Voyeur - Leigh Ellwood

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Book Description

A recent hire at a senior residence, Marissa unwittingly falls victim to the staff practial joke when she walks in on a young couple enthusiastically making love. The beautiful Barbara Baylor suffers from early onset Alzheimer's, so she and her husband make the most of every lucid moment they have.

Marissa, greatly affected by this act of accidental voyeurism, turns her lustful thoughts to her very attractive supervisor, Glen. But when Erik Baylor learns Marissa was caught peeking, Marissa's destined to enjoy the residents picnic in ways she would never have imagined.


  • 5 Stilettos from Erotic Romance Reviews for Women: "Ms. Ellwood brought the characters to life and portrayed the setting factually. The plot was fast moving and well developed. Marissa became endeared to me from the very first chapter. It was only right that she should have the reward of pleasure of her own. The sexual encounters were tastefully done and arousing. You will not be able to read this story without becoming totally involved in it."
  • 5 Unicorns from Enchanted in Romance: "Phenomenal short story! I was touched that this author was able to weave such a tender, loving sub-story about a couple just trying to hold on for however long to the love they've shared while a debilitating condition is ravaging the woman. Then the heroine's compassion and understanding of their needs while her body is being thrown into a raging lust is just pure ingenious. A must read that will worm its way into your mind and soul."
  • 5 Stars from Fallen Angel Reviews! "Voyeur is a well-written short story that will have you hoping and wishing that your fantasies will come true. Did I enjoy the sizzling sexy short story? You bet! I would be pleased to get my sweaty palms on some more of Leigh Ellwood's work. Erotica, look out - Leigh Ellwood is here to meet and beat all expectations with her new book Voyeur!" - Wendi of FAR