Desperate Betrayal

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Book Description

"It’s extremely engaging and the characters are instantly likeable... The setting, the Protectors, the forbidden couplings, the intense emotions… all ingredients for one serious whammy of a story. Ms. McQueen has that extra something that makes readers sit up and take notice." GraveTells

"The story will grab you from the start! There is action, suspense and major sexiness!! The world Hildie has created is well thought out and amazing! The story is very engaging and it's a definite page-turner. I really couldn't put it down." Supagurl Reviews

Cynden Frasier (Cyn) is a member of a group of immortal warriors, the Protectors, assigned to protect humans in Atlanta, Georgia, the epicenter of a major uprising in demon activity. When Cyn is approached by a beautiful woman in a dirty alley, he is intrigued by the fact that she can see him for what he is, a terrifying demon slayer, and still dares to approach him.

Emma Blake, a half-demon, has to convince Cyn to help rescue her sister from powerful demons. Terrified that the Protector will kill her if he realizes what she is, she still goes against every instinct and approaches Cyn for help. Despite knowing that she is leading them both into territory so wrought with treachery, neither of them may survive.

Can Cyn and Emma overcome betrayal, the ancient rules that prevent Protectors from taking a wife, unless she is his one true mate? And if they do, will it even matter?