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* [[:Category:Academics Who Write Romance|Academics Who Write Romance]]
* [[:Category:Academics Who Write Romance|Academics Who Write Romance]]
* [[Academic Online Essays (not published in academic journals or volumes)]]
* [[Academic Online Essays (not published in academic journals or volumes)]]
* [[Bibliography H-O]] - the second part of our bibliography of academic articles and books about romance.
* [[Autobiographies and Biographies of Romance Authors]]
* [[Bibliography P-Z]] - the end of our bibliography of academic articles and books about romance.
* '''Bibliography'''
** [[Bibliography D-G]] - the second part of our bibliography of academic articles and books about romance.
** [[Bibliography H-L]] - the third part of our bibliography of academic articles and books about romance.
** [[Bibliography M-O]] - the fourth part of our bibliography of academic articles and books about romance.
** [[Bibliography P-S]] - the fifth of our bibliography of academic articles and books about romance.
** [[Bibliography T-Z]] - the last part of our bibliography of academic articles and books about romance.
* [[Scholarship in Languages Other than English|Bibliography of Scholarship in Languages Other than English]].
* [[Scholarship in Languages Other than English|Bibliography of Scholarship in Languages Other than English]].
* [[Dissertation Abstracts]]
* [[Dissertation Abstracts]]
* [[Guides to the Genre]]
* [[Guides to the Genre]]
* [[Romance in the Media]] - lists news items/features items about romance.
* '''Romance in the Media''' - lists news items/features items about romance.
** [[Romance in the Media A-I]] 
** [[Romance in the Media J-Z]]
* [[Romance Resources for Academics|Romance Resources for Academics]] - lists romance-related resources which may be of interest to academics.
* [[Romance Resources for Academics|Romance Resources for Academics]] - lists romance-related resources which may be of interest to academics.
* [[Writers on Romance]] - lists items written about the genre by romance authors but not published in academic journals or books.
* [[Writers on Romance]] - lists items written about the genre by romance authors but not published in academic journals or books.
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;Abartis, Caesarea, 1979. : 'The Ugly-Pretty, Dull-Bright, Weak-Strong Girl in the Gothic Mansion', ''Journal of Popular Culture'', 13.2: 257-63.
;Abdullah-Poulos, Layla, 2018. : "The Stable Muslim Love Triangle - Triangular Desire in African American Muslim Romance Fiction." ''Journal of Popular Romance Studies'' 7. [http://jprstudies.org/2018/11/the-stable-muslim-love-triangle-triangular-desire-in-african-american-muslim-romance-fictionby-layla-abdullah-poulos/]
;Adams, Lisa, and John Heath, 2007. : ''Why We Read What We Read: A Delightfully Opinionated Journey Through Contemporary Bestsellers. '' (Naperville, Illinois: Sourcebooks) Has a chapter titled, Hopefully Ever After: Love, Romance, and Relationships.
;Adams, Lisa, and John Heath, 2007. : ''Why We Read What We Read: A Delightfully Opinionated Journey Through Contemporary Bestsellers. '' (Naperville, Illinois: Sourcebooks) Has a chapter titled, Hopefully Ever After: Love, Romance, and Relationships.
;Adkins, Denice, Linda Esser & Diane Velasquez, 2006. : ‘Relations Between Librarians and Romance Readers: A Missouri Survey’, ''Public Libraries'', 45.4, (July/August 2006): 54-64. [http://www.ala.org/ala/pla/plapubs/publiclibraries/julyaug2006.pdf Whole issue available as a pdf.]
;Adkins, Denice, Linda Esser & Diane Velasquez, 2006. : ‘Relations Between Librarians and Romance Readers: A Missouri Survey’, ''Public Libraries'', 45.4, (July/August 2006): 54-64. [http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/pla/plapublications/publiclibraries/julyaug2006.pdf Whole issue available as a pdf.]
;Adkins, Denice, Linda Esser, Diane Velasquez, and Heather L. Hill. 2008. : "Romance novels in american public libraries: A study of collection development practices." ''Library Collections, Acquisitions, & Technical Services'' 32, no. 2: 59-67. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lcats.2008.08.014 Abstract.]
;Adkins, Denice, Linda R. Esser, and Diane Velasquez, 2010. : "Promoting Romance Novels in American Public Libraries." ''Public Libraries'' 49.4 (July/August): 41-48.
;Ahlberg, Sofia, 2009. : "Women and War in Contemporary Love Stories from Uganda and Nigeria." ''Comparative Literature Studies'' 46.2: 407-424.
;Alberts, J. K., 1986. : ‘The role of couples' conversations in relationship development: A content analysis of courtship talk in Harlequin romance novels’, ''Communication Quarterly'', 34: 127-142. **
;Alberts, J. K., 1986. : ‘The role of couples' conversations in relationship development: A content analysis of courtship talk in Harlequin romance novels’, ''Communication Quarterly'', 34: 127-142. **
;Ali, Abu-Bakar, 2018. : "Agency, Gender, Nationalism, and the Romantic Imaginary in Pakistan", ''Routledge Companion to Pakistani Anglophone Writing''. Ed. Aroosa Kanwal and Saiyma Aslam. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. 225-235. [https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9781351719865/chapters/10.4324%2F9781315180618-32 Abstract]
;Ali, Kecia, 2017. : ''Human in Death: Morality and Mortality in J. D. Robb's Novels''. Waco, Texas: Baylor UP.
;Ali, Kecia. 2017. : “Troubleshooting Post-9/11 America: Religion, Racism, and Stereotypes in Suzanne Brockmann’s ''Into the Night'' and ''Gone Too Far''.” ''Journal of Popular Romance Studies'' 6.[http://jprstudies.org/2017/09/troubleshooting-post-911-america-religion-racism-and-stereotypes-in-suzanne-brockmanns-into-the-night-and-gone-too-farby-kecia-ali/]
;Ali, Kecia, 2018. : "Romance Fiction in the Archives." ''Journal of Popular Romance Studies'' 7.[http://jprstudies.org/2018/05/romance-fiction-in-the-archivesby-kecia-ali/]
;Allan, Jonathan A., 2011. : "Theorising Male Virginity in Popular Romance Novels." ''Journal of Popular Romance Studies'' 2.1 [http://jprstudies.org/2011/10/theorising-male-virginity/]
;Allan, Jonathan A., 2012. : “Theorising the Monstrous and the Virginal in Popular Romance Novels.” eBook of the ''Inversions of Power and Paradox: Studies of Monstrosity'', Eds. Elizabeth Nelson and Jonathan A. Allan. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2012. [The whole volume can be downloaded [https://www.interdisciplinarypress.net/online-store/ebooks/evil-monsters-horror/inversions-of-power-and-paradox here] and [http://www.academia.edu/1097989/Theorising_the_Monstrous_and_the_Virginal_in_Popular_Romance_Novels this essay] has been made available on its own by the author.]
;Allan, Jonathan A., 2013. : “Reading the Regis Roundtable: An Outsider’s Perspective.” ''Journal of Popular Romance Studies'' 3.2 [http://jprstudies.org/2013/06/reading-the-regis-roundtable-an-outsiders-perspective-by-jonathan-a-allan/] [Also available [http://jprstudies.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/JPRS3.2_Allan_RegisReadingRoundtable.pdf as a pdf].]
;Allan, Jonathan A., 2016. : "The Purity of His Maleness: Masculinity in Popular Romance Novels." ''The Journal of Men's Studies''. [http://men.sagepub.com/content/early/2016/01/20/1060826515624382.abstract Abstract]
;Allan, Jonathan A., 2016. : ''Reading from Behind: A Cultural Analysis of the Anus''. Regina: University of Regina Press. [See chapter 3, "Topping from the Bottom: Anne Tenino's ''Frat Boy and Toppy''"]
;Allen, Amanda K. 2009. :  "The Cinderella-Makers: Postwar Adolescent Girl Fiction as Commodity Tales." ''Lion and the Unicorn'' 33, no. 3: 282-299.
;Allen, Amanda K. 2012. :  “Charm the Boys, Win the Girls: Power Struggles in Mary Stolz’s Cold War Adolescent Girl Romance Novels,” ''Journal of Popular Romance Studies'' 3.1. [http://jprstudies.org/2012/10/charm-the-boys-win-the-girls-power-struggles-in-mary-stolzs-cold-war-adolescent-girl-romance-novels-by-amanda-k-allen/]
;Allen, Jeanne., 1989 : "Harlequins, Gothics, and Soap Operas: Addressing Needs and Masking Fears." ''Quarterly Review of Film & Video'' 11: 113-115. [[http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10509208909361290#preview Excerpt] This is a review of Tania Modleski's ''Loving with a Vengeance''.]
;Anderson, Jennifer, 1981. : ''Mills and Boon: Love and Oppression.'' Broadway [N.S.W.] : New South Wales Institute of Technology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.** [http://nla.gov.au/nla.cat-vn282031 Details from the National Library of Australia]
;Anderson, Rachel, 1974. : ''The Purple Heart Throbs: The Sub-literature of Love'' (London: Hodder and Stoughton).
;Anderson, Rachel, 1974. : ''The Purple Heart Throbs: The Sub-literature of Love'' (London: Hodder and Stoughton).
;Andresen, Julie Tetel, 1999. : "Postmodern Identity (Crisis): Confessions of a Linguistic Historiographer and Romance Writer." in ''Romantic Conventions.'' Ed. Anne K. Kaler and Rosemary E. Johnson-Kurek (Bowling Green, OH: Popular) pp. 173-186.
;Andresen, Julie Tetel, 1999. : "Postmodern Identity (Crisis): Confessions of a Linguistic Historiographer and Romance Writer." in ''Romantic Conventions.'' Ed. Anne K. Kaler and Rosemary E. Johnson-Kurek (Bowling Green, OH: Popular) pp. 173-186. [http://books.google.com/books?id=Ja_Ia-oZo4wC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA185#v=onepage&q=&f=false Excerpt]
;Ang, Ien, 1996. : ''Living Room Wars: Rethinking Media Audiences for a Postmodern World'' (London & New York: Routledge). [Chapter 6 is titled 'Feminist Desire and Female Pleasure: On Janice Radway's ''Reading the Romance''']
;Ang, Ien, 1996. : ''Living Room Wars: Rethinking Media Audiences for a Postmodern World'' (London & New York: Routledge). [Chapter 6 is titled 'Feminist Desire and Female Pleasure: On Janice Radway's ''Reading the Romance''']
;Ardis, Ann. 1996. : "E. M. Hull, Mass Market Romance and the New Woman Novel in the Early Twentieth Century." ''Women's Writing'' 3, no. 3: 287-296. [http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~db=all~content=a746802875 Abstract]
;Arimbi, Diah Ariani, 2017. : "Women in Indonesian Popular Fiction: Romance, Beauty, and Identity Politics in ''Metropop'' Novels." ''Traditions Redirecting Contemporary Indonesian Cultural Productions''. Ed. Jan van der Putten, Monika Arnez, Edwin P. Wieringa and Arndt Graf. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2017. 247-271. [https://books.google.co.uk/books?hl=en&lr=lang_en&id=6sI3DwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA247&ots=HhXm4WHIxU&sig=G1jqDffTpkQVHkhHchs5sjMcfEw#v=onepage&q&f=false Excerpt]
;Armstrong, Jane, Liz Byrski and Helen Merrick, 2014. : "Love works: Reading and writing romance in the twenty-first century."  ''Australasian Journal of Popular Culture'' 3.3: 257-261.
;Arnold, Marilyn. 1981.: "Pornography, Romance, and the Paradox of Freedom." In ''Ye Are Free to Choose: Agency and the Latter-Day Saint Woman,'' ed. Maren M. Mouritsen. (Provo: Brigham Young Univ.): 50-62.
;Aronowitz, Beverly-Lynne, 1988. : 'Women's Fiction and Popular Romance: Student Audience and Teaching Dilemma', Paper presented at the Annual National Literature Conference (3rd, Chicago, IL, October 14-15, 1988). 32 pgs. ERIC document ED298525. [http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/Home.portal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=RecordDetails&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=ED298525&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=eric_accno&objectId=0900000b80044666 Abstract]
;Aronowitz, Beverly-Lynne, 1988. : 'Women's Fiction and Popular Romance: Student Audience and Teaching Dilemma', Paper presented at the Annual National Literature Conference (3rd, Chicago, IL, October 14-15, 1988). 32 pgs. ERIC document ED298525. [http://eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/Home.portal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=RecordDetails&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=ED298525&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=eric_accno&objectId=0900000b80044666 Abstract]
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;Aronowitz, Beverly-Lynne, 1991. : "The Dilemma of Teaching Women's Fiction: Is It Pop, Pulp, Porn-or Poetry?." ''Pennsylvania English'' 15.2: 1-20.
;Aronowitz, Beverly-Lynne, 1991. : "The Dilemma of Teaching Women's Fiction: Is It Pop, Pulp, Porn-or Poetry?." ''Pennsylvania English'' 15.2: 1-20.
;Assiter, Alison, 1988. : ‘Romance Fiction, Porn for Women?’, in ''Perspectives on Pornography: Sexuality in Film and Literature'', ed. Gary Day & Clive Bloom (New York: St. Martin’s), pp. 101-112.**
;Arvanitaki, Eirini, 2015. : "Gender in Recent Romance Novels: A Third Wave Feminist Mills and Boon Love Affair?", in ''Re/Presenting Gender and Love'', ed. Dikmen Yakalı Çamoğlu (Interdisciplinary Net). [http://www.inter-disciplinary.net/publishing/product/representing-gender-and-love/ Index of the book]
;Arvanitaki, Eirini, 2017. : "Postmillennial femininities in the popular romance novel." ''Journal of Gender Studies''. Published online: 28 Aug 2017. [http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09589236.2017.1368370 Abstract]
;Assiter, Alison, 1988. : ‘Romance Fiction: Porn for Women?’, in ''Perspectives on Pornography: Sexuality in Film and Literature'', ed. Gary Day & Clive Bloom (Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan), pp. 101-109.
;Ávila, Debbie Maria, 2014. : "Conflicting Images of Womanhood in the Novels of Alice Ogando." ''Cincinnati Romance Review'' 38: 245-259. [http://www.cromrev.com/volumes/vol38/CRR%20v38-A15%20Avila.pdf] ["The now largely forgotten Portuguese writer Alice Ogando (1900-1981)[...]'s feminist message is counterposed by her more formulaic romance novels, in which she upholds traditional images of femininity and of idealized marriage"]
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;Bach, Evelyn, 1997.:'Sheik Fantasies: Orientalism and Feminine Desire in the Desert Romance', ''Hecate'', 23.1: 9-40. [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb6655/is_n1_v23/ai_n28696255 Unpaginated version]
;Bach, Evelyn, 1997.:'Sheik Fantasies: Orientalism and Feminine Desire in the Desert Romance', ''Hecate'', 23.1: 9-40. [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb6655/is_n1_v23/ai_n28696255 Unpaginated version]
;Barrett, Rebecca Kaye, 2003. : ‘Higher Love: What Women Gain from Christian Romance Novels’, ''Journal of Religion and Popular Culture'', 4. [http://www.usask.ca/relst/jrpc/art4-higherlove.html]
;Badik, Victoria L., 1997. : "On Using Genre Fiction in Bibliotherapy", ''Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres'' 3.1-2: 242-245.
