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== Novellas ==
== Novellas ==
* ''[http://www.liquidsilverbooks.com/books/bornoffireexcerpt.htm Born of Fire]'' - 2009 ([http://www.king-cart.com/cgi-bin/cart.cgi?store=linda018&cart_id=7220552.95102&product_name=Born+Of+Fire&return_page=&user-id=&password=&exchange=&exact_match=exact Liquid Silver Books])
'''Phoenix Rising Duology'''
* ''[http://www.liquidsilverbooks.com/books/fromtheashesexcerpt.htm From the Ashes]'' - 2009 ([http://www.king-cart.com/cgi-bin/cart.cgi?store=linda018&cart_id=7220552.95102&product_name=From+The+Ashes&return_page=&user-id=&password=&exchange=&exact_match=exact Liquid Silver Books])
* Born of Fire - 2009 - This title is no longer available for purchase.
* From the Ashes - 2009 - This title is no longer available for purchase.

Revision as of 03:14, 6 September 2011

Hailey Edwards writes dark fantasy and paranormal romance. She is fascinated by all creatures winged, fanged, or furred.

Her books range from sweet heat to erotic. She resides in Alabama with her husband and the voices in her head.


Hailey is a wife turned mother turned writer, who loves her husband, her daughter and alone time with her computer. Whenever southern living strikes her as too ordinary, she can be found squinting at her monitor as she writes her next happily-ever-after or with her nose glued to her Kindle’s screen. Wings and/or cupcakes are usually involved…

She loves to hear from readers. Drop her a line here.

You can also swing by her blog or subscribe to her newsletterfor all her latest news.

On the Web



Daughters of Askara Series

Araneae Nation Series


Phoenix Rising Duology

  • Born of Fire - 2009 - This title is no longer available for purchase.
  • From the Ashes - 2009 - This title is no longer available for purchase.



Rated 5 Tombstones by Jackie at Bitten by Books

As for the book itself, I can’t begin to tell you how pleased I am with Everlong by Hailey Edwards. It’s a story about forgiveness, breaking out of your shell, and allowing yourself to love someone with all your heart. Madelyn is stubborn, spoiled, but willing to admit when she’s made a mistake. Her growth throughout the book is extensive, transforming her from the naïve princess to a woman who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go after it. Clayton was a complete surprise. He’s the leader of the colony and can insight drooling from any female at fifty paces. Normally, these characteristics go hand in hand with a stereotypical alpha male: controlling, if not loyal, headstrong, and ready to take what he believes is his. Clayton is nothing like that. Yes, he’s loyal and he can be headstrong, but his feelings for Maddie are so intense he’s willing to whatever it takes to make sure she’s happy, even give her up.

I sincerely hope there will be more stories in this world. An uprising is on the horizon, and I picked out a few side characters I’d love to learn more about. It’s rare to find a book with this much emotion and sexual tension without being bombarded by an overload of the actual sexual act. Again, I was surprised. Maddie and Clayton waited until they were both sure before taking their relationship to the next level. That’s just another reason why Everlong receives 5 tombstones. Very well done, Hailey!


Rated 5 Divas by Dakota at Dark Diva Reviews

Whew! Everlong should come with a three hankie warning on it! Ms. Edwards has penned a truly emotional tale of love lost with the heroine recovering to only find love in the most unlikely of place. While this story not only satisfied this reviewer’s inner romantic side, it also throws in a healthy dose of paranormal with some absolutely delicious demons.

I won’t lie, if you pick up this book, there will be tears shed and you’ll need to have a hankie close at hand, but I will say it is well worth the read. Ms. Edwards not only balanced the romance in this book with the sci-fi genre, she did a superb job of it. The creativeness of this author amazed me. The descriptions she gave not only of Madilyn’s life as second in line to the throne, but also the tradition rich royal rite of passage was simply amazing. I felt as if I were there, watching a well-crafted movie. Kudos to Ms. Edwards for writing such an intricate tale of love.

Rated 5 Delightful Divas and Recommended Read by Dakota!


