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Book Description

When Iphiginia Bright discovers that her beloved aunt Zoe had fallen victim to a sinsiter blackmailer, she jumped at the chance to help. And her plan - to lure the villain into the open by posing as the latest paramour of the notorious Earl of Masters, a man rumored to have disappeared at the hands of the blackmailer - was nothing short of inspired.

But in the midst of a glittering ball, surrounded by ardent admirers, the newly transformed Iphiginia would suddenly come face to face with the last man she ever expected to meet: the darkly sensual Earl of Masters himself. And now, the intrepid poseur is in even more danger, as she battles the blackmailer and a totally unexpected threat to her heart...for Marcus Cloud is not only devastingly seductive - he's determined to make this beautiful deceiver his own.

Though this title falls toward the end of the early Amanda Quick works (before Quick became enamored of her made-up Egyptian culture), it retains the hallmarks of classic Quick titles such as Ravished: humor, intelligent heroines, dark brooding heroes.
