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== Publisher ==
== Publisher ==
[[Tirgearr Publishing]](Tirgearr Design and Publishing) is a small independently-owned Irish-based design and publishing company that provide authors with one-on-one service through the publication of their book(s). Tirgearr Publishing provides authors with full editorial services, cover images, formatting and publication of each book on an individual basis, including marketing, setting up book reviews and virtual tours, and designing websites to complete the author’s overall marketing plan. Tirgearr Publishing advise authors on career choices, marketing strategies, and offer our expertise from nearly twenty years in the business.
[[Tirgearr Publishing]] (Tirgearr Design and Publishing) is a small independently-owned Irish-based design and publishing company that provide authors with one-on-one service through the publication of their book(s). Tirgearr Publishing provides authors with full editorial services, cover images, formatting and publication of each book on an individual basis, including marketing, setting up book reviews and virtual tours, and designing websites to complete the author’s overall marketing plan. Tirgearr Publishing advise authors on career choices, marketing strategies, and offer our expertise from nearly twenty years in the business.
== Series Description ==
== Series Description ==

Revision as of 20:40, 17 October 2011


Scarlett Valentine was born and raised in Northern California in an area known as America's Salad Bowl. It was home to many authors, including John Steinbeck, and for a while Jack London and Robert Louis Stevenson.

In 1997, Scarlett had the opportunity to travel to Ireland on an extended holiday. She met a man and stayed. Celebrating more than fourteen years in Ireland, she has traveled the country extensively and has lived in Dublin, Cork, Wicklow and Kildare, loving every minute of it.

Scarlett has always enjoyed writing. Her professional writing life began as a book reviewer in 1995 and has published travel articles since 1998. She's an avid castle hunter and photographer so it's no wonder castles show up in most of her stories. She loves travel and research, both of which give Scarlett ideas for her stories.

Scarlett lives with her husband and two dogs in the Irish countryside.


Tirgearr Publishing (Tirgearr Design and Publishing) is a small independently-owned Irish-based design and publishing company that provide authors with one-on-one service through the publication of their book(s). Tirgearr Publishing provides authors with full editorial services, cover images, formatting and publication of each book on an individual basis, including marketing, setting up book reviews and virtual tours, and designing websites to complete the author’s overall marketing plan. Tirgearr Publishing advise authors on career choices, marketing strategies, and offer our expertise from nearly twenty years in the business.

Series Description

ABCs of S-E-X: Love by the Letter Series is a fresh look at erotic romance.

Coined by Scarlett as Erotomance, she'll be the first to say this ain't your grandma's erotica. Each story in this series is a traditional romance with characters you'll love, strong plots and where love triumphs in the end. And the sex is hot, hot, hot!

Literally love by the letter, this series follows the alphabet through time periods from historicals to contemporaries, futuristics to science fiction, paranormal to suspense, and more. Scarlett explores hetero, gay and bisexual relationships, with stories from straight sex to fetishes.

There's something for everyone in this collection, so please join Scarlett in this unique series.

As Scarlett always says, "What's a little bondage between friends?"

The Books


Ysbaill of Ellesmere is a pawn in her guardian's war. For decades there has been unrest between the marcher lords and Owain Gwynedd ap Gruffydd, King of Gwynedd. The most recent war had been the bloodiest she could remember in her eighteen years. Madog ap Maredudd, Prince of Powys, and his allies lost untold numbers of men at the hands of Owain's soldiers. When a settlement of truce is presented to Madog, it's at Ysbail's expense. She is to marry Bedwyr ap Owain, one of King Owain’s bastard sons, and his most notorious henchman. If all the rumors and stories she's heard are true, she knows her marriage will be rife with horror and fear.

Since proving himself worthy with his sword, Bedwyr fights at his king's side. He's shed oceans of blood and sent untold numbers of men to their graves. He's become what his name foretold—the grave-knower. He's afraid of nothing, least of all death. All men fear him, including those who fight at his side, and sometimes even his own king. Terror of him lives within women's hearts; only the bravest of whores accept him into their beds. And children weave their own tales of the monster they hear him to be, embellishing the details to their own gruesome degrees.

When King Owain informs Bedwyr that he's to marry Ysbail of Ellesmere as part of a peace settlement with Madog, Bedwyr is furious. A man such as Bedwyr can only survive on the battlefield. For without love, hatred will send a man like him to the edge of insanity. Then push him over. But when Bedwyr sees Ysbail for the first time, blood-thirst turns to blood-lust, and he vows to show her that she should have no fear of him.
