User:Dominique Silva

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Revision as of 16:38, 17 July 2008 by Dominique Silva (talk | contribs)
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Hello! I’m Dominique Silva, and I’d like to thank you for taking the time to learn more about myself and my writing. I’m looking forward to telling you more about myself and the exciting projects I have coming up in the near future.

I was given a chance to try my hand at the romance genre by a person who not only inspires me, but who also drives me to be the best that I can be. From the very first sentence onward, I was hooked on writing romances. I see a long career ahead of me, as my ideas are too numerous to count. I have been influenced and inspired by a variety of bestselling authors, which include but are not limited to Danielle Steel, Sandra Brown, Janet Evanovich, and Iris Johannsen.

For me, the romance genre represents not only the fairytale love stories, but also the daily struggles that occur and the realization that with love, we can conquer anything. Writing romance enables me to put in to words, all of the things people fantasize, fear, and live on a daily basis. It is with romance and partnerships that lifelong memories are created; a priceless journal that documents your innermost dreams and desires.

I have new story ideas coming constantly, from my own thoughts, and ideas of those around me. I am always looking for new ideas, so if you have one, please feel free to drop me a line!