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[[Category:Salem Witch Trials]][[Category:Historical]] [[Category:2005 Releases]][[Category:Erotic Romance]][[Category:Erotic Historical Romance]]
[[Category:Salem Witch Trials]]
[[Category:2005 Releases]]
[[Category:Erotic Romance]]
* '''Author''': [[Shawna Moore]]
* '''Author''': [[Shawna Moore]]
* '''Publisher''': [[Triskelion Publishing]]
* '''Publisher''': [[Triskelion Publishing]]

Latest revision as of 04:36, 23 November 2022

Book Description

A hunger that dwells deep within must be satisfied. Consumed by her desires, a young woman, Sarah Bradford, succumbs to the Village doctor's seductive charms.

Set in Salem Village c.1700, this tale weaves sex and suspense into a web that ensnares more than the Puritan lovers.


  • "Forbidden Hunger is encompassing and tempting; it gives you a fresh glimpse into the Salem Witch Trials. You will be utterly spellbound as Shawna Moore entices you to relook and rethink all that you knew about the Salem Witch Trials and their outcome. You'll be drawn into the Forbidden Hunger by the twists and turns of the story. Go ahead take a look and make sure you get this book - you'll revel in what you find. I kept wondering if maybe Shawna Moore hit on something rooted in reality or if, in fact, this was just her fictional spin on historical events. Not only is Forbidden Hunger hot, but it will entertain and arouse you." - 5 Angels, Wendi, FAR.
  • "This was an easy book to read, and I enjoyed the characters. I like the way Ms. Moore told the story about Sarah and Thomas. She has an enticing way of writing, carrying the reader into the story with every turn of the page. When Thomas told Sarah to remain true to her moral convictions, I cheered. I liked the way Thomas had a way throughout the story of telling Sarah not to think about what others say, but to follow her heart. Forbidden Hunger will have you in awe all the way to the end, rooting for this couple as they seek to keep the love that binds them close forever." - 5 cups, Cherokee, CTR.
  • "[[Forbidden] Hunger tells of the superstitions of the Puritan lifestyle with the evil that lurks in the hearts of men. The scenes are realistic and sparse; the contrast between the prim and proper lifestyle of that day and the lust raging behind closed doors creates a fine tension that really makes this book. Shawna Moore uses great skill and a fine hand in tuning up the danger and suspense as a sub-plot here, and this book drew me right in. Forbidden Hunger is a wonderful and riveting effort by Shawna Moore." - 5 Angels, Michelle, FAR.
  • "Forbidden Hunger is told from the first person perspective and gives an interesting insight to what lies behind Sarah’s motivations and what spurs her on to unravel her curiosity about her sexuality. This story grips the reader’s attention from the very first page and doesn’t let go till the end.

"Thomas is a very earthy and passionate lover, one that draws out Sarah’s most ardent nature and is willing to explore in helping Sarah revel in her own sexuality, to both their satisfaction. Their interaction, most especially their intimate scenes, are highly erotic and steamy. Thomas is a man who fulfills his and Sarah’s sexual hungers in such a fundamentally erotic fashion it will leave you panting for your own relief. The sense and feeling this story evokes while reading it is reminiscent of a classic erotic romance that you could enjoy with a lover. The story is told in such an appealing way that keeps true to the language of the time. The prose, plot, characters and style of Ms. Moore struck a chord with me and I absolutely enjoyed the opportunity to read this gem of a book. I have no hesitation in recommending Forbidden Hunger, most especially if you enjoy erotic historical romances or would like to try something a little different to while away an afternoon." - 5 STARS, Aggie Tsirikas, Just Erotic Romance Reviews.