Afternoon Delight

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Superior Court Commissioner Rei Davis is a tough-minded judge who wishes someone could see her softer side. Dating service owner Chris London is a light-hearted matchmaker who wishes someone would take him seriously. A chance encounter at a nightclub awakens long-suppressed desires, so when Rei walks into Lunch Meetings, Chris is determined to show her they're a perfect match. With the help of email messages, fantasies brought to life and a leap of faith, maybe both of their wishes will come true.



4 1/2 Stars! With steamy passion and high emotions, Mia Zachary tells the story of two people in need of love and support, something they can find with each other if they only let it happen. Afternoon Delight is one tale not to be missed. Ms. Zachary did an excellent job of bringing Rei and Chris to life. Being a part of their lives through the pages of Afternoon Delight is wonderful as they try to work out the chemistry between them that is so explosive. A beautiful realistic story, Afternoon Delight is pleasing to the senses and the heart. Kudos to Mia Zachary on a job well done. - Debby Guyette for CataRomance Reviews


I absolutely loved this story. Chris and Rei both learned something about forgiveness, trust, and second chances. Mia Zachary not only wrote a hot story with an appealing plot and all-too-human characters, she also included serious undertones that will give readers plenty to think about long after the last page has been read. I highly recommend this book! - Alane Coppinger for Romance Junkies


"Totally seductive and impossible to resist! Both characters grow in leaps and bounds, learn to lean on one another while still being strong, and become a delightful match. As always, Ms. Zachary pens a blazing hot story that will keep the readers coming back for more." - Tracey West , Road to Romance reviewer