Second Chance At Love Guidelines Circa 1980

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Second Chance At Love was a category romance line published by Berkley/Jove in the 1980s. Below is a special letter from the imprint's editors with suggestions for authors and admonitions about overused character professions, plot devices, and settings.


Ellen Edwards/Senior Editor Valerie Flournoy/Consulting Editor

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Dear Author:

We would like to see more fresh, creative plot twists and characters in our books. Although the books must fit the SECOND CHANCE AT LOVE general guidelines, writers should strive for original ideas so that each book will be different and exciting. The following list contains devices which we feel have been sadly overworked and should be avoided:

the heroine is too often a: journalist, photojournalist, artist, writer, archeologist, travel agent, or is connected with a resort or hotel;
the hero is too often a: architect, archeologist, artist, photographer, travel agent or is connected with a resort or hotel;
in-motion" scenes (i.e., a scene with the heroine in transit--by boat, plane, car, bus or train-to where the main action of the story will take place) are overused as openings in the manuscripts we see. "In-motion" scenes should not be included as chapter opens later in the book, either.
the following settings: Mexico, Italy,Greece, and the American Southwest (Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and any desert or dude ranch).

Here's hoping we'll be able to get out even better, more romantic love stories to all those fans out there!

The Editors