Lucien's Khamsin

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Book Description


In 13th century Hungary, Lucien Korvina comes face to face with mythical beings from his childhood nightmares. Legendary Sagitarry and their beastmasters the Manicore, descend on cloven hooves upon his tranquil, rustic village and wreck havoc, killing and mutilating everything in their path.

Left for dead from grievous wounds, Lucien is found by the mysterious Sibylline, a Revenant queen from beyond space and time. In her fangs is the promise of eternal life and when she pierces the dying man’s jugular, he becomes One with the Blood. As one of the Undead, he has become her plaything—her prince of the Revenants.

Khamsin has no idea who her parents were or from whence she came. Growing up on an old cruise ship turned orphanage after the Great War of 2052, she has never known love. Captured by Lucien’s men, she fights to escape the clutches of what she believes is pure evil—vampire beings intent on draining her blood and enslaving her body, forcing her into thrall to a Revenant master.

In the great keep at Modartha, Khamsin learns the true ways of the Revenants when—despite her fear of him—she falls in lust and love with Lucien Korvina. There is but one problem—Sibylline.