Castle Of Terror

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Book Description

Echoes of fear. Storm Haven was such a peaceful, safe-sounding place, yet Count Rienzi's castle was anything but a haven. From the day lovely, young Megan Wentworth arrived at the castle with her employer Adam Lester, his nephew -- handsome and attentive Shane Lester -- and several other guests, she felt herself trapped in an ominous nightmare existence. Even the reassuring presence of Shane, and the knowledge of their growing love for each other, could not free Megan from her fear. Not after the tour of the castle dungeons, filled with gruesome medieval instruments of torture. And not when a mysterious series of accidents reduced the guest list alarmingly. Then when Megan found herself the sole witness to a horror almost beyond belief, she sealed her doom, becoming the helpless quarry of an evil against which even Shane might prove totally powerless...