Gone Too Far

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Revision as of 20:20, 23 February 2007 by Kay T (talk | contribs)
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Lieutenant Sam Starrett travels to Florida to find out why his wife has not signed the divorce papers. When he arrives he finds a murder scene. Sam is not sure if the body is that of his wife, Mary Lou, and even worse -- where is his young daughter Haley? Instead of sticking around to let the authorities figure it out, Sam runs. The involvement of the FBI brings Special Agent Alyssa Locke onto the scene. Their story had been brewing since the first of the Troubleshooter series, and Alyssa is sure that Sam didn't kill his wife, but his flight has made others hard to convince. When the body does turn out to be Mary Lou's sister, Sam and Alyssa hit the trail to try and find his missing wife and daughter. Mary Lou has stumbled into a terrorism plot that began in Into The Night. The story also involves FBI leader Max Bhagat and Gina from Over The Edge and flashbacks to the story of a former Tuskegee Airman who helped raise Sam.

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