Rhyme Or Reason

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Book Description

Dr. Walker Chadwick Ridgeman was bold, confident, a devilishly handsome man of science who liked order and sense -- why, then, was he so drawn to a lovely seductress with flaming hair and dreamer's eyes that sparkled like the powerful crystal she wore as a talisman? — Alex Clare tried to ignore her attraction to the serious, sexy doctor who couldn't accept her as she was, but she found in his daughter, Lacy, a kindred spirit, a child who hadn't learned to believe in herself or feel she ever belonged. Walker had tried to shield his daughter from hurt and loss, but he'd never confessed her secret to anyone until Alex understood it with the astonishing gift of her open heart. Alex became his magnificent obsession, turning a civilized embrace into rough, untamed passion -- and making him yearn to break the rules that bound him to the past.

Could the magic she wove teach him forgiveness, and his caring transform her pain into the miracle of enduring love?
