The Matchmaker - Debra Cowan

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By Debra Cowan
Publisher Berkley

Book Description

In the heart of Texas lives a family as big and bold as the state itself. The Daltrys are as different as they come, each with his or her own strengths -- and weaknesses. Every time a Daltry turns twenty years old, they are presented with a task by their grandmother. These challenges are intended to teach them about character -- but they often learn quite a bit about love along the way...

C.J. Daltry was the loverboy of the family -- until his fiancee walked out on him. From that moment on, he swore he'd forget about romance and flowers. But then, on C.J.'s twentieth birthday, his grandmother asked him to do the impossible: to play matchmaker for lonely Lizzie Colepepper! C.J. couldn't imagine a more difficult task. Not because Lizzie wasn't sweet or young or pretty. She was all of those things -- and more. But the scar on Lizzie's cheek made her shy away from the prospect of gentleman callers. C.J. knew matchmaking wouldn't be easy. What he didn't know was that falling in love was as simple as reaching out with his own wounded heart...