Rated 4 Stars by Manic Readers

Everlong was a fabulous paranormal/fantasy romance. I was sucked in from the beginning fight scene to the beautiful kiss at the end. This story has everything you could possible wish for: a great plot, fantastic characters, mystery, intrigue, romance, and a nice twist to the ending. Ms. Edwards has written her characters in a way that you feel you are experiencing every emotion and activity with them. You can feel Maddie’s heartache when Harper disappears, then her confusion when she begins to have feelings for Clayton. You also want to cheer Clayton on so that he doesn’t give up on Maddie. If you are looking for a great paranormal/fantasy romance that is easy to read and continuously flows from beginning to end, then Everlong is definitely the book for you.


Rated 4 Stars by Anna’s Book Blog

Everlong was an enticing read, from page one I was intrigued. A wonderful mix of paranormal and fantasy. Ms. Edwards has created the perfect definition of fantasy romance. The story opens with an exciting fight scene that instantly pulls you in. I really loved the journey the characters went on. Comparing the situation at the beginning of the book to where they end up is pretty amazing. All elements blended well together. The sexy heroes, danger, the evil relatives and of course romance. A very enjoyable read.

Over the last few months I’ve enjoyed several stories with winged heroes, Everlong is another one the add to that list. If you enjoy fantasy and hunky winged-demons — then this is the book for you.


Reviewed by Gale Stanley at Books and Blurbs

Everlong by Hailey Edwards is a blend of paranormal romance and fantasy guaranteed to enchant readers of both genres. It’s a satisfying tale of love and self-discovery that succeeds on multiple levels.

The carefully crafted plot hooked me on page one with a well-choreographed fight scene. I really enjoyed the first-person narrative. Edward gets into her heroine’s head and makes her a flesh and blood character. The rest of the cast is equally memorable with enough emotional heft to take the story to its ingeniously conceived ending. Adventure, fascinating characters, exotic places and sensual romance combine to provide an entertaining read.


Rated 4 Stars by Rebecca at The Romance Reviews

EVERLONG by Hailey Edwards is a fast-paced read. Ms Edwards creates an intricate world cloaked in danger and intrigue with multi-dimensional realms. At its core, it is a story about recognizing our responsibility in shaping our futures. The characters are well-developed with attractive dialogue to draw the reader in. All four of the main characters – Madelyn, Emmaline, Harper, Clayton – are strong, fiercely loyal and likeable.

When at last the book ends with Maddie claiming her own future, the reader is satisfied by the conclusion but aware that there are still several loose ends. With an Evanti rebellion in the near future, I am crossing my fingers for another book about this world. In fact, there are some strong secondary characters who deserve their own book. I will be waiting!


Reviewed by Pepper at Naughty in the Backseat

Everlong by Hailey Edwards is a thoroughly enjoyable read. Edwards has created a complex world filled with danger and intrigue. Her characters are complicated and well developed. The pace is fairly fast for most of the book, and even when it slowed a bit, the characters and their world were enough to hold my interest. And the touches of humor only add to the appeal.

One of the things I particularly liked about Edwards is that she wasn’t afraid to have Maddie fall for someone other than Clayton prior to their first meeting. So many times in romantic fiction, the hero and heroine come together never having loved anyone before each other. Which to my mind, isn’t the way the real world works. In Everlong, Maddie comes to Clayton, not only still harboring feelings for her first love, but thinking that first love is dead. That makes him almost a legend in her mind, so Clayton has a great deal to overcome.

Maddie’s life is no picnic either, especially with all the complications of being a demon about to come into her first heat. Still, with all the luscious demons she had to choose from, I’d put up with all the problems just to be Maddie’s situation myself. Too bad things like this only happen in fiction.


Rated 4 Stars by Romance Overload

I’ve said it before, I usually shy away from first person books. Few of them are done so that I can get the whole story from one perspective. Lately though, I’ve been finding some very well written stories in first person. Everlong is one of them.

Everlong is a…sweet story about love lost and found and a woman’s self discovery, when she finds that the one thing she’s been pining over really isn’t what she wants in the end…. Fantasy lovers, and those who enjoy a lovely romance should pick up a copy of Everlong. I really enjoyed it.