The Lady And The Knight

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Book Description

Alone in the world, Sara Forbes has little left to her but the dragon amulet's glow and her oath to protect the bastard son of Lord Haldane: the innocent babe nestled in Sara's arms is his only heir. Now she must shelter the child from harm on her arduous journey back to the Highlands. But there is another along the road, a noble knight who cannot resist a damsel in distress.

Sir Boden Blackblade is sworn to see his Lord's heir returned safely to its father. But from his first meeting with Sara, he knows instantly that his will is no match for her beauty, grace, and determination to keep the child safely in her care. Each of them owes loyalty elsewhere-but their burgeoning passion is a white-hot force that cannot be denied. Torn between duty and desire, Sara and Boden must search their souls if they are to live as one and fulfill their magnificent destiny.
