He's The One

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  • Author: Jane Beckenham
  • Publisher: Linden Bay Romance
  • Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance
  • eBook ISBN: 978-1-60202-070-2
  • eBook Publication Date: October 2007
  • Print ISBN: 9781602020719
  • Print Publication Date: October 2007

Book Description

Wedding consultant Taylor Sullivan is sensible, successful, and creates fantasies for a living. The fact that business is booming isn’t enough. She wants to be the best and one thing is holding her back—her own lack of sexual experience. What Taylor needs is a good teacher.

Enter bad boy Cade Harper. Cade is known for his talent in the bedroom and the long string of broken hearts that he’s left behind. When Taylor approaches him with a simple business proposal he can’t say no. In exchange for one night of no-strings-attached passion, she’ll help him develop a promotional plan for his new business.

As things heat up between them and business turns into pleasure, the man who doesn’t believe in lasting love, roses, and the white picket fence finds himself falling hard and fast. Weddings, love, and commitment are Taylor’s business. Can she put her fears aside long enough to make her own fantasy come true? Maybe…if he’s the one.


To Cade Harper, she was a prim little girl, about to be bad.

Without speaking, Cade opened the car door, and she slid in, careful not to get too close. However, once seated Taylor wasn’t so sure accepting his offer was a good idea. The interior was small and far too intimate and only served to fire her wayward hormones.

In clipped tones, she gave him her address and retreated into silence.

As the car eased out of the car park, excitement, fear and anticipation all rolled into one coursed through her veins. It forced Taylor to focus on emotions she’d never experienced before, and she felt totally inadequate. Nothing in her life had prepared her for Cade. Being engaged to Rob held nothing on being taken for a ride by Cade Harper.

And there lay her problem.

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  • "He’s The One is an overall entertaining read... This story leaves a feel good feeling and makes the reader want more..."
Linda L. gives 5 Angels ~ Fallen Angel Reviews
  • "He’s the One is an entertaining read that will have you chucking and swooning at Cade, and cheering on Taylor to get her man. The story flows evenly with a few “ah ha so that’s the reason” spots. Very likeable characters and steamy sex scenes make this book one you will enjoy. It will leave you with a smile on your face."
Matlida gives 4 Cups ~ Coffee Time Romance
  • "The plot was unique and interesting... The story is fresh and the conflicts and obstacles were woven skillfully through the story... Add a combination of humor in a good plot and Ms. Beckenham has built a believable story into a book to look out for."
Pam gives 5 Hearts ~ Love Romances and More
  • "This plot was unique and interesting; I found myself drawn, immediately, into the book and had a hard time putting it down... I found that Ms. Jane Beckenham, although new to me, has great ability to share her story and kept my interest from page one until the very last... The sensual scenes were well written and tasteful. The story had great sex, but an equally wonderful story. This is one for the “keeper file!” I absolutely loved it!"
Brenda T. gives 5 Hearts ~ The Romance Studio

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