User talk:Cara north

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Revision as of 22:14, 23 June 2006 by Cara north (talk | contribs) (The changing face of Romance)
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The changing faces of Romance. As the romance genre's begin to expand, new authors can sometimes fing themselves a little confused about where their work will fit in. I myself write contemporary romance and erotic romance. Though the erotic lines are booming right now, they are looking for cutting edge, shock value erotica. I understand the appeal of wild abandon, but I also know what it is like to want to discover your wild side with a safe partner. My novels are more relationship oriented, and though the hero and heroine may indulge in various erotic indulgences, from simple play to sharing, they are the center of the story. And I want the happy ending at the conclusion of my book. Real life tends to stink, that's why I read romance. Relationships tend to become routine, that's why I read erotic romance. And I write both genre's for women like me. Women who want to fall in love with the hero, women who want to escape into a world where anything is possible, even their darkest fantasies. but women who also want to see the hero win the girl in the end. I hate going to a movie and the couple breaks up and never gets back together, that's real life. I go to the movies for the fantasy. Same theroy applies to my romance reading and writing habits. What can I say, i'm a true romantic. But where does this leave me in this new world of publishing? Fortunately I have an e-publisher who believes in my style, Midnight Showcase, but I will not lie, I would love to see my titles in line at Barnes and Noble's or Waldenbooks. It took 6 months time to find a home for my work on-line, I anticipate a longer journey through the ever changing market of major publishing houses.

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