Eryn? You’re the first one to contact me in ages.”

“Something is happening in the ShadowedLands, Lady Death. Rumors are spreading and thy name hath been brought up several times.”

“Brought up? Brought up about what?” Morgan paused, gathering her thoughts as she focused her eyes on the center of her bed. Something was definitely wrong. Eryn was never one to give out information without a price and now he was calling her unsolicited. She suddenly sat up straight, alert to what was not being said. “Why would someone from there be talking about me? About what? Coming back? I can’t until the High King bids me free passage back.” Her breath caught as a flitter of hope filled her chest. “Is that it? Am I going to be allowed back to Court? Is King Silvas lifting the ban?”

The room chilled a little more in response while from under the bed Sonji voiced her displeasure with a pitiful meow. Morgan ignored her cry and concentrated on what her friend was saying. “Talk to me Eryn, what’s going on?”

“Just be careful, Morrigu, for thee hath enemies thou knowth not. I can not speak more, I knowth not more except thou needth to be careful. Thou needth to be wary of all thou meet and do not let thy guard down. Things are not right here.”

  “But is King Silvas going to lift the ban? Will I be allowed home?” Morgan asked her heart beating quickly at the thought of seeing her home land once more. She waited for him to continue but slowly the unearthly cold created by the water spell left the room as Eryn’s presence faded, the scry ending.


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  • "Ms. Berkley crafts a masterpiece that will have you begging for more (and wondering when Book Two will be out)." ~ Angelique, Happily Ever After Reviews, Rated 5 Stars and a Recommened Read
  • "A truly interesting story that keeps the reader wanting more and wondering what is going to happen next. Be prepared to meet a lot of characters from the fantasy realm." ~ Danielle Friedl, Got Erotic Romance, Rated 4 Stars
  • "Enter the Night is a riveting tale of suspense, betrayal and the tangled web of love. Maggie Berkley has left me wanting more and to see what’s next for Morgan Crowe." ~ Samhain Queene, Dark Divas Reviews, Rated 5 Stars and a Recommened Read
  • “Enter The Night is an intriguing read. Combining various elements of mystery, suspense, and romance, author Maggie Berkley has crafted a winding tale of action and adventure set against the backdrop of a mystical fantasy land. With a host of plot-bending twists and turns, Enter The Night is sure to keep readers guessing as to the ultimate outcome of Morgan’s fate, and they will no doubt find themselves cheering her on through each new obstacle threatening to destroy her – despite her valiant efforts to survive. A surprisingly compelling read.” ~Chelsea Perry, Apex Reviews,Rated 4 Stars
  • "This debut novel by Maggie Berkley is amazing! A twist of Laurell K. Hamilton's Meredith Gentry series and some awesome characters brings new light to the Fae realm. The plot is intriguing and quick paced. The combination of myth and an overarching quality of new material makes the novel an original in its own right. There is no doubt that Maggie Berkley was out to impress with this novel. I didn't want to stop reading until I got to the very end and now I want the next book in the series “Behind the Throne”." ~Sarah Dizon, Night Owl Reviews Rated 4 Stars
  • "Maggie Berkley begins the Morgan Crowe Trilogy by introducing the reader to the colorful characters that populate the Shadowlands of the Sidhe. Morgan knows that no one can be trusted. She knows that even the man she loves will betray her in the end. Assassins are sent to kill her in the human. She fights for her life and the lives of her unborn children. The few Sidhe she can trust are in danger themselves. Can Morgan keep one step ahead of Queen Moirethe? Will Morgan live long enough to give birth to her children?" ~Candy, Sensual Reads.com Rated 4 Stars