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Weapons of Pleasure Blurb

Nikki DeCarlo took on criminals nearly every day armed with her weapons of choice...a vibrator and lubricants. As unorthodox as her ways were, she always got her man. Her only flaw, she couldn't allow herself to fall for anyone.

Donovan Webber is hired by Nikki's boss to help her work through some of her issues that developed after an undercover job went awry, but in the midst of helping her, he falls for the beautiful officer. Together, they work through Nikki's problems and in exchange, she teaches him a thing or two about her Weapons of Pleasure.

Publication Info

Weapons of Pleasure was written in a two day writing flurry. The words flew onto the page. What began the idea? Sex toys. No joke. Heather thought it would be fun to have an undercover cop and make her weapons be disguised as sex toys, and Weapons of Pleasure was born.

This is the debut Elektra Cross release and is featured in the 2006 Up Close & Personal anthology through Triskelion Publishing.

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