The Secret Of Chimneys

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1957 US Edition
By Agatha Christie
Publisher Harlequin Romance #377
Release Month 1957 (US)
Harlequin Romance Series #
Preceded by Blake Hospital
Followed by The Ringer

Book Description

This is Agatha Christie at her mysterious best. Anthony Code, who liked an exciting life, was in Africa escorting a group of tiresome tourists for Castle's Select Tours when Jimmy McGrath, an old friend, turned up with an attractive offer: a substantial sum of money if he would carry to a London publisher the memoirs of a noted personality. Anthony jumps at it, and also agrees to find a lady called Virginia Revel and return to her some letters misguideedly bequeathed to McGrath as possible blackmail material.

He hasn't been in London long before the letters are stolen from him, and he finds himself assisting Virginia, a beautiful widow, to dispose of a body. Next he is one of a curious group of guests at "Chimneys", country home of Lord Caterham where anyone of note in England or Europe has stayed at one time or other. There are detectives French, British and American; characters gay, scatter-brained, sinister and odious. And there are murders, clues, secret passages, a fabulous jewel, a mysterious rose emblem, an international jewel-thief; and impersonations, assassinations and machinations.

And at the end of it all, Anthony, who has done most of the work and kept everyone (including the reader) guessing, claims a double reward: a lovely lady and a very, very strange new job.

Cover Variation (By Release Date)

1957 <br\>US Edition