;Bailie, Helen T., 2011. : 'Blood Ties: The Vampire Lover in the Popular Romance', ''The Journal of American Culture'', 34.2: 141-48. [http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1542-734X.2011.00770.x/full Excerpt]
;Balducci, Federica, 2011. : “When chick lit meets romanzo rosa: Intertextual narratives in Stefania Bertola’s romantic fiction,” ''Journal of Popular Romance Studies'' 2.1.[http://jprstudies.org/2011/12/when-chick-lit-meets-romanzo-rosa-intertextual-narratives-in-stefania-bertola%E2%80%99s-romantic-fiction-by-federica-balducci/]
;Baldus, Kimberly, 2012. : 'Gossip, Liminality, and Erotic Display: Jennifer Crusie’s Links to Eighteenth-Century Amatory Fiction', ''Journal of Popular Romance Studies'' 2.2.[http://jprstudies.org/2012/04/gossip-liminality-and-erotic-display-jennifer-crusies-links-to-eighteenth-century-amatory-fiction-by-kimberly-baldus/]
;Baldys, Emily M., 2012. : 'Disabled Sexuality, Incorporated: The Compulsions of Popular Romance', ''Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies'' 6.2: 125-141.[http://liverpool.metapress.com/content/p5432n5p72675023/?p=e6c0e1bde814401c91c88b6dcb061c08&pi=1 Abstract and Excerpt]
;Banzon-Mooney, Isabela, 1997. : “‘Cinderella,’ ‘Snow White’ and Romance Fiction.” ''Journal of English Studies and Comparative Literature'' 2.1: 4-18. [http://www.journals.upd.edu.ph/index.php/jescl/article/viewfile/2472/2340].
;Barot, Len, 2016. : 'Queer Romance in Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century America: Snapshots of a Revolution', ''Romance Fiction and American Culture: Love as the Practice of Freedom?'' Ed. William A. Gleason and Eric Murphy Selinger (Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate), pp. 389-404.
;Barr, Elizabeth, 2013. : '“Who the devil wrote that?”: Intertextuality and Authorial Reputation in Georgette Heyer’s ''Venetia''',  ''Journal of Popular Romance Studies'' 3.2.[http://jprstudies.org/2013/06/who-the-devil-wrote-that-intertextuality-and-authorial-reputation-in-georgette-heyers-venetia-by-elizabeth-barr/] [Also available [http://jprstudies.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/JPRS3.2_Barr_Intertextuality.pdf as a pdf].]
;Barrett, Rebecca Kaye, 2003. : ‘Higher Love: What Women Gain from Christian Romance Novels’, ''Journal of Religion and Popular Culture'', 4. [http://utpjournals.metapress.com/content/484h263478158331/ Excerpt] [http://web.archive.org/web/20040301135012/http://www.usask.ca/relst/jrpc/art4-higherlove.html Archived version]
;Barrett-Fox, Rebecca, 2007. : 'Hope, Faith and Toughness: An Analysis of the Christian Hero.' in ''Empowerment versus Oppression: Twenty First Century Views of Popular Romance Novels.'' ed. Sally Goade, (Newcastle, U.K.:Cambridge Scholars Pub.) pp. 93-102.
;Barrett-Fox, Rebecca, 2007. : 'Hope, Faith and Toughness: An Analysis of the Christian Hero.' in ''Empowerment versus Oppression: Twenty First Century Views of Popular Romance Novels.'' ed. Sally Goade, (Newcastle, U.K.:Cambridge Scholars Pub.) pp. 93-102.
;Batsleer, Janet, 1981. : ‘Pulp in the Pink’, ''Spare Rib'', 109: 52-5. Repr. in Bob Ashley (ed.), ''Reading Popular Narrative: A Source Book'' (London: Leicester University Press, 1989), 217-22. **
;Barrett-Fox, Rebecca, 2016. : 'Christian Romance Novels: Inspiring Convention and Challenge', ''Romance Fiction and American Culture: Love as the Practice of Freedom?'' Ed. William A. Gleason and Eric Murphy Selinger (Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate), pp. 347-368.
;Batsleer, Janet, 1981. : ‘Pulp in the Pink’, ''Spare Rib'', 109: 52-5. [https://journalarchives.jisc.ac.uk/media_open/pdf/generated/sparerib/P.523_344_Issue109/PDF/P.523_344_Issue109_0052-0055_124.pdf Pdf available from the British Library] Repr. in Bob Ashley (ed.), ''The Study of Popular Fiction: A Source Book'' (London: Pinter, 1989), 206-12 and Bob Ashley (ed.) ''Reading Popular Narrative: A Source Book'' (London: Leicester University Press, 1989), 217-22.**
;Batsleer, Janet, Tony Davies, Rebecca O'Rourke and Chris Weedon, 1985. : ''Rewriting English: Cultural Politics of Gender and Class'' (London: Methuen). There are also [http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/12371238/editions?editionsView=true&referer=di a couple of other editions] of this book, both published by Routledge. The chapter with most relevance for this bibliography is Chapter 5, "Gender and Genre: Women's Stories," on pages 86-105. A partial preview of that chapter, in one of the Routledge editions, [http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=xH0MYhv6eGsC&pg=PP7&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=0_1#PPA86,M1 is available].
;Batsleer, Janet, Tony Davies, Rebecca O'Rourke and Chris Weedon, 1985. : ''Rewriting English: Cultural Politics of Gender and Class'' (London: Methuen). There are also [http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/12371238/editions?editionsView=true&referer=di a couple of other editions] of this book, both published by Routledge. The chapter with most relevance for this bibliography is Chapter 5, "Gender and Genre: Women's Stories," on pages 86-105. A partial preview of that chapter, in one of the Routledge editions, [http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=xH0MYhv6eGsC&pg=PP7&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=0_1#PPA86,M1 is available].
;Baum, Thomas, 2012. : "Working the Skies: Changing Representations of Gendered Work in the Airline Industry, 1930-2011." ''Tourism Management'' 33.5: 1185-1194. [This is mostly about work in the airline industry but it draws on one of Betty Beaty's romances and other works of fiction featuring flight attendants/air stewardesses] [http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2011.11.012 Abstract] and [http://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/34800/ Unpaginated version]
;Behm-Morawitz, Elizabeth, Melissa A. Click, and Jennifer Stevens Aubrey. 2010. : "Relating to Twilight: Fans' Responses to Love and Romance in the Vampire Franchise." In ''Bitten by Twilight: Youth Culture, Media, and the Vampire Franchise,'' 137-154. New York, NY: Peter Lang, 2010. [Also of interest may be Aubrey, Jennifer Stevens, Elizabeth Behm-Morawitz, and Melissa A. Click. 2010. "[http://journal.transformativeworks.org/index.php/twc/article/view/216/184 The romanticization of abstinence: Fan response to sexual restraint in the Twilight series]." ''Transformative Works and Cultures'' 5.]
;Beidler, Peter, 1991. : 'The Contemporary Indian Romance: A Review Essay', ''American Indian Culture and Research Journal'' 15.4: 97-125. ** [Brief details [http://aisc.metapress.com/content/3364826673xm74t7/ here] and [http://iportal.usask.ca/index.php?sid=601141574&id=14147&t=details here].]
;Bell, Kathleen, 1995. : 'Cross-dressing in Wartime: Georgette Heyer's ''[[The Corinthian]]'' in its 1940 Context'. ''War Culture: Social Change and Changing Experience in World War Two Britain'', Ed. Pat Kirkham and David Thoms (London: Lawrence and Wishart), 151-60. ** Reprinted in ''Georgette Heyer: A Critical Retrospective'', ed. Mary Fahnestock-Thomas (Saraland AL: Prinny World Press, 2001): 461-72. **
;Belsey, Catherine, 1993. : 'Writing About Desire', The Glasgow Review, 2. [http://www.arts.gla.ac.uk/SESLL/STELLA/COMET/glasgrev/issue2/belsey.htm#Title]
;Belsey, Catherine, 1993. : 'Writing About Desire', The Glasgow Review, 2. [http://www.arts.gla.ac.uk/SESLL/STELLA/COMET/glasgrev/issue2/belsey.htm#Title]
;Belsey, Catherine, 1994. : ''Desire; Love Stories in Western Culture.'' (Oxford: Blackwell). Chapter 2( Reading Love Stories) touches on popular romance. [http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/book.asp?ref=9780631168140 Abstract.]
;Belsey, Catherine, 1994. : ''Desire; Love Stories in Western Culture.'' (Oxford: Blackwell). Chapter 2 (Reading Love Stories) touches on popular romance. [http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0631168141.html Abstract.]
;Beidler, Peter G., 1991. : 'The Contemporary Indian Romance: A Review Essay', ''American Indian Culture and Research Journal '', 15.4:97-125.
;Beidler, Peter G., 1991. : 'The Contemporary Indian Romance: A Review Essay', ''American Indian Culture and Research Journal '', 15.4:97-125.
;Bettinotti, Julia, 1998. : 'Re-imagining the Gold Rush; Prospectors, Log Cabins and Mail-Order Brides in Contemporary Western Romances.' ''Northern Review,'' No. 19(Winter 1998): 170-180.
;Bennett-Kapusniak, Renee and Adriana McCleer, 2015. : "Love in the Digital Library: A Search for Racial Heterogeneity in E-Books." ''Journal of Popular Romance Studies'' 5.1.[http://jprstudies.org/2015/08/love-in-the-digital-library-a-search-for-racial-heterogeneity-in-e-booksby-renee-bennett-kapusniak-and-adriana-mccleer/]
;Benson, Stephen, 1996. : 'Stories of Love and Death: Reading and Writing the Fairy Tale Romance', ''Image & Power: Women in Fiction in the Twentieth Century'', ed. Sarah Sceats and Gail Cunningham, (New York: Longman), pp. 103-113. [Benson argues that "The formulaic nature of the popular romance - the generic stamp of Mills and Boon or Harlequin - could be said to have grown out of the structured, repetitive form of the folk tale" (105). The majority of this essay deals with the following tales: Cupid and Psyche; Beauty and the Beast; Bluebeard, and reworkings/reinterpretations of them by Angela Carter and Margaret Atwood.]
;Bereska, Tami M., 1994. : 'Adolescent Sexuality and the Changing Romance Novel Market', ''The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality'' 3: 35-44.**
;Bettinotti, Julia and Marie-Françoise Truel, 1997. : "Lust and Dust: Desert Fabula in Romances and Media." ''Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres'' 3.1-2: 184-194.
;Bettinotti, Julia, 1998. : 'Re-imagining the Gold Rush; Prospectors, Log Cabins and Mail-Order Brides in Contemporary Western Romances.' ''Northern Review,'' No. 19 (Winter 1998): 170-180.
;Betz, Phyllis M. 2009. : ''Lesbian romance novels: a history and critical analysis.'' Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co. [http://www.mcfarlandpub.com/book-2.php?id=978-0-7864-3836-5 Description from the publisher].
;Betz, Phyllis M. 2017. : ''Katherine V. Forrest: A Critical Appreciation''. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co. [See Chapter 2, "Diana and Lane: From Pulp to Passion" [https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=1uw8DgAAQBAJ&lpg=PP1&pg=PA85#v=onepage&q&f=false excerpt here]. ]
;Bhasin, Neeta, 2018. : "Romancing the 'Illegal' Immigrant", ''Journal of Literature and Art Studies'' 8.10: 1459-1474.[http://www.davidpublisher.org/Public/uploads/Contribute/5bda8da0a037a.pdf] [Focuses on Serena Bell's ''Yours to Keep''.]
;Bianchi, Diana and Adele d'Arcangelo, 2015. : 'Translating History or Romance? Historical Romantic Fiction and Its Translation in a Globalised Market', ''Linguistics and Literature Studies'' 3.5: 248-253.[http://www.hrpub.org/download/20150831/LLS8-19304470.pdf]
;Black, Jessica E., Stephanie C. Capps and Jennifer L. Barnes, 2017. : 'Fiction, Genre Exposure, and Moral Reality'. ''Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts''. [http://psycnet.apa.org/psycinfo/2017-19178-001/ Abstract] and [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jessica_Black5/publication/316317123_Fiction_Genre_Exposure_and_Moral_Reality/links/58fa206daca2723d79d601cc/Fiction-Genre-Exposure-and-Moral-Reality.pdf Pre-print version]
;Blake, Susan L., 2003. : 'What "Race" is the Sheik?: Rereading a Desert Romance', in ''Doubled Plots: Romance and History'', see below, pp. 67-85. [http://books.google.co.uk/books?hl=en&id=3B-byRPo2WMC&dq=&printsec=frontcover&source=web&ots=zfrthQL88T&sig=FmqFOK4wmlo_hHEUaGkJr9Qr9mI&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=1&ct=result#PPA67,M1 Via GoogleBooks][This is about E. M. Hull's ''The Sheik''.]
;Blake, Susan L., 2003. : 'What "Race" is the Sheik?: Rereading a Desert Romance', in ''Doubled Plots: Romance and History'', see below, pp. 67-85. [http://books.google.co.uk/books?hl=en&id=3B-byRPo2WMC&dq=&printsec=frontcover&source=web&ots=zfrthQL88T&sig=FmqFOK4wmlo_hHEUaGkJr9Qr9mI&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=1&ct=result#PPA67,M1 Via GoogleBooks][This is about E. M. Hull's ''The Sheik''.]
;Bold, Rudolph, 1980. : 'Trash in the Library', ''Library Journal'', 105.10: 1138-39.
;Blouin, Michael J., 2018. : ''Mass-Market Fiction and the Crisis of American Liberalism, 1972–2017''. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.[https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-89387-7] [See Chapter 3 on 'Danielle Steel and the New Home Economics' because Blouin refers to romance scholarship and describes Steel as "the undisputed master of the mass-market romance" (75). This is, however, disputed, both by many romance readers and by Steel herself, who has "insisted that her books aren't romantic fiction. 'They're not really about romance ... I really write more about the human condition,' she said. '[Romance] is an element in life but I think of romance novels as more of a category and I write about the situations we all deal with – loss and war and illness and jobs and careers, good things, bad things, crimes, whatever'." [https://www.theguardian.com/books/2010/sep/23/danielle-steel-romance-fiction-novels] ]
;Booth, Sandra, 1997. : "Paradox in Popular Romances of the 1990s: The Paranormal versus Feminist Humor." ''Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres'' 3.1-2: 94-106.
;Bly, Mary, 2012. : 'On Popular Romance, J. R. Ward, and the Limits of Genre Study,' ''New Approaches to Popular Romance Fiction: Critical Essays'', ed. Sarah S. G. Frantz and Eric Murphy Selinger (Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland), pp. 60-72.
;Bostian, Patricia Kennedy, 2008. : '[[Amanda Scott]]: Bringing History to Life', ''Teaching American Literature: A Journal of Theory and Practice'' 2.2/3.[http://www.teachingamericanlit.com/files/Microsoft_Word_-_ScottAmanda.pdf]
;Bold, Rudolph, 1980. : 'Trash in the Library', ''Library Journal'', 105.10: 1138-39.
;Botts, Amber, 1999. : 'Cavewoman Impulses: The Jungian Shadow Archetype in Popular Romantic Fiction', in ''Romantic Conventions'', see below, pp. 62-74.
;Booth, Naomi. 2015. : "Good Vibrations: Shaken Subjects and the Disintegrative Romance Heroine." ''In Women and Erotic Fiction: Critical Essays on Genres, Markets and Readers,'' 99-116. Jefferson, NC: McFarland
;Bowring, Joanna and Margaret O’Brien, 2008. : ''The Art of Romance: Mills & Boon and Harlequin Cover Designs'', (Munich: Prestel). [This has a short history of the companies and some descriptions of the covers and then the rest of the book consists of photos of Mills & Boon and Harlequin book covers.]
;Booth, Sandra, 1997. : "Paradox in Popular Romances of the 1990s: The Paranormal versus Feminist Humor." ''Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres'' 3.1-2: 94-106.
;Brackett, Kim Pettigrew, 2000. : "Facework Strategies Among Romance Fiction Readers", ''The Social Science Journal'', 37.3: 347-60.
;Borgia, Danielle N., 2011. : "''Twilight'': The Glamorization of Abuse, Codependency, and White Privilege." ''Journal of Popular Culture''. Article first published online: 21 SEP 2011 in "Early View." [http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com./doi/10.1111/j.1540-5931.2011.00872.x/abstract Excerpt]
;Breslin, Carol Ann, 1999. : 'Medieval Magic and Witchcraft in the Popular Romance Novel', in ''Romantic Conventions'', see below, pp. 75-85.
;Bostian, Patricia Kennedy, 2008. : '[[Amanda Scott]]: Bringing History to Life', ''Teaching American Literature: A Journal of Theory and Practice'' 2.2/3. [Formerly at [http://www.teachingamericanlit.com/files/Microsoft_Word_-_ScottAmanda.pdf]. This link no longer works and the paper appears to have been omitted from the pdf of the entire issue which can be downloaded from [http://www.cpcc.edu/taltp/archives/spring-summer-2008-2-2-3/spring_summer_2008_merged.pdf/at_download/file]].
;Brown, Fahamisha Patricia, 2008. : '[[Beverly Jenkins]]', ''Teaching American Literature: A Journal of Theory and Practice'' 2.2/3.[http://www.teachingamericanlit.com/files/Microsoft_Word_-_TALTP-JenkinsBeverlyuse.pdf]
;Botts, Amber, 1999. : 'Cavewoman Impulses: The Jungian Shadow Archetype in Popular Romantic Fiction', in ''Romantic Conventions'', see below, pp. 62-74.
;Brown, Fahamisha Patricia, 2008. : '[[Anita Richmond Bunkley]]', ''Teaching American Literature: A Journal of Theory and Practice'' 2.2/3.[http://www.teachingamericanlit.com/files/Microsoft_Word_-_TALTP-BunkleyAnita.pdf]
;Bowman, Barbara. 1983. : "Victoria Holt's Gothic Romances: A Structuralist Inquiry." In Fleenor, Julian E. (ed.)''The Female Gothic,'' 69-81. Montreal: Eden.
;Brunt, Rosalind., 1984. : 'Career in Love: The Romantic World of Barbara Cartland.' in ''Popular Fiction and Social Change.'' ed. Christopher Pawling , (New York: St Martin's), pp. 127-156.  
;Bowring, Joanna and Margaret O’Brien, 2008. : ''The Art of Romance: Mills & Boon and Harlequin Cover Designs'', (Munich: Prestel). [This has a short history of the companies and some descriptions of the covers and then the rest of the book consists of photos of Mills & Boon and Harlequin book covers, many of which can be viewed [http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/features/mills-amp-boon--a-literary-love-affair-835616.html?action=Popup&ino=1 here], and there are smaller selections [http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/gallery/2008/nov/27/mills-and-boon-covers?picture=340129693 here] and [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/donotmigrate/3558711/Mills-and-Boon-the-art-of-love.html here].]
;Bryce, Jane, 1996. : "'A World of Caribbean Romance' Reformulating the Legend of Love or: 'Can a Caress Be Culturally Specific?'." in ''Framing the Word: Gender and Genre in Caribbean Women's Writing.'' Ed. Joan Anim-Addo (London: Whiting and Birch), pp. 108-127.
;Brackett, Kim Pettigrew, 2000. : "Facework Strategies Among Romance Fiction Readers", ''The Social Science Journal'', 37.3: 347-60.
;Burley, Stephanie, 1999. : "Shadows and Silhouettes: The Racial Politics of Category Romance." ''Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres'' 5.13-14: 324-343.
;Bradford, Clare, 2013. : "Monsters: Monstrous Identities in Young Adult Romance", ''(Re)Imagining the World: Children’s Literature’s Response to Changing Times'', ed Yan Wu, Kerry Mallan and Roderick McGillis. Heidelberg: Springer. 115-125. [https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=OVtEAAAAQBAJ&lpg=PP1&pg=PA115#v=onepage&q&f=false Excerpt] and [https://www.academia.edu/10607961/Monsters_Monstrous_Identities_in_Young_Adult_romance unpaginated version]
;Burley, Stephanie, 2003. : 'What's a Nice Girl like You Doing in a Book like This?: Homoerotic Reading and Popular Romance', in ''Doubled Plots: Romance and History'', see below, pp. 127-46. **
;Breslin, Carol Ann, 1999. : 'Medieval Magic and Witchcraft in the Popular Romance Novel', in ''Romantic Conventions'', see below, pp. 75-85. [http://books.google.com/books?id=Ja_Ia-oZo4wC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA85#v=onepage&q=&f=false Excerpt]
;Burnett, Ann, & Rhea Reinhardt Beto, 2000. : ‘Reading Romance Novels: An Application of Parasocial Relationship Theory’, ''North Dakota Journal of Speech & Theatre'', 13. [http://www2.edutech.nodak.edu/ndsta/beto.htm]
;Bronstein, Carolyn, 2014. : 'The Political Uses of Lesbian Romance Fiction: Reading Patrick Califia’s ''Macho Sluts'' as a Response to 1980s Anti-Pornography Feminism', ''Journal of Popular Romance Studies'' 4.1.[http://jprstudies.org/2014/02/the-political-uses-of-lesbian-romance-fiction-reading-patrick-califias-macho-sluts-as-a-response-to-1980s-anti-pornography-feminismby-carolyn-bronstein/]
;Brouillette, Sarah, 2019. : "Romance Work." ''Theory & Event'' 22.2, pp. 451-464. [https://muse.jhu.edu/article/722834/pdf Abstract]
;Cadogan, Mary, 1994. : ''And Then Their Hearts Stood Still: An Exuberant Look at Romantic Fiction Past and Present'' (London: Macmillan).
;Brown, Fahamisha Patricia, 2008. : '[[Beverly Jenkins]]', ''Teaching American Literature: A Journal of Theory and Practice'' 2.2/3. [Formerly at [http://www.teachingamericanlit.com/files/Microsoft_Word_-_TALTP-JenkinsBeverlyuse.pdf]. This link no longer works but a pdf of the entire issue can be downloaded from [http://www.cpcc.edu/taltp/archives/spring-summer-2008-2-2-3/spring_summer_2008_merged.pdf/at_download/file]].
;Calhoun-French, Diane M. 2000. : "Of Love and Death: Murder and Mayhem Meet the Romance." ''Clues: A Journal of Detection'', 21.1: 1-16.
;Brown, Fahamisha Patricia, 2008. : '[[Anita Richmond Bunkley]]', ''Teaching American Literature: A Journal of Theory and Practice'' 2.2/3. [Formerly at [http://www.teachingamericanlit.com/files/Microsoft_Word_-_TALTP-BunkleyAnita.pdf]. This link no longer works but a pdf of the entire issue can be downloaded from [http://www.cpcc.edu/taltp/archives/spring-summer-2008-2-2-3/spring_summer_2008_merged.pdf/at_download/file]].
;Calhoun-French, Diane M., 1999. : 'Time-Travel and Related Phenomena in Contemporary Popular Romance Fiction', in ''Romantic Conventions'', see below, pp. 100-12.
;Brown, Sonya C., 2011. : 'Does This Book Make Me Look Fat?', ''Journal of Popular Romance Studies'' 1.2 [http://jprstudies.org/2011/03/does-this-book-make-me-look-fat/] ["Analysis of the text of several examples of plus-size romances, as well as of readers’ posts and arguments, ultimately reveals deep ambivalence about size acceptance, real and fictional."]
;Capelle, Annick, 1996. : 'Harlequin Romances in Western Europe: The Cultural Interactions of Romantic Literature', in ''European Readings of American Popular Culture'', ed. John Dean & Jean-Paul Gabilliet (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press), pp. 91-100. ** [http://www.questia.com/read/27210141?title=8%3a%20Harlequin%20Romances%20in%20Western%20Europe%3a%0AThe%20Cultural%20Interactions%20of%20Romantic%0ALiterature Excerpt 1], [http://www.questia.com/read/27210149?title=NOTES Excerpt 2]
;Brunt, Rosalind, 1984. : 'A Career in Love: The Romantic World of Barbara Cartland.' in ''Popular Fiction and Social Change.'' ed. Christopher Pawling, (New York: St Martin's), pp. 127-156.
;Castagna, JoAnn and Robin Radespiel, 1990. : 'Making Rape Romantic: A Study of [[Rosemary Rogers]]' "Steve and Ginny" Novels', in ''Women and Violence in Literature: An Essay Collection'', ed. Katherine Anne Ackley (New York : Garland). **
;Bryce, Jane, 1996. : "'A World of Caribbean Romance' Reformulating the Legend of Love or: 'Can a Caress Be Culturally Specific?'." in ''Framing the Word: Gender and Genre in Caribbean Women's Writing.'' Ed. Joan Anim-Addo (London: Whiting and Birch), pp. 108-127. **
;Cawelti, John G. 1976. : ''Adventure, Mystery, and Romance: Formula Stories as Art and Popular Culture'' (Chicago: University of Chicago Press).
;Burge, Amy, 2012. : “Do Knights Still Rescue Damsels in Distress?: Reimagining the Medieval in the Mills & Boon Historical Romance,” ''The Female Figure in Contemporary Historical Fiction ,'' ed. Katherine Cooper and Emma Short (Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 95-114. [http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=514500 Details] [http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=YrVtUTUmlC8C&lpg=PA95&pg=PA95#v=onepage&q&f=false Excerpt]
;Chappel, Deborah K., 1997. : 'La Vyrle Spencer and the Anti-Essentialist Argument.' ''Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres'' 3.1-2:107-120
;Burge, Amy, 2014. : "‘For you are a man and she is a maid’: Performing masculinity in Orientalist medieval and modern popular romance fiction." ''Journal of European Popular Culture'' 5.2: 89-103. [http://www.intellectbooks.co.uk/journals/view-Article,id=18830/ Abstract]
;Charles, Helen, 1995. : '(Not) Compromising: Inter-Skin Colour Relations', in ''Romance Revisited'' , ed. Jackie Stacey and Lynne Pearce (New York: New York UP), pp. 197-209. [The author says that she looks at 'inter-skin colour relations in the television programme Taboo (1993) along with Barbara Burford's novella, The Threshing Floor (1986) and Ann Allen Shockley's The Mistress and the Slave Girl (1987)'.]
;Burge, Amy, 2016. : ''Representing Difference in the Medieval and Modern Orientalist Romance''. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. [http://www.palgrave.com/page/detail/representing-difference-in-the-medieval-and-modern-orientalist-romance-amy-burge/?sf1=barcode&st1=9781137601315 Abstract and Table of Contents]
;Chelton, Mary K., 1991. : 'Unrestricted Body Parts and Predictable Bliss: The Audience Appeal of Formula Romances.' '' Library Journal'' 116.12: 44-49.
;Burge, Amy, 2016. : "‘I Will Cut Myself and Smear Blood on the Sheet’: Testing Virginity in Medieval and Modern Orientalist Romance." ''Virgin Envy: The Cultural Insignificance of the Hymen''. Ed. Jonathan A. Allan, Cristina Santos, and Adriana Spahr. London: Zed. 17-44. [http://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/files/30097013/Virgin_Envy_chapter_pre_proof.pdf Pre-print version]
;Chen, Eva Y.I., 2007. : 'Forms of Pleasure in the Reading of Popular Romance:Psychic and Cultural Dimensions.' in ''Empowerment versus Oppression: Twenty First Century Views of Popular Romance Novels.'' ed. Sally Goade, (Newcastle, U.K.:Cambridge Scholars Pub.) pp. 30-41.
;Burley, Stephanie, 2000. : "Shadows and Silhouettes: The Racial Politics of Category Romance." ''Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres'' 5.13-14: 324-343.
;Chopra, Radhika, 1995. : 'Wanted Men: Imaging the Hero in Popular Romantic Fiction' in ''Perspectives on Women: Canada and India'', ed. Aparna Basu (Bombay: Allied Publishers). **
;Burley, Stephanie, 2003. : 'What's a Nice Girl like You Doing in a Book like This?: Homoerotic Reading and Popular Romance', in ''Doubled Plots: Romance and History'', see below, pp. 127-46. [http://books.google.com/books?id=3B-byRPo2WMC&dq=&printsec=frontcover&source=bl&ots=zfstjNM05P&sig=DTg9qdbOWddx4BwwPEZa4SUuHY0&hl=en&ei=_bnwSfmDMYKUjAfvlPW_DA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4#PPA127,M1 Excerpt]
;Chopra, Radhika, 1998. : "Whose Face Do I See?: Anonymity and Authorship in Popular Romances." ''Indian Journal of Gender Studies'' 5.2: 185-200. **
;Burnett, Ann, & Rhea Reinhardt Beto, 2000. : ‘Reading Romance Novels: An Application of Parasocial Relationship Theory’, ''North Dakota Journal of Speech & Theatre'', 13. [http://www2.edutech.nodak.edu/ndsta/beto.htm]
;Christian-Smith, Linda K., 1987. : 'Gender, Popular Culture, and Curriculum - Adolescent Romance Novels as Gender Text', ''Curriculum Inquiry'', 17.4:365-406.
;Butler, Lucy. 2014. : "After Happy Ever: Tender Extremities and Tangled Selves in Three Australasian Bluebeard Tales." ''Journal Of Popular Romance Studies'' 4, no. 2: [http://jprstudies.org/2014/10/after-happy-ever-tender-extremities-and-tangled-selves-in-three-australasian-bluebeard-talesby-lucy-butler/]
;Christian-Smith, Linda K., 1990. : ''Becoming a Woman Through Romance'' (New York; London: Routledge).
;Byatt, A.S. 1991. : "An Honourable Escape: [[Georgette Heyer]]." in ''Passions of the Mind: Selected writings.'' London: Chatto & Windus. 258-265.
;Clancy, Kim, 1992. :"Tania Modleski, Loving with a Vengeance: Mass-Produced Fantasies for Women." in ''Reading into Cultural Studies.'' Ed. Martin Barker and Anne Beezer, (London: Routledge) pp. 119-133.
;Clark, Beverly Lyon; Bernier, Karen Gennari; Henneberry-Nassau, Michelle; Jenks, Lauren Beth; Moorman, Angie J.; Rhoades, Marah Bianca, 1996. : 'Reading Romance, Reading Ourselves', ''The Centennial Review'', 40.2: 359-84.
;Cabrera, Christine and Amy Dana Ménard, 2012. : “'She Exploded into a Million Pieces': A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Orgasms in Contemporary Romance Novels.” ''Sexuality & Culture'', Online First™, 10 July 2012. [http://www.springerlink.com/content/a766072ur506053r/?MUD=MP Details]
;Clawson, Laura, 2005. : 'Cowboys and Schoolteachers: Gender in Romance Novels, Secular and Christian', ''Sociological Perspectives'', 48.4: 461-79. [http://caliber.ucpress.net/doi/abs/10.1525/sop.2005.48.4.461 Abstract][http://www.dartmouth.edu/~socy/Cowboys%20and%20Schoolteachers.pdf PDF]
;Cadogan, Mary, 1994. : ''And Then Their Hearts Stood Still: An Exuberant Look at Romantic Fiction Past and Present'' (London: Macmillan).
;Cockin, Katharine, 2007. : "Chicks and Lads in Contemporary Fiction." ''Anglistik und Englischunterricht'', issue on Teaching Contemporary British Fiction, 69: 107-123. [http://www.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/tocs/184436214.pdf Index page only, as pdf.]
;Calhoun-French, Diane M., 1987. : '"New" Women in Old Stories: Silhouette "Intimate Moments"', in ''Heroines of Popular Culture'', ed. Pat Browne (Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green State University Popular Press), pp. 114-119. [http://books.google.com/books?id=6IWjPVqk1nIC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA115#v=onepage&q=&f=false Pages 115], [http://books.google.com/books?id=6IWjPVqk1nIC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA116#v=onepage&q=&f=false 116] and [http://books.google.com/books?id=6IWjPVqk1nIC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA119#v=onepage&q=&f=false 119] are available for viewing via Google Books.
;Coddington, Lynn, 1997. : "Wavering Between Worlds: Feminist Influences in the Romance Genre." ''Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres'' 3.1-2: 58-77.
;Calhoun-French, Diane M. 2000. : "Of Love and Death: Murder and Mayhem Meet the Romance." ''Clues: A Journal of Detection'', 21.1: 1-16.
;Cohn, Jan, 1977. : 'The Romances of Mary Roberts Rinehart: Some Problems in the Study of Popular Culture', ''Journal of Popular Culture'', 11.3: 581-590.
;Calhoun-French, Diane M., 1999. : 'Time-Travel and Related Phenomena in Contemporary Popular Romance Fiction', in ''Romantic Conventions'', see below, pp. 100-12. [http://books.google.com/books?id=Ja_Ia-oZo4wC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA100#v=onepage&q=&f=false Excerpt]
;Cohn, Jan, 1988. : Romance and the Erotics of Property: Mass-Market Fiction for Women (Durham and London: Duke UP). [http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5634004 Contents page and excerpts]
;Capelle, Annick, 1996. : 'Harlequin Romances in Western Europe: The Cultural Interactions of Romantic Literature', in ''European Readings of American Popular Culture'', ed. John Dean & Jean-Paul Gabilliet (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press), pp. 91-100. ** [http://www.questia.com/read/27210141?title=8%3a%20Harlequin%20Romances%20in%20Western%20Europe%3a%0AThe%20Cultural%20Interactions%20of%20Romantic%0ALiterature Excerpt 1], [http://www.questia.com/read/27210149?title=NOTES Excerpt 2]
;Coles, Claire D., and M. Johnna Shamp, 1984. : “Some Sexual, Personality, and Demographic Characteristics of Women Readers of Erotic Romances.” ''Archives of Sexual Behavior'' 13.3: 187-209.
;Carroll, Noël, 1994. : 'The Paradox of Junk Fiction', ''Philosophy and Literature'' 18.2: 225-241. [This isn't specifically about romance, but it refers to [[Betty Neels]]'s ''[[The Quiet Professor]]''. Excerpt and some comments on it are available [http://www.racyromancereviews.com/2010/02/07/monday-morning-stepback-is-there-a-paradox-of-junk-fiction/ here] if you scroll down to item 3.]
;Cook, Jon, 1988. : “Fictional Fathers.” Sweet Dreams: Sexuality, Gender and Popular Fiction. Ed. Susannah Radstone. (London: Lawrence & Wishart), pp. 137-64. [http://www.questiaschool.com/read/112042341?title=Fictional%20Fathers First page.]
;Carter, Catherine, 2008. : "Poverty, Payment, Power: [[Kathleen Thompson Norris]] and Popular Romance." ''Studies in American Fiction'' 36.2: 197-220. [http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-37127806_ITM Excerpt] and [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb6410/is_2_36/ai_n31464594/ Unpaginated version].
;Coward, Rosalind, 1984. : 'An Overwhelming Desire', in ''Female Desire: Women’s Sexuality Today'' (London: Paladin Grafton Books), pp. 187-196. [This is the chapter which focuses on the romance.]
;Castagna, JoAnn and Robin Radespiel, 1990. : 'Making Rape Romantic: A Study of [[Rosemary Rogers]]' "Steve and Ginny" Novels', in ''Women and Violence in Literature: An Essay Collection'', ed. Katherine Anne Ackley (New York : Garland). **
;Crane, Lynda L., 1994. : 'Romance Novel Readers: in Search of Feminist Change?', ''Women's Studies'', 23.3: 257-69.
;Caton, Steven C., 2000. : “''The Sheik'': Instabilities of Race and Gender in Transatlantic Popular Culture of the Early 1920s.” ''Noble Dreams, Wicked Pleasures: Orientalism in America, 1870-1930''. Ed. Holly Edwards. Princeton: Princeton UP. 99-117. **
;Crawford, Mary, 1994. : 'Rethinking the Romance: Teaching the Content and Function of Gender Stereotypes in the Psychology of Women Course', ''Teaching of Psychology'', 21: 151-153. [http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=93953013 Fragment of Article] **
;Cawelti, John G. 1976. : ''Adventure, Mystery, and Romance: Formula Stories as Art and Popular Culture'' (Chicago: University of Chicago Press).
;Creed, Barbara, 1984. : 'The Woman's Romance as Sexual Fantasy: Mills & Boon', in ''All Her Labours II: Embroidering the framework'', ed. Margaret Allen, Jean Blackburn, Carol Johnson, Margaret King and Alison Mackinnon (Sydney: Hale and Iremonger). **
;Cawelti, John. 1978. : "Romance: The Once and Future Queen." ''The Wilson Quarterly'' 2.3: 102-109. [http://www.jstor.org/stable/40255458 Excerpt]
;Creed, Barbara, 2003. : ''Media Matrix: Sexing the New Reality'' (Crows Nest, N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin). [http://www.latrobe.edu.au/screeningthepast/reviews/rev_18/TCbr18a.html review here] [http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=105157323 Contents page and excerpts] [contains a chapter on Mills & Boon romances, titled 'Mills & Boon dot com: The beast in the bedroom']
;Cella, Laurie J. C., 2019. : ''The Personal and the Political in American Working-Class Literature, 1850-1939: Defining the Radical Romance''. (Lanham, Maryland: Lexington). [https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=BJepDwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false Excerpt] [Cella "make[s] the case that working-class women, in history and in literature, constructed romance narratives in which they were the heroines, reveled in the adventures created by Laura Jean Libbey, and celebrated their new entry in the working world" (5)]
;[[Jennifer Crusie|Crusie, Jennifer]], 1997. : ‘Romancing Reality: The Power of Romance Fiction to Reinforce and Re-Vision the Real’, [http://www.jennycrusie.com/essays/romancingreality.php], first published in ''Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres'', 3.1-2: 81-93.
;Chandra, Elizabeth, 2015. : "Blossoming Dahlia: Chinese Women Novelists in Colonial Indonesia", ''Southeast Asian Studies'' 4.3: 533-564.[http://repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2433/203093/1/sas_4_3_533.pdf]
;[[Jennifer Crusie|Crusie Smith, Jennifer]], 1999. : 'This Is Not Your Mother's Cinderella: The Romance Novel as Feminist Fairy Tale', in ''Romantic Conventions'', see below, pp. 51-61. [http://www.jennycrusie.com/essays/thisisnotyourmothers.php]
;Chant, Ian, 2013. : "Popular Romance Project Unites Writers, Scholars, Fans." ''Library Journal'' 138.17:52-52.[http://lj.libraryjournal.com/2013/09/publishing/popular-romance-project-connects-readers-writers-scholars-and-libraries/]
;Curthoys, Ann, and John Docker, 1990. : 'Popular Romance in the Postmodern Age. And an Unknown Australian Author', ''Continuum: The Australian Journal of Media & Culture'', 4.1.[http://wwwmcc.murdoch.edu.au/ReadingRoom/4.1/Curthoys.html]
;Chappel, Deborah K., 1997. : 'LaVyrle Spencer and the Anti-Essentialist Argument.' ''Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres'' 3.1-2:107-120
;Chappel Traylor, Deborah, 2014. : "To My Mentor, Jan Radway, With Love." ''Journal of Popular Romance Studies'' 4.2.[http://jprstudies.org/2014/10/to-my-mentor-jan-radway-with-loveby-deborah-chappel-traylor/]
;Daly, Brenda O. 1989. : 'Laughing WITH, or Laughing AT the Young-Adult Romance', ''The English Journal'', 78.6: 50-60.  
;Charles, Helen, 1995. : '(Not) Compromising: Inter-Skin Colour Relations', in ''Romance Revisited'' , ed. Jackie Stacey and Lynne Pearce (New York: New York UP), pp. 197-209. [The author says that she looks at 'inter-skin colour relations in the television programme Taboo (1993) along with Barbara Burford's novella, The Threshing Floor (1986) and Ann Allen Shockley's The Mistress and the Slave Girl (1987)'.]
;Dandridge, Rita B., 2003. : 'The Race, Gender, Romance Connection: A Black Feminist Reading of African American Women's Historical Romances', in ''Doubled Plots: Romance and History'', see below, pp. 185-???. **
;Charles, John, & Linz, Cathie, 2005. : 'Romancing Your Readers: How Public Libraries Can Become More Romance Reader Friendly', ''Public Libraries'' 44.1 (January/February): 43–48. [http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/pla/plapublications/publiclibraries/janfeb2005.pdf Whole issue available as a pdf.]
;Dandridge, Rita B., 2004. : ''Black Women's Activism: Reading African American Women's Historical Romances'', African-American Literature and Culture, 5 (New York: Peter Lang). [http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=106433704 Index and extracts]
;Chelton, Mary K., 1991. : 'Unrestricted Body Parts and Predictable Bliss: The Audience Appeal of Formula Romances.' ''Library Journal'' 116.12: 44-49.
;Darbyshire, Peter, 2000. : ‘Romancing the World: [[Harlequin]] Romances, the Capitalist Dream, and the Conquest of Europe and Asia’, ''Studies in Popular Culture'' 23.1 [http://www.pcasacas.org/SPC/spcissues/23.1/darbyshire.htm]
;Chelton, Mary K., 2015. : 'Readers' Advisory: There Seem to be More SEALs in Romance Fiction than in the US Navy, and if so, Why Does it Matter?' ''Reference & User Services Quarterly'' 55.1: 21-24. [https://www.journals.ala.org/rusq/article/view/5794 Abstract]
;Darbyshire, Peter, 2002. : ‘The Politics of Love: [[Harlequin]] Romances and the Christian Right’, ''Journal of Popular Culture'' (Popular Culture Center, Bowling Green State Univ., OH) (35:4) [Spring 2002]: 75-87.
;Chelton, Mary K., 2018. : “Searching for Birth Parents or Adopted Children: Finding without Seeking in Romance Novels”, ''Reference & User Services Quarterly'' 57.4: 266-273. [https://journals.ala.org/index.php/rusq/article/view/6704 Abstract and link to pdf].  
;Davis, Sara N., : 'Values and the Romance Novel: Journeys of the Reader', in ''Education, Arts and Morality: Creative Journeys'', ed. Doris B. Wallace (no publication details available [http://www.springerlink.com/content/p117u4m521658t82/?p=cff70741729244d0828f5b65af2b3e0a&pi=2 here]), pp. 45-62. [http://books.google.com/books?id=VjaK5lke2BUC&pg=PA45&dq=%22values+and+the+romance+novel%22&sig=LMnmHha92Ijpdlb5tll8XuTo7us Excerpt]** [This paper "examines the ways in which reader responses are constructed in dialogue with cultural discourses. These provide the context when students read romance novels. Readers enter the process with many negative evaluations of romance novels which conflict with other prevalent discourses valuing romance for women."]
;Chen, Eva Y.I., 2007. : 'Forms of Pleasure in the Reading of Popular Romance:Psychic and Cultural Dimensions.' in ''Empowerment versus Oppression: Twenty First Century Views of Popular Romance Novels.'' ed. Sally Goade, (Newcastle, U.K.:Cambridge Scholars Pub.) pp. 30-41.
;Diekman, A. B., McDonald, M., & Gardner, W. L., 2000. : 'Love Means Never Having To Be Careful: The Relationship Between Reading Romance Novels and Safe Sex Behavior', ''Psychology of Women Quarterly'', 24.2: 179 - 188. [http://serials.cib.unibo.it/cgi-ser/start/it/spogli/df-s.tcl?prog_art=3106218&language=ITALIANO&view=articoli Abstract] **
;Cherniak, Mariia, and Stephen Lovell. 2005. : "Russian Romantic Fiction." In ''Reading for Entertainment in Contemporary Russia: Post-Soviet Popular Literature in Historical Perspective,'' 151-172. Munich, Germany: Sagner, 2005.
;Dillon, George L., 2007. : 'The Genres Speak; Using Large Corpora to Profile Generic Registers.' ''Journal of Literary Semantics,'' 36.2: 159-187. Part II looks at romance fiction. [http://www.msh-reseau.prd.fr/RevuesSom/detailrevue.jsp?Drevue=%22Journalx032;ofx032;literaryx032;semantics%22 Abstract available via this page]
;Chess, Shira, 2014. : 'Strange Bedfellows: Subjectivity, Romance, and Hidden Object Video Games', ''Games and Culture''. Online First, 4 August 2014. [http://gac.sagepub.com/content/early/2014/08/01/1555412014544904.abstract Abstract]
;Dixon, jay, 1999. : ''The Romance Fiction of [[Mills and Boon|Mills & Boon]] 1909-1990s'' (London: UCL Press). [http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/1857282663/ref=sib_rdr_toc/103-7667421-4472612?%5Fencoding=UTF8&p=S00A&j=0#reader-page Contents page and excerpt]
;Cheyne, Ria, 2013. : "Disability Studies Reads the Romance." ''Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies'' 7.1: 37-52. [http://liverpool.metapress.com/content/784053x67tk33042/?p=b7f1bc6ef8a5466f8f2e27d703feef35&pi=2 Abstract and Excerpt] The next entry is a slightly revised version of the same article.
;[http://www.upress.state.ms.us/books/278 Doubled Plots: Romance and History], 2003. : eds. Susan Strehle and Mary Paniccia Carden (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi).
;Cheyne, Ria, 2017. : "Disability Studies Reads the Romance: Sexuality, Prejudice, and the Happily-Ever-After in the Work of Mary Balogh." ''Culture - Theory – Disability: Encounters between Disability Studies and Cultural Studies''. Ed. Anne Waldschmidt, Hanjo Berressem and Moritz Ingwersen. Bielefeld, Germany: Transcript. 201-216.[https://www.degruyter.com/downloadpdf/books/9783839425336/9783839425336-012/9783839425336-012.pdf]
;Douglas, Ann, 1980. : 'Soft-Porn Culture: Punishing the Liberated Woman.' ''The New Republic'' Vol.183, No.9 (August 30, 1980): 25-29.
;Chivers, Marian, Lesley Speed and Meg Tasker, 2014. : 'The warrior woman in Harlequin’s Bombshell Athena Force series.' ''Australasian Journal of Popular Culture'' 3.3: 335-349. [http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/intellect/ajpc/2014/00000003/00000003/art00008 Abstract]
;Doyle, Marsha Vanderford, 1985. : "The Rhetoric of Romance: A Fantasy Theme Analysis of Barbara Cartland Novels." ''Southern Speech Communication Journal'' 51: 24-48.
;Chopra, Radhika, 1995. : 'Wanted Men: Imaging the Hero in Popular Romantic Fiction' in ''Perspectives on Women: Canada and India'', ed. Aparna Basu (Bombay: Allied Publishers). **
;Dubino, Jeanne. 1993. : “The Cinderella Complex: Romance Fiction, Patriarchy, and Capitalism.''Journal of Popular Culture'', 27.3: 103-118.
;Chopra, Radhika, 1998. : "Whose Face Do I See?: Anonymity and Authorship in Popular Romances." ''Indian Journal of Gender Studies'' 5.2: 185-200. [http://ijg.sagepub.com/content/5/2/185.extract Excerpt]
;Duder, C. J. D., 1991. : “Love and the Lions: The Image of White Settlement in Kenya in Popular Fiction, 1919-1939.” ''African Affairs'', 90.360: 427-38. [http://www.jstor.org/pss/722940 First page.]
;Chow, Karen. 1999. : “Popular Sexual Knowledges and Women’s Agency in 1920s England: Marie Stopes’s ''Married Love'' and E.M. Hull’s ''The Sheik''.” ''Feminist Review'' 63: 64-87. [http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/1395588?uid=3738032&uid=2129&uid=2&uid=70&uid=4&sid=21101621560467 Excerpt]
;Dudovitz, Resa L., 1990. : ''The Myth of Superwoman: Women's Bestsellers in France and the United States.'' (New York: Routledge). Chapter 4 is 'The boundary between the romance and the bestseller: Harlequins, historical novels and family.'
;Christian-Smith, Linda K., 1987. : 'Gender, Popular Culture, and Curriculum - Adolescent Romance Novels as Gender Text', ''Curriculum Inquiry'', 17.4:365-406.
;Christian-Smith, Linda K., 1988. : "Romancing the girl : adolescent romance novels and the construction of femininity." in ''Becoming Feminine: The Politics of Popular Culture.'' Ed. by Roman, Leslie G., Linda K. Christian-Smith, and Elizabeth Ann Ellsworth (London: Falmer Press) pp. ?
;Ebert, Teresa L., 1988. : 'The Romance of Patriarchy: Ideology, Subjectivity, and Postmodern Feminist Cultural Theory', ''Cultural Critique'', 10: 19-57.
;Christian-Smith, Linda K., 1990. : ''Becoming a Woman Through Romance'' (New York; London: Routledge).
;Edmondson, Belinda, 2007.: 'The Black romance.' " ''Women's Studies Quarterly''  35.1/2: 191-211.
;Christian-Smith, Linda K., 1993. : "Voices of Resistance: Young Women Readers of Romance Fiction." in ''Beyond Silenced Voices: Class, Race, and Gender in United States Schoools,'' Ed. by Lois Wies and Michelle Fine (Albany: State University of New York Press) pp. 169-189. [http://www.questiaschool.com/read/102485745?title=Chapter%20Eight%3A%20Voices%20of%20Resistance%3A%20Young%20Women%20Readers%20of%20Romance%20Fiction Excerpt]
;Eike, Ann M., 1986. : ‘An Investigation of the Market for Paperback Romance Novels’, ''Journal of Cultural Economics'', 10:1: 25-36.  
;Christian-Smith, Linda K., 1993. : 'Sweet Dreams: Gender and Desire in Teen Romance Novels', ''Texts of Desire: Essays on Fiction, Femininity and Schooling'', ed. Linda Christian-Smith. (London: Falmer), pp. 45-68. **
;Ehnenn, Jill, 1998. : 'Desperately Seeking Susan Among the Trash: Reinscription, Subversion and Visibility in the Lesbian Romance Novel', ''Atlantis'', special issue on "Sexualities and Feminisms",  23.1: 120-127. [http://www.msvu.ca/atlantis/frame/volumes.htm?http://www.msvu.ca/atlantis/vol/abstract/23.1ab.htm Abstract]
;Christian-Smith, Linda K., 1994. : "Young Women and Their Dream Lovers: Sexuality in Adolescent Fiction." in ''Sexual Cultures and the Construction of Adolescent Identities.'' Ed. Janice M. Irvine (Philadelphia : Temple University Press) pp. 206-227. [http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=eDLiD6b2_8YC&pg=PA206&lpg=PA206&dq=&source=bl&ots=SG7oeeMuvj&sig=DHa1xEB4TYd3Hx5_HGQm6WyMbT0&hl=en&ei=9DRnSqHDOJqOjAfQ7aGcAQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1 Excerpt]
;Emrys, A. B., 1994. : "Magic Regencies: How Fantasy Forms a Hybrid." ''Popular Culture Review'' 5.1: 85-93.
;Clancy, Kim, 1992. :"Tania Modleski, Loving with a Vengeance: Mass-Produced Fantasies for Women." in ''Reading into Cultural Studies.'' Ed. Martin Barker and Anne Beezer, (London: Routledge) pp. 119-133. [http://books.google.com/books?id=JC0OAAAAQAAJ&lpg=PP1&dq=&pg=PA120#v=onepage&q&f=false Excerpt] and [http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=mqFVv9yADb4C&lpg=PP1&ots=f5OnjOYEPv&dq=%&pg=PA119#v=onepage&q&f=false another excerpt.]
;Engler, Sandra, 2005. :'' "A Career's Wonderful, but Love is More Wonderful Still" : Femininity and Masculinity in the Fiction of Mills & Boon.'' Tübingen: Francke.
;Clark, Beverly Lyon, Karen Gennari Bernier, Michelle Henneberry-Nassau, Lauren Beth Jenks, Angie J. Moorman, and Marah Bianca Rhoades, 1996. : 'Reading Romance, Reading Ourselves', ''The Centennial Review'', 40.2: 359-84. [Rptd. in ''Women and Romance: A Reader''. Ed. Susan Ostrov Weisser. New York: New York UP, 2001: 355-374. **]
;Esquibel, Catrióna Rueda, 1992. : "A Duel of Wits and the Lesbian Romance Novel: Or, Verbal Intercourse in Fictional Regency England." in ''New Perspectives on Women and Comedy.'' Ed. Regina Barreca, (Philadelphia, PA: Gordon and Breach) pp. 123-133.  
;Clasen, Tricia. 2010.: "Taking a Bite Out of Love: The Myth of Romantic Love in the Twilight Series." In ''Bitten by Twilight: Youth Culture, Media, and the Vampire Franchise,'' 119-134. New York, NY: Peter Lang, 2010.
;Clasen, Tricia. 2017. : “Masculinity and Romantic Myth in Contemporary YA Romance.” In '' Gender(ed) Identities: Critical Rereadings of Gender in Children’s and Young Adult Literature,'' edited by Tricia Clasen and Holly Hassel. New York: Routledge, pp. 228–241. [https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=q8_mDAAAQBAJ&lpg=PP1&pg=PT230#v=onepage&q&f=false Excerpt]
;Faura, Salvador, Shelley Godsland, and Nickianne Moody, 2004. : "The Romance Novel, or, the Generalisimo's Control of the Popular Imagination." in ''Reading the Popular in Contemporary Spanish Texts.'' pp. 46-58. (Newark, DE: U of Delaware P.)(About Corin Tellado, Spanish romance novelist) [[http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=twRJwNrGreIC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_summary_r&cad=0#PPA46,M1 Excerpt here].]
;Clawson, Laura, 2005. : 'Cowboys and Schoolteachers: Gender in Romance Novels, Secular and Christian', ''Sociological Perspectives'', 48.4: 461-79. [http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1525/sop.2005.48.4.461 Abstract]
;Felski, Rita, 1990. : 'Kitsch, Romance Fiction And Male Paranoia: Stephen King meets the Frankfurt School', ''Continuum: The Australian Journal of Media & Culture'', 4.1.[http://wwwmcc.murdoch.edu.au/ReadingRoom/4.1/Felski.html]
;Cockin, Katharine, 2007. : "Chicks and Lads in Contemporary Fiction." ''Anglistik und Englischunterricht'', issue on Teaching Contemporary British Fiction, 69: 107-123. [http://www.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/tocs/184436214.pdf Index page only, as pdf.]
;Flesch, Juliet, 1996. : 'A Labour of Love? Compiling a Bibliography of Twentieth Century Australian Romance Novels', ''APLIS'', 9.3-4: 170-78.
;Coddington, Lynn, 1997. : "Wavering Between Worlds: Feminist Influences in the Romance Genre." ''Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres'' 3.1-2: 58-77.
;Flesch, Juliet, 1997. : 'Not just housewives and old maids', ''Collection Building'', 16.3: 119-124. [Describes the content of The Romance Fiction Collection in the University of Melbourne Library, 'the reasons for its establishment and some special aspects of its housing and bibliographical control. Also suggests some of the uses to which it may be put'.] [http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/mcb/171/1997/00000016/00000003/art00003 Abstract]
;Cohn, Jan, 1977. : 'The Romances of Mary Roberts Rinehart: Some Problems in the Study of Popular Culture', ''Journal of Popular Culture'', 11.3: 581-590.
;Flesch, Juliet, 2004. : ''From Australia With Love: A History of Modern Australian Popular Romance Novels'' (Fremantle, W.A.: Curtin University Books).
;Cohn, Jan, 1988. : Romance and the Erotics of Property: Mass-Market Fiction for Women (Durham and London: Duke UP). [http://books.google.com/books?id=vSy_6qvqIIoC&lpg=PP1&pg=PP1#v=onepage&q&f=false Excerpts] and [http://www.questia.com/read/5634004 more excerpts].  
;Fletcher, Lisa, 2003. : "Historical Romance, Gender and Heterosexuality: John Fowles's ''The French Lieutenant's Woman'' and A.S. Byatt's ''Possession''." ''Journal of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies'' 7.1-2: 26-42. [http://www.newcastle.edu.au/centre/jigs/issues/volume7numbers12doubleissue.html PDF]
;Coles, Claire D., and M. Johnna Shamp, 1984. : “Some Sexual, Personality, and Demographic Characteristics of Women Readers of Erotic Romances.''Archives of Sexual Behavior'' 13.3: 187-209.
;Fletcher, Lisa, 2004. : ‘“Mere Costumery”? Georgette Heyer’s Cross-Dressing Novels,’ in ''Masquerades: Disguise in English Literature from the Middle Ages to the Present'', Eds. Pilar Sánchez Calle and Jesús López-Paláez Casellas, (Gdansk: University of Gdansk Press), pp. 196-212.
;Cook, Jennifer R., Sharon S. Rostosky and Ellen D. B. Riggle., 2013. : "Gender Role Models in Fictional Novels for Emerging Adult Lesbians." ''Journal of Lesbian Studies'' 17:2: 150-166. [[http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10894160.2012.691416 Abstract]. The authors analysed "11 young adult novels that received 2011 Lambda Literary Award nominations" and of these five were romances.]
;Fletcher, Lisa, 2008. : ''Historical Romance Fiction and Heterosexuality: Heterosexuality and Performativity'', (Ashgate).[https://www.ashgate.com/default.aspx?page=637&calcTitle=1&title_id=9945&edition_id=10544]. [Fletcher examines "the connections between popular “classics” by [...] Georgette Heyer, a selection of mass market historical romances published between 1980 and 2005," John Fowles’s ''The French Lieutenant’s Woman'' and A.S. Byatt’s ''Possession''.]
;Cook, Jon, 1988. : “Fictional Fathers.” Sweet Dreams: Sexuality, Gender and Popular Fiction. Ed. Susannah Radstone. (London: Lawrence & Wishart), pp. 137-64. [http://www.questiaschool.com/read/112042341?title=Fictional%20Fathers First page.]
;Foster, Guy Mark, 2007. : 'How Dare a Black Woman Make Love to a White Man! Black Women Romance Novelists and the Taboo of Interracial Desire.' in ''Empowerment versus Oppression: Twenty First Century Views of Popular Romance Novels.'' ed. Sally Goade, (Newcastle, U.K.:Cambridge Scholars Pub.) pp. 103-128. [http://www.bowdoin.edu/news/archives/1academicnews/004466.shtml Article about Foster's research and this item.]
;Cook, Nancy. 2009. : "Home on the Range: Montana Romances and Geographies of Hope." In ''All Our Stories Are Here: Critical Perspectives on Montana Literature,'' 55-77. Lincoln, NE: U of Nebraska P, 2009. [See item [http://books.google.com/books?id=P5lsdAGwPycC&pg=PA55&lpg=PA55 via Google Books].]
;Fox, Pamela, 1994. : 'The "Revolt of the Gentle": Romance and the Politics of Resistance in Working-Class Women's Writing', ''NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction'', 27.2: 140-160.
;Cordell, Sigrid, 2013. : "Loving in Plain Sight: Amish Romance Novels as Evangelical Gothic," ''Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies'' 1.2: 1-16. [http://hdl.handle.net/1811/57706 Abstract and link to pdf]
;Fowler, Bridget, 1991. : ''The Alienated Reader: Women and Popular Romantic Literature in the Twentieth Century'' (Brighton: Harvester Wheatsheaf). **
;Coste, Didier, 1981. : "Installments of the Heart: Text Delimitation in Periodical Narrative and Its Consequences." ''Sub-Stance''10/11: 56-65.[http://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/34998282/www.jstor.org.haysend.u-bordeaux3.fr_stable_pdfplus_10.2307_3684531.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ56TQJRTWSMTNPEA&Expires=1472391844&Signature=L2pM9hsy1Wde616vKTYbIqPI0lc%3D&response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3DInstallments_of_the_Heart_Text_Delimitat.pdf]
;Franco, Jean, 1986. : "The Incorporation of Women: A Comparison of North American and Mexican Popular Narrative." in ''Studies in Entertainment: Critical Approaches to Mass Culture.'' Ed. Tania Modleski, (Bloomington: Indiana UP), pp. 119-138. [Especially Harlequin Romances; treatment of women; compared to photonovel. Franco says that "While there is an obvious risk in laying too much emphasis on a single example, I am now going to do precisely that" and chooses to take as a specific example of a Harlequin romance ''[[Moon Witch |Moonwitch]]'' [sic] by [[Anne Mather |Ann Mather]] [sic]."]
;Coward, Rosalind, 1984. : 'An Overwhelming Desire', in ''Female Desire: Women’s Sexuality Today'' (London: Paladin Grafton Books), pp. 187-196. [This is the chapter which focuses on the romance. An excerpt of part of the chapter can be found in Mary Eagleton's ''Feminist Literary Criticism'', [http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=MO9xIC7umwwC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA189#v=onepage&q=&f=false 189-192] ]
;Franco, Jean, 2004. : "Plotting Women: Popular Narratives for Women in the United States and in Latin America." in ''The Latin American Cultural Studies Reader.'' Eds. Ana Del Sarto, Alicia Ríos, and Abril Trigo, (Durham, NC: Duke UP) pp. 183-202.
;Cox, Anthony and Maryanne Fisher, 2009. : 'The Texas Billionaire's Pregnant Bride: An Evolutionary Interpretation of Romance Fiction Titles', ''Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology'' 3.4: 386-401.[] or [http://www.maryannefisher.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Cox_Fisher_Harlequin_2009.pdf]
;Frantz, Sarah S. G., 2002. : "'Expressing' Herself: The Romance Novel and the Feminine Will to Power,"  in ''Scorned Literature: Essays on the History and Criticism of Popular Mass-Produced Fiction in America.''  Eds. Lydia Cushman Schurman and Deidre Johnson. (Connecticut:  Greenwood Press) pp. 17-36.
;Craddock, Louise, 2004. : 'Bridget Jones's Little Red Dress: Chicklit, mass-market popular romance and feminism', ''Diegesis: Journal of the Association for Research in Popular Fictions'' 8: 43-51. [Compares Harlequin's Red Dress Ink (chick lit) imprint to its romances] [http://www.arpf.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/No.-8-Winter-2004.pdf Pdf of whole issue]
;Frantz, Sarah S. G., 2008. : '[[Suzanne Brockmann]]', ''Teaching American Literature: A Journal of Theory and Practice'' 2.2/3.[http://www.teachingamericanlit.com/files/Microsoft_Word_-_TALTP-BrockmannSuzanne.pdf]
;Crane, Lynda L., 1994. : 'Romance Novel Readers: in Search of Feminist Change?', ''Women's Studies'', 23.3: 257-69.
;Frenier, Mariam Darce, 1988. : ''Good-bye Heathcliff: Changing Heroes, Heroines, Roles, and Values in Women’s [[Category]] Romances'', Contributions in Women’s Studies, no. 94. (New York: Greenwood Press). [http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=27366802 Contents page and excerpts]
;Crane, Megan, 2015. : “Stacy Holden’s ‘Love in the Desert’: An Author’s Response”. ''Journal of Popular Romance Studies'' 5.1.[http://jprstudies.org/2015/08/stacy-holdens-love-in-the-desert-an-authors-responseby-megan-crane/]
;Frolund, Tina, 2007.: ''Genrefied Classics: A Guide to Reading Interests in Classic Literature.'' (Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited) Has a section on Romance Literature. [According to [http://doi.contentdirections.com/mr/greenwood.jsp?doi=10.1336/1591581729 the abstract], "By identifying the genre characteristics of more than 400 classic fiction works, and organizing titles according to those features, it helps readers find the types of books they enjoy; and it helps you promote classics to teen (and adult!) readers."]
;Crane, Ralph and Lisa Fletcher, 2016. : “The Genre of Islands: Popular Fiction and Performative Geographies.” ''Island Studies Journal'' 11.2 (2016): 637-650. [http://www.islandstudies.ca/sites/islandstudies.ca/files/ISJ-11-2-MS372-Crane+Fletcher.pdf]
;Cranny-Francis, Anne, 1990. : ''Feminist Fiction: Feminist Uses of Generic Fiction'' (Cambridge: Polity). [Chapter 6, "Feminist Romance" (pages 177-192) focuses on the romance genre.]
;Gagne-Hawes, Genevieve. 2006. : "Anatomy of a Romance: Questioning genre conventions in the novels of Nora Roberts." ''Modern Mask'' 1.2.[http://modernmask.org/Issue_II/modernmask_literature/anatomy.html]
;Crawford, Mary, 1994. : 'Rethinking the Romance: Teaching the Content and Function of Gender Stereotypes in the Psychology of Women Course', ''Teaching of Psychology'', 21: 151-153. [http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=93953013 Fragment of Article] **
;Ganguly, Keya. 1991. : 'Alien(ated) Readers: Harlequin Romances and the Politics of Popular Culture', ''Communication'', 12: 129-50. **
;Crawford, Joseph, 2014. : ''The Twilight of the Gothic? Vampire Fiction and the Rise of the Paranormal Romance, 1991-2012''. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2014. [http://jprstudies.org/2016/07/review-the-twilight-of-the-gothic-vampire-fiction-and-the-rise-of-the-paranormal-romance-by-joseph-crawford/ See also María T. Ramos-García's review of this book in the ''Journal of Popular Romance Studies'']
;Gill, Rosalind and Elena Herdieckerhoff. 2006. : “Rewriting the Romance: New Femininities in Chick Lit?”  ''Feminist Media Studies'' 6.4 (2006): 487-504.[http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a768577256~db=all] Rpt. in ''LSE Research Online''. 2007. LSE Lib., London School of Economics and Political Science. <http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/2514>.
;Creed, Barbara, 1984. : 'The Women's Romance as Sexual Fantasy: Mills & Boon', in ''All Her Labours II: Embroidering the framework'', ed. Margaret Allen, Jean Blackburn, Carol Johnson, Margaret King and Alison Mackinnon (Sydney: Hale and Iremonger): 47-67. **
;Goade, Sally, 2007. : 'Introduction' pp. 1-11 and 'Understanding the Pleasure: An Undergraduate Romance Reading Community.' pp. 206-230  in  ''Empowerment versus Oppression: Twenty First Century Views of Popular Romance Novels.'' (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing). Edited by Goade. [pdf of table of contents, introduction and first chapter [http://www.c-s-p.org/Flyers/Empowerment-versus-Oppression--Twenty-First-Century-Views-of-Popular-Romance-Novels.htm here]]
;Creed, Barbara, 2003. : ''Media Matrix: Sexing the New Reality'' (Crows Nest, N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin). [http://www.latrobe.edu.au/screeningthepast/reviews/rev_18/TCbr18a.html review here] [http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=105157323 Contents page and excerpts] [contains a chapter on Mills & Boon romances, titled 'Mills & Boon dot com: The beast in the bedroom']
;Goodwin, Sarah Webster, 1997. : "Romance and Change: Teaching the Romance to Undergraduates.", ''Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres'' 3.1-2: 233-241. **
;[[Jennifer Crusie|Crusie, Jennifer]], 1997. : ‘Romancing Reality: The Power of Romance Fiction to Reinforce and Re-Vision the Real’, first published in ''Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres'', 3.1-2: 81-93. [An [http://www.jennycrusie.com/for-writers/essays/romancing-reality-the-power-of-romance-fiction-to-reinforce-and-re-vision-the-real/ unpaginated version] is available on Crusie's website.]
;Greer, Germaine, 1971. : ''The Female Eunuch'' (London: Paladin). [First published in 1970, there is a chapter on romance (pages 171-189in this edition) in which she critiques [[Georgette Heyer]]'s ''Regency Buck'', [[Barbara Cartland]]'s ''The Wings of Love'' and [[Lucy Walker]]'s ''The Loving Heart''.]
;[[Jennifer Crusie|Crusie Smith, Jennifer]], 1998. : 'The Romantic Suspense Mystery', ''Mystery and Suspense Writers: The Literature of Crime, Detection, and Espionage'', Ed. Robin W. Winks and Maureen Corrigan (New York: Scribner), pp. 1183-97.
;Grescoe, Paul, 1996. : ''The Merchants of Venus: Inside [[Harlequin]] and the Empire of Romance'' (Vancouver: Raincoast).
;[[Jennifer Crusie|Crusie Smith, Jennifer]], 1999. : 'This Is Not Your Mother's Cinderella: The Romance Novel as Feminist Fairy Tale', in ''Romantic Conventions'', see below, pp. 51-61. [http://books.google.com/books?id=Ja_Ia-oZo4wC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA51#v=onepage&q=&f=false Excerpt.] [http://www.jennycrusie.com/for-writers/essays/this-is-not-your-mothers-cinderella-the-romance-novel-as-feminist-fairy-tale/ Unpaginated version on Crusie's website.]
;Griswold, Wendy, and Misty Bastian, 1987. : “Continuities and Reconstructions in Cross-cultural Literary Transmission: The Case of the Nigerian Romance Novel.''Poetics'' 16.3-4: 327-351. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0304-422X(87)90010-6 Abstract]
;Curthoys, Ann, and John Docker, 1990. : 'Popular Romance in the Postmodern Age. And an Unknown Australian Author', ''Continuum: The Australian Journal of Media & Culture'', 4.1.[http://wwwmcc.murdoch.edu.au/ReadingRoom/4.1/Curthoys.html]

Latest revision as of 15:32, 22 August 2019

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Abartis, Caesarea, 1979. 
'The Ugly-Pretty, Dull-Bright, Weak-Strong Girl in the Gothic Mansion', Journal of Popular Culture, 13.2: 257-63.
Abdullah-Poulos, Layla, 2018. 
"The Stable Muslim Love Triangle - Triangular Desire in African American Muslim Romance Fiction." Journal of Popular Romance Studies 7. [1]
Adams, Lisa, and John Heath, 2007. 
Why We Read What We Read: A Delightfully Opinionated Journey Through Contemporary Bestsellers. (Naperville, Illinois: Sourcebooks) Has a chapter titled, Hopefully Ever After: Love, Romance, and Relationships.
Adkins, Denice, Linda Esser & Diane Velasquez, 2006. 
‘Relations Between Librarians and Romance Readers: A Missouri Survey’, Public Libraries, 45.4, (July/August 2006): 54-64. Whole issue available as a pdf.
Adkins, Denice, Linda Esser, Diane Velasquez, and Heather L. Hill. 2008. 
"Romance novels in american public libraries: A study of collection development practices." Library Collections, Acquisitions, & Technical Services 32, no. 2: 59-67. Abstract.
Adkins, Denice, Linda R. Esser, and Diane Velasquez, 2010. 
"Promoting Romance Novels in American Public Libraries." Public Libraries 49.4 (July/August): 41-48.
Ahlberg, Sofia, 2009. 
"Women and War in Contemporary Love Stories from Uganda and Nigeria." Comparative Literature Studies 46.2: 407-424.
Alberts, J. K., 1986. 
‘The role of couples' conversations in relationship development: A content analysis of courtship talk in Harlequin romance novels’, Communication Quarterly, 34: 127-142. **
Ali, Abu-Bakar, 2018. 
"Agency, Gender, Nationalism, and the Romantic Imaginary in Pakistan", Routledge Companion to Pakistani Anglophone Writing. Ed. Aroosa Kanwal and Saiyma Aslam. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. 225-235. Abstract
Ali, Kecia, 2017. 
Human in Death: Morality and Mortality in J. D. Robb's Novels. Waco, Texas: Baylor UP.
Ali, Kecia. 2017. 
“Troubleshooting Post-9/11 America: Religion, Racism, and Stereotypes in Suzanne Brockmann’s Into the Night and Gone Too Far.” Journal of Popular Romance Studies 6.[2]
Ali, Kecia, 2018. 
"Romance Fiction in the Archives." Journal of Popular Romance Studies 7.[3]
Allan, Jonathan A., 2011. 
"Theorising Male Virginity in Popular Romance Novels." Journal of Popular Romance Studies 2.1 [4]
Allan, Jonathan A., 2012. 
“Theorising the Monstrous and the Virginal in Popular Romance Novels.” eBook of the Inversions of Power and Paradox: Studies of Monstrosity, Eds. Elizabeth Nelson and Jonathan A. Allan. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2012. [The whole volume can be downloaded here and this essay has been made available on its own by the author.]
Allan, Jonathan A., 2013. 
“Reading the Regis Roundtable: An Outsider’s Perspective.” Journal of Popular Romance Studies 3.2 [5] [Also available as a pdf.]
Allan, Jonathan A., 2016. 
"The Purity of His Maleness: Masculinity in Popular Romance Novels." The Journal of Men's Studies. Abstract
Allan, Jonathan A., 2016. 
Reading from Behind: A Cultural Analysis of the Anus. Regina: University of Regina Press. [See chapter 3, "Topping from the Bottom: Anne Tenino's Frat Boy and Toppy"]
Allen, Amanda K. 2009. 
"The Cinderella-Makers: Postwar Adolescent Girl Fiction as Commodity Tales." Lion and the Unicorn 33, no. 3: 282-299.
Allen, Amanda K. 2012. 
“Charm the Boys, Win the Girls: Power Struggles in Mary Stolz’s Cold War Adolescent Girl Romance Novels,” Journal of Popular Romance Studies 3.1. [6]
Allen, Jeanne., 1989 
"Harlequins, Gothics, and Soap Operas: Addressing Needs and Masking Fears." Quarterly Review of Film & Video 11: 113-115. [Excerpt This is a review of Tania Modleski's Loving with a Vengeance.]
Anderson, Jennifer, 1981. 
Mills and Boon: Love and Oppression. Broadway [N.S.W.] : New South Wales Institute of Technology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.** Details from the National Library of Australia
Anderson, Rachel, 1974. 
The Purple Heart Throbs: The Sub-literature of Love (London: Hodder and Stoughton).
Andresen, Julie Tetel, 1999. 
"Postmodern Identity (Crisis): Confessions of a Linguistic Historiographer and Romance Writer." in Romantic Conventions. Ed. Anne K. Kaler and Rosemary E. Johnson-Kurek (Bowling Green, OH: Popular) pp. 173-186. Excerpt
Ang, Ien, 1996. 
Living Room Wars: Rethinking Media Audiences for a Postmodern World (London & New York: Routledge). [Chapter 6 is titled 'Feminist Desire and Female Pleasure: On Janice Radway's Reading the Romance']
Ardis, Ann. 1996. 
"E. M. Hull, Mass Market Romance and the New Woman Novel in the Early Twentieth Century." Women's Writing 3, no. 3: 287-296. Abstract
Arimbi, Diah Ariani, 2017. 
"Women in Indonesian Popular Fiction: Romance, Beauty, and Identity Politics in Metropop Novels." Traditions Redirecting Contemporary Indonesian Cultural Productions. Ed. Jan van der Putten, Monika Arnez, Edwin P. Wieringa and Arndt Graf. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2017. 247-271. Excerpt
Armstrong, Jane, Liz Byrski and Helen Merrick, 2014. 
"Love works: Reading and writing romance in the twenty-first century." Australasian Journal of Popular Culture 3.3: 257-261.
Arnold, Marilyn. 1981.
"Pornography, Romance, and the Paradox of Freedom." In Ye Are Free to Choose: Agency and the Latter-Day Saint Woman, ed. Maren M. Mouritsen. (Provo: Brigham Young Univ.): 50-62.
Aronowitz, Beverly-Lynne, 1988. 
'Women's Fiction and Popular Romance: Student Audience and Teaching Dilemma', Paper presented at the Annual National Literature Conference (3rd, Chicago, IL, October 14-15, 1988). 32 pgs. ERIC document ED298525. Abstract
Aronowitz, Beverly-Lynne, 1991. 
"The Dilemma of Teaching Women's Fiction: Is It Pop, Pulp, Porn-or Poetry?." Pennsylvania English 15.2: 1-20.
Arvanitaki, Eirini, 2015. 
"Gender in Recent Romance Novels: A Third Wave Feminist Mills and Boon Love Affair?", in Re/Presenting Gender and Love, ed. Dikmen Yakalı Çamoğlu (Interdisciplinary Net). Index of the book
Arvanitaki, Eirini, 2017. 
"Postmillennial femininities in the popular romance novel." Journal of Gender Studies. Published online: 28 Aug 2017. Abstract
Assiter, Alison, 1988. 
‘Romance Fiction: Porn for Women?’, in Perspectives on Pornography: Sexuality in Film and Literature, ed. Gary Day & Clive Bloom (Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan), pp. 101-109.
Ávila, Debbie Maria, 2014. 
"Conflicting Images of Womanhood in the Novels of Alice Ogando." Cincinnati Romance Review 38: 245-259. [7] ["The now largely forgotten Portuguese writer Alice Ogando (1900-1981)[...]'s feminist message is counterposed by her more formulaic romance novels, in which she upholds traditional images of femininity and of idealized marriage"]


Bach, Evelyn, 1997.
'Sheik Fantasies: Orientalism and Feminine Desire in the Desert Romance', Hecate, 23.1: 9-40. Unpaginated version
Badik, Victoria L., 1997. 
"On Using Genre Fiction in Bibliotherapy", Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres 3.1-2: 242-245.
Bailie, Helen T., 2011. 
'Blood Ties: The Vampire Lover in the Popular Romance', The Journal of American Culture, 34.2: 141-48. Excerpt
Balducci, Federica, 2011. 
“When chick lit meets romanzo rosa: Intertextual narratives in Stefania Bertola’s romantic fiction,” Journal of Popular Romance Studies 2.1.[8]
Baldus, Kimberly, 2012. 
'Gossip, Liminality, and Erotic Display: Jennifer Crusie’s Links to Eighteenth-Century Amatory Fiction', Journal of Popular Romance Studies 2.2.[9]
Baldys, Emily M., 2012. 
'Disabled Sexuality, Incorporated: The Compulsions of Popular Romance', Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies 6.2: 125-141.Abstract and Excerpt
Banzon-Mooney, Isabela, 1997. 
“‘Cinderella,’ ‘Snow White’ and Romance Fiction.” Journal of English Studies and Comparative Literature 2.1: 4-18. [10].
Barot, Len, 2016. 
'Queer Romance in Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century America: Snapshots of a Revolution', Romance Fiction and American Culture: Love as the Practice of Freedom? Ed. William A. Gleason and Eric Murphy Selinger (Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate), pp. 389-404.
Barr, Elizabeth, 2013. 
'“Who the devil wrote that?”: Intertextuality and Authorial Reputation in Georgette Heyer’s Venetia', Journal of Popular Romance Studies 3.2.[11] [Also available as a pdf.]
Barrett, Rebecca Kaye, 2003. 
‘Higher Love: What Women Gain from Christian Romance Novels’, Journal of Religion and Popular Culture, 4. Excerpt Archived version
Barrett-Fox, Rebecca, 2007. 
'Hope, Faith and Toughness: An Analysis of the Christian Hero.' in Empowerment versus Oppression: Twenty First Century Views of Popular Romance Novels. ed. Sally Goade, (Newcastle, U.K.:Cambridge Scholars Pub.) pp. 93-102.
Barrett-Fox, Rebecca, 2016. 
'Christian Romance Novels: Inspiring Convention and Challenge', Romance Fiction and American Culture: Love as the Practice of Freedom? Ed. William A. Gleason and Eric Murphy Selinger (Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate), pp. 347-368.
Batsleer, Janet, 1981. 
‘Pulp in the Pink’, Spare Rib, 109: 52-5. Pdf available from the British Library Repr. in Bob Ashley (ed.), The Study of Popular Fiction: A Source Book (London: Pinter, 1989), 206-12 and Bob Ashley (ed.) Reading Popular Narrative: A Source Book (London: Leicester University Press, 1989), 217-22.**
Batsleer, Janet, Tony Davies, Rebecca O'Rourke and Chris Weedon, 1985. 
Rewriting English: Cultural Politics of Gender and Class (London: Methuen). There are also a couple of other editions of this book, both published by Routledge. The chapter with most relevance for this bibliography is Chapter 5, "Gender and Genre: Women's Stories," on pages 86-105. A partial preview of that chapter, in one of the Routledge editions, is available.
Baum, Thomas, 2012. 
"Working the Skies: Changing Representations of Gendered Work in the Airline Industry, 1930-2011." Tourism Management 33.5: 1185-1194. [This is mostly about work in the airline industry but it draws on one of Betty Beaty's romances and other works of fiction featuring flight attendants/air stewardesses] Abstract and Unpaginated version
Behm-Morawitz, Elizabeth, Melissa A. Click, and Jennifer Stevens Aubrey. 2010. 
"Relating to Twilight: Fans' Responses to Love and Romance in the Vampire Franchise." In Bitten by Twilight: Youth Culture, Media, and the Vampire Franchise, 137-154. New York, NY: Peter Lang, 2010. [Also of interest may be Aubrey, Jennifer Stevens, Elizabeth Behm-Morawitz, and Melissa A. Click. 2010. "The romanticization of abstinence: Fan response to sexual restraint in the Twilight series." Transformative Works and Cultures 5.]
Beidler, Peter, 1991. 
'The Contemporary Indian Romance: A Review Essay', American Indian Culture and Research Journal 15.4: 97-125. ** [Brief details here and here.]
Bell, Kathleen, 1995. 
'Cross-dressing in Wartime: Georgette Heyer's The Corinthian in its 1940 Context'. War Culture: Social Change and Changing Experience in World War Two Britain, Ed. Pat Kirkham and David Thoms (London: Lawrence and Wishart), 151-60. ** Reprinted in Georgette Heyer: A Critical Retrospective, ed. Mary Fahnestock-Thomas (Saraland AL: Prinny World Press, 2001): 461-72. **
Belsey, Catherine, 1993. 
'Writing About Desire', The Glasgow Review, 2. [12]
Belsey, Catherine, 1994. 
Desire; Love Stories in Western Culture. (Oxford: Blackwell). Chapter 2 (Reading Love Stories) touches on popular romance. Abstract.
Beidler, Peter G., 1991. 
'The Contemporary Indian Romance: A Review Essay', American Indian Culture and Research Journal , 15.4:97-125.
Bennett-Kapusniak, Renee and Adriana McCleer, 2015. 
"Love in the Digital Library: A Search for Racial Heterogeneity in E-Books." Journal of Popular Romance Studies 5.1.[13]
Benson, Stephen, 1996. 
'Stories of Love and Death: Reading and Writing the Fairy Tale Romance', Image & Power: Women in Fiction in the Twentieth Century, ed. Sarah Sceats and Gail Cunningham, (New York: Longman), pp. 103-113. [Benson argues that "The formulaic nature of the popular romance - the generic stamp of Mills and Boon or Harlequin - could be said to have grown out of the structured, repetitive form of the folk tale" (105). The majority of this essay deals with the following tales: Cupid and Psyche; Beauty and the Beast; Bluebeard, and reworkings/reinterpretations of them by Angela Carter and Margaret Atwood.]
Bereska, Tami M., 1994. 
'Adolescent Sexuality and the Changing Romance Novel Market', The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 3: 35-44.**
Bettinotti, Julia and Marie-Françoise Truel, 1997. 
"Lust and Dust: Desert Fabula in Romances and Media." Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres 3.1-2: 184-194.
Bettinotti, Julia, 1998. 
'Re-imagining the Gold Rush; Prospectors, Log Cabins and Mail-Order Brides in Contemporary Western Romances.' Northern Review, No. 19 (Winter 1998): 170-180.
Betz, Phyllis M. 2009. 
Lesbian romance novels: a history and critical analysis. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co. Description from the publisher.
Betz, Phyllis M. 2017. 
Katherine V. Forrest: A Critical Appreciation. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co. [See Chapter 2, "Diana and Lane: From Pulp to Passion" excerpt here. ]
Bhasin, Neeta, 2018. 
"Romancing the 'Illegal' Immigrant", Journal of Literature and Art Studies 8.10: 1459-1474.[14] [Focuses on Serena Bell's Yours to Keep.]
Bianchi, Diana and Adele d'Arcangelo, 2015. 
'Translating History or Romance? Historical Romantic Fiction and Its Translation in a Globalised Market', Linguistics and Literature Studies 3.5: 248-253.[15]
Black, Jessica E., Stephanie C. Capps and Jennifer L. Barnes, 2017. 
'Fiction, Genre Exposure, and Moral Reality'. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Abstract and Pre-print version
Blake, Susan L., 2003. 
'What "Race" is the Sheik?: Rereading a Desert Romance', in Doubled Plots: Romance and History, see below, pp. 67-85. Via GoogleBooks[This is about E. M. Hull's The Sheik.]
Blouin, Michael J., 2018. 
Mass-Market Fiction and the Crisis of American Liberalism, 1972–2017. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.[16] [See Chapter 3 on 'Danielle Steel and the New Home Economics' because Blouin refers to romance scholarship and describes Steel as "the undisputed master of the mass-market romance" (75). This is, however, disputed, both by many romance readers and by Steel herself, who has "insisted that her books aren't romantic fiction. 'They're not really about romance ... I really write more about the human condition,' she said. '[Romance] is an element in life but I think of romance novels as more of a category and I write about the situations we all deal with – loss and war and illness and jobs and careers, good things, bad things, crimes, whatever'." [17] ]
Bly, Mary, 2012. 
'On Popular Romance, J. R. Ward, and the Limits of Genre Study,' New Approaches to Popular Romance Fiction: Critical Essays, ed. Sarah S. G. Frantz and Eric Murphy Selinger (Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland), pp. 60-72.
Bold, Rudolph, 1980. 
'Trash in the Library', Library Journal, 105.10: 1138-39.
Booth, Naomi. 2015. 
"Good Vibrations: Shaken Subjects and the Disintegrative Romance Heroine." In Women and Erotic Fiction: Critical Essays on Genres, Markets and Readers, 99-116. Jefferson, NC: McFarland
Booth, Sandra, 1997. 
"Paradox in Popular Romances of the 1990s: The Paranormal versus Feminist Humor." Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres 3.1-2: 94-106.
Borgia, Danielle N., 2011. 
"Twilight: The Glamorization of Abuse, Codependency, and White Privilege." Journal of Popular Culture. Article first published online: 21 SEP 2011 in "Early View." Excerpt
Bostian, Patricia Kennedy, 2008. 
'Amanda Scott: Bringing History to Life', Teaching American Literature: A Journal of Theory and Practice 2.2/3. [Formerly at [18]. This link no longer works and the paper appears to have been omitted from the pdf of the entire issue which can be downloaded from [19]].
Botts, Amber, 1999. 
'Cavewoman Impulses: The Jungian Shadow Archetype in Popular Romantic Fiction', in Romantic Conventions, see below, pp. 62-74.
Bowman, Barbara. 1983. 
"Victoria Holt's Gothic Romances: A Structuralist Inquiry." In Fleenor, Julian E. (ed.)The Female Gothic, 69-81. Montreal: Eden.
Bowring, Joanna and Margaret O’Brien, 2008. 
The Art of Romance: Mills & Boon and Harlequin Cover Designs, (Munich: Prestel). [This has a short history of the companies and some descriptions of the covers and then the rest of the book consists of photos of Mills & Boon and Harlequin book covers, many of which can be viewed here, and there are smaller selections here and here.]
Brackett, Kim Pettigrew, 2000. 
"Facework Strategies Among Romance Fiction Readers", The Social Science Journal, 37.3: 347-60.
Bradford, Clare, 2013. 
"Monsters: Monstrous Identities in Young Adult Romance", (Re)Imagining the World: Children’s Literature’s Response to Changing Times, ed Yan Wu, Kerry Mallan and Roderick McGillis. Heidelberg: Springer. 115-125. Excerpt and unpaginated version
Breslin, Carol Ann, 1999. 
'Medieval Magic and Witchcraft in the Popular Romance Novel', in Romantic Conventions, see below, pp. 75-85. Excerpt
Bronstein, Carolyn, 2014. 
'The Political Uses of Lesbian Romance Fiction: Reading Patrick Califia’s Macho Sluts as a Response to 1980s Anti-Pornography Feminism', Journal of Popular Romance Studies 4.1.[20]
Brouillette, Sarah, 2019. 
"Romance Work." Theory & Event 22.2, pp. 451-464. Abstract
Brown, Fahamisha Patricia, 2008. 
'Beverly Jenkins', Teaching American Literature: A Journal of Theory and Practice 2.2/3. [Formerly at [21]. This link no longer works but a pdf of the entire issue can be downloaded from [22]].
Brown, Fahamisha Patricia, 2008. 
'Anita Richmond Bunkley', Teaching American Literature: A Journal of Theory and Practice 2.2/3. [Formerly at [23]. This link no longer works but a pdf of the entire issue can be downloaded from [24]].
Brown, Sonya C., 2011. 
'Does This Book Make Me Look Fat?', Journal of Popular Romance Studies 1.2 [25] ["Analysis of the text of several examples of plus-size romances, as well as of readers’ posts and arguments, ultimately reveals deep ambivalence about size acceptance, real and fictional."]
Brunt, Rosalind, 1984. 
'A Career in Love: The Romantic World of Barbara Cartland.' in Popular Fiction and Social Change. ed. Christopher Pawling, (New York: St Martin's), pp. 127-156.
Bryce, Jane, 1996. 
"'A World of Caribbean Romance' Reformulating the Legend of Love or: 'Can a Caress Be Culturally Specific?'." in Framing the Word: Gender and Genre in Caribbean Women's Writing. Ed. Joan Anim-Addo (London: Whiting and Birch), pp. 108-127. **
Burge, Amy, 2012. 
“Do Knights Still Rescue Damsels in Distress?: Reimagining the Medieval in the Mills & Boon Historical Romance,” The Female Figure in Contemporary Historical Fiction , ed. Katherine Cooper and Emma Short (Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 95-114. Details Excerpt
Burge, Amy, 2014. 
"‘For you are a man and she is a maid’: Performing masculinity in Orientalist medieval and modern popular romance fiction." Journal of European Popular Culture 5.2: 89-103. Abstract
Burge, Amy, 2016. 
Representing Difference in the Medieval and Modern Orientalist Romance. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Abstract and Table of Contents
Burge, Amy, 2016. 
"‘I Will Cut Myself and Smear Blood on the Sheet’: Testing Virginity in Medieval and Modern Orientalist Romance." Virgin Envy: The Cultural Insignificance of the Hymen. Ed. Jonathan A. Allan, Cristina Santos, and Adriana Spahr. London: Zed. 17-44. Pre-print version
Burley, Stephanie, 2000. 
"Shadows and Silhouettes: The Racial Politics of Category Romance." Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres 5.13-14: 324-343.
Burley, Stephanie, 2003. 
'What's a Nice Girl like You Doing in a Book like This?: Homoerotic Reading and Popular Romance', in Doubled Plots: Romance and History, see below, pp. 127-46. Excerpt
Burnett, Ann, & Rhea Reinhardt Beto, 2000. 
‘Reading Romance Novels: An Application of Parasocial Relationship Theory’, North Dakota Journal of Speech & Theatre, 13. [26]
Butler, Lucy. 2014. 
"After Happy Ever: Tender Extremities and Tangled Selves in Three Australasian Bluebeard Tales." Journal Of Popular Romance Studies 4, no. 2: [27]
Byatt, A.S. 1991. 
"An Honourable Escape: Georgette Heyer." in Passions of the Mind: Selected writings. London: Chatto & Windus. 258-265.


Cabrera, Christine and Amy Dana Ménard, 2012. 
“'She Exploded into a Million Pieces': A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Orgasms in Contemporary Romance Novels.” Sexuality & Culture, Online First™, 10 July 2012. Details
Cadogan, Mary, 1994. 
And Then Their Hearts Stood Still: An Exuberant Look at Romantic Fiction Past and Present (London: Macmillan).
Calhoun-French, Diane M., 1987. 
'"New" Women in Old Stories: Silhouette "Intimate Moments"', in Heroines of Popular Culture, ed. Pat Browne (Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green State University Popular Press), pp. 114-119. Pages 115, 116 and 119 are available for viewing via Google Books.
Calhoun-French, Diane M. 2000. 
"Of Love and Death: Murder and Mayhem Meet the Romance." Clues: A Journal of Detection, 21.1: 1-16.
Calhoun-French, Diane M., 1999. 
'Time-Travel and Related Phenomena in Contemporary Popular Romance Fiction', in Romantic Conventions, see below, pp. 100-12. Excerpt
Capelle, Annick, 1996. 
'Harlequin Romances in Western Europe: The Cultural Interactions of Romantic Literature', in European Readings of American Popular Culture, ed. John Dean & Jean-Paul Gabilliet (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press), pp. 91-100. ** Excerpt 1, Excerpt 2
Carroll, Noël, 1994. 
'The Paradox of Junk Fiction', Philosophy and Literature 18.2: 225-241. [This isn't specifically about romance, but it refers to Betty Neels's The Quiet Professor. Excerpt and some comments on it are available here if you scroll down to item 3.]
Carter, Catherine, 2008. 
"Poverty, Payment, Power: Kathleen Thompson Norris and Popular Romance." Studies in American Fiction 36.2: 197-220. Excerpt and Unpaginated version.
Castagna, JoAnn and Robin Radespiel, 1990. 
'Making Rape Romantic: A Study of Rosemary Rogers' "Steve and Ginny" Novels', in Women and Violence in Literature: An Essay Collection, ed. Katherine Anne Ackley (New York : Garland). **
Caton, Steven C., 2000. 
The Sheik: Instabilities of Race and Gender in Transatlantic Popular Culture of the Early 1920s.” Noble Dreams, Wicked Pleasures: Orientalism in America, 1870-1930. Ed. Holly Edwards. Princeton: Princeton UP. 99-117. **
Cawelti, John G. 1976. 
Adventure, Mystery, and Romance: Formula Stories as Art and Popular Culture (Chicago: University of Chicago Press).
Cawelti, John. 1978. 
"Romance: The Once and Future Queen." The Wilson Quarterly 2.3: 102-109. Excerpt
Cella, Laurie J. C., 2019. 
The Personal and the Political in American Working-Class Literature, 1850-1939: Defining the Radical Romance. (Lanham, Maryland: Lexington). Excerpt [Cella "make[s] the case that working-class women, in history and in literature, constructed romance narratives in which they were the heroines, reveled in the adventures created by Laura Jean Libbey, and celebrated their new entry in the working world" (5)]
Chandra, Elizabeth, 2015. 
"Blossoming Dahlia: Chinese Women Novelists in Colonial Indonesia", Southeast Asian Studies 4.3: 533-564.[28]
Chant, Ian, 2013. 
"Popular Romance Project Unites Writers, Scholars, Fans." Library Journal 138.17:52-52.[29]
Chappel, Deborah K., 1997. 
'LaVyrle Spencer and the Anti-Essentialist Argument.' Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres 3.1-2:107-120
Chappel Traylor, Deborah, 2014. 
"To My Mentor, Jan Radway, With Love." Journal of Popular Romance Studies 4.2.[30]
Charles, Helen, 1995. 
'(Not) Compromising: Inter-Skin Colour Relations', in Romance Revisited , ed. Jackie Stacey and Lynne Pearce (New York: New York UP), pp. 197-209. [The author says that she looks at 'inter-skin colour relations in the television programme Taboo (1993) along with Barbara Burford's novella, The Threshing Floor (1986) and Ann Allen Shockley's The Mistress and the Slave Girl (1987)'.]
Charles, John, & Linz, Cathie, 2005. 
'Romancing Your Readers: How Public Libraries Can Become More Romance Reader Friendly', Public Libraries 44.1 (January/February): 43–48. Whole issue available as a pdf.
Chelton, Mary K., 1991. 
'Unrestricted Body Parts and Predictable Bliss: The Audience Appeal of Formula Romances.' Library Journal 116.12: 44-49.
Chelton, Mary K., 2015. 
'Readers' Advisory: There Seem to be More SEALs in Romance Fiction than in the US Navy, and if so, Why Does it Matter?' Reference & User Services Quarterly 55.1: 21-24. Abstract
Chelton, Mary K., 2018. 
“Searching for Birth Parents or Adopted Children: Finding without Seeking in Romance Novels”, Reference & User Services Quarterly 57.4: 266-273. Abstract and link to pdf.
Chen, Eva Y.I., 2007. 
'Forms of Pleasure in the Reading of Popular Romance:Psychic and Cultural Dimensions.' in Empowerment versus Oppression: Twenty First Century Views of Popular Romance Novels. ed. Sally Goade, (Newcastle, U.K.:Cambridge Scholars Pub.) pp. 30-41.
Cherniak, Mariia, and Stephen Lovell. 2005. 
"Russian Romantic Fiction." In Reading for Entertainment in Contemporary Russia: Post-Soviet Popular Literature in Historical Perspective, 151-172. Munich, Germany: Sagner, 2005.
Chess, Shira, 2014. 
'Strange Bedfellows: Subjectivity, Romance, and Hidden Object Video Games', Games and Culture. Online First, 4 August 2014. Abstract
Cheyne, Ria, 2013. 
"Disability Studies Reads the Romance." Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies 7.1: 37-52. Abstract and Excerpt The next entry is a slightly revised version of the same article.
Cheyne, Ria, 2017. 
"Disability Studies Reads the Romance: Sexuality, Prejudice, and the Happily-Ever-After in the Work of Mary Balogh." Culture - Theory – Disability: Encounters between Disability Studies and Cultural Studies. Ed. Anne Waldschmidt, Hanjo Berressem and Moritz Ingwersen. Bielefeld, Germany: Transcript. 201-216.[31]
Chivers, Marian, Lesley Speed and Meg Tasker, 2014. 
'The warrior woman in Harlequin’s Bombshell Athena Force series.' Australasian Journal of Popular Culture 3.3: 335-349. Abstract
Chopra, Radhika, 1995. 
'Wanted Men: Imaging the Hero in Popular Romantic Fiction' in Perspectives on Women: Canada and India, ed. Aparna Basu (Bombay: Allied Publishers). **
Chopra, Radhika, 1998. 
"Whose Face Do I See?: Anonymity and Authorship in Popular Romances." Indian Journal of Gender Studies 5.2: 185-200. Excerpt
Chow, Karen. 1999. 
“Popular Sexual Knowledges and Women’s Agency in 1920s England: Marie Stopes’s Married Love and E.M. Hull’s The Sheik.” Feminist Review 63: 64-87. Excerpt
Christian-Smith, Linda K., 1987. 
'Gender, Popular Culture, and Curriculum - Adolescent Romance Novels as Gender Text', Curriculum Inquiry, 17.4:365-406.
Christian-Smith, Linda K., 1988. 
"Romancing the girl : adolescent romance novels and the construction of femininity." in Becoming Feminine: The Politics of Popular Culture. Ed. by Roman, Leslie G., Linda K. Christian-Smith, and Elizabeth Ann Ellsworth (London: Falmer Press) pp. ?
Christian-Smith, Linda K., 1990. 
Becoming a Woman Through Romance (New York; London: Routledge).
Christian-Smith, Linda K., 1993. 
"Voices of Resistance: Young Women Readers of Romance Fiction." in Beyond Silenced Voices: Class, Race, and Gender in United States Schoools, Ed. by Lois Wies and Michelle Fine (Albany: State University of New York Press) pp. 169-189. Excerpt
Christian-Smith, Linda K., 1993. 
'Sweet Dreams: Gender and Desire in Teen Romance Novels', Texts of Desire: Essays on Fiction, Femininity and Schooling, ed. Linda Christian-Smith. (London: Falmer), pp. 45-68. **
Christian-Smith, Linda K., 1994. 
"Young Women and Their Dream Lovers: Sexuality in Adolescent Fiction." in Sexual Cultures and the Construction of Adolescent Identities. Ed. Janice M. Irvine (Philadelphia : Temple University Press) pp. 206-227. Excerpt
Clancy, Kim, 1992. 
"Tania Modleski, Loving with a Vengeance: Mass-Produced Fantasies for Women." in Reading into Cultural Studies. Ed. Martin Barker and Anne Beezer, (London: Routledge) pp. 119-133. Excerpt and another excerpt.
Clark, Beverly Lyon, Karen Gennari Bernier, Michelle Henneberry-Nassau, Lauren Beth Jenks, Angie J. Moorman, and Marah Bianca Rhoades, 1996. 
'Reading Romance, Reading Ourselves', The Centennial Review, 40.2: 359-84. [Rptd. in Women and Romance: A Reader. Ed. Susan Ostrov Weisser. New York: New York UP, 2001: 355-374. **]
Clasen, Tricia. 2010.
"Taking a Bite Out of Love: The Myth of Romantic Love in the Twilight Series." In Bitten by Twilight: Youth Culture, Media, and the Vampire Franchise, 119-134. New York, NY: Peter Lang, 2010.
Clasen, Tricia. 2017. 
“Masculinity and Romantic Myth in Contemporary YA Romance.” In Gender(ed) Identities: Critical Rereadings of Gender in Children’s and Young Adult Literature, edited by Tricia Clasen and Holly Hassel. New York: Routledge, pp. 228–241. Excerpt
Clawson, Laura, 2005. 
'Cowboys and Schoolteachers: Gender in Romance Novels, Secular and Christian', Sociological Perspectives, 48.4: 461-79. Abstract
Cockin, Katharine, 2007. 
"Chicks and Lads in Contemporary Fiction." Anglistik und Englischunterricht, issue on Teaching Contemporary British Fiction, 69: 107-123. Index page only, as pdf.
Coddington, Lynn, 1997. 
"Wavering Between Worlds: Feminist Influences in the Romance Genre." Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres 3.1-2: 58-77.
Cohn, Jan, 1977. 
'The Romances of Mary Roberts Rinehart: Some Problems in the Study of Popular Culture', Journal of Popular Culture, 11.3: 581-590.
Cohn, Jan, 1988. 
Romance and the Erotics of Property: Mass-Market Fiction for Women (Durham and London: Duke UP). Excerpts and more excerpts.
Coles, Claire D., and M. Johnna Shamp, 1984. 
“Some Sexual, Personality, and Demographic Characteristics of Women Readers of Erotic Romances.” Archives of Sexual Behavior 13.3: 187-209.
Cook, Jennifer R., Sharon S. Rostosky and Ellen D. B. Riggle., 2013. 
"Gender Role Models in Fictional Novels for Emerging Adult Lesbians." Journal of Lesbian Studies 17:2: 150-166. [Abstract. The authors analysed "11 young adult novels that received 2011 Lambda Literary Award nominations" and of these five were romances.]
Cook, Jon, 1988. 
“Fictional Fathers.” Sweet Dreams: Sexuality, Gender and Popular Fiction. Ed. Susannah Radstone. (London: Lawrence & Wishart), pp. 137-64. First page.
Cook, Nancy. 2009. 
"Home on the Range: Montana Romances and Geographies of Hope." In All Our Stories Are Here: Critical Perspectives on Montana Literature, 55-77. Lincoln, NE: U of Nebraska P, 2009. [See item via Google Books.]
Cordell, Sigrid, 2013. 
"Loving in Plain Sight: Amish Romance Novels as Evangelical Gothic," Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 1.2: 1-16. Abstract and link to pdf
Coste, Didier, 1981. 
"Installments of the Heart: Text Delimitation in Periodical Narrative and Its Consequences." Sub-Stance10/11: 56-65.[32]
Coward, Rosalind, 1984. 
'An Overwhelming Desire', in Female Desire: Women’s Sexuality Today (London: Paladin Grafton Books), pp. 187-196. [This is the chapter which focuses on the romance. An excerpt of part of the chapter can be found in Mary Eagleton's Feminist Literary Criticism, 189-192 ]
Cox, Anthony and Maryanne Fisher