Pennyroyal Green

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Series Description

Pennyroyal Green is a series by author Julie Anne Long published by Avon.

The Pennryoyal Green series takes us through the lives, passions, adventures and misadventures of the denizens of Pennyroyal Green, Sussex, England, a town anchored by the wealthy Eversea and Redmond families —whose relations are civil on the surface, but seethe beneath with ancient secrets and grudges and —naturally — attractions. We'll follow these folks wherever their passions take them — whether it's London, the gallows, a ballroom, a bedroom, the high seas, or the Sussex downs. I have major plans for these people. The stories are loosely connected and characters recur, but not in every book. A number of Pennyroyal Green characters will get their own stories — not just Everseas and Redmonds—and each story can be read independently of each other.


Characters and Places


  • Jacob Eversea—Patriarch
  • Isolde Eversea—Matriarch
  • Marcus Eversea—oldest son
  • Colin Eversea
  • Ian Eversea
  • Chase Eversea
  • Olivia Eversea
  • Genevieve Eversea


  • Isaiah Redmond—Patriarch
  • Fanchette Redmond—Matriarch
  • Lyon Redmond—oldest son
  • Miles Redmond
  • Violet Redmond
  • Jonathon Redmond
  • Lisbeth Redmond (cousin)
  • Roland Tarbell (cousin and deceased)

Other Characters

  • Ned Hawthorne—owner and proprietor of the Pig & Thistle, ancient pub
  • Polly Hawthorne—Ned Hawthorne's daughter
  • Martin Culpepper
  • Frances Cooke
  • Miss Marietta Endicott— headmistress of Miss Endicott's Academy for Young Women (referred to as the School for Recalcitrant girls by the townspeople)
  • Louisa Porter
  • Mr. McBride, apothecary (we first meet him in To Love a Thief, which isn't a Pennyroyal Green book)
  • Mr. Croker, scalliwag
  • Eleanor, Countess Malmsey
  • Harry the Footman
  • Dr. William August
  • Horace Peele (and Snap the dog)


  • The Pig & Thistle, pub
  • Miss Marietta Endicott's Academy for Girls (The School for Recalcitrant Girls)
  • The Church
  • The Gypsy encampment
  • The Mercury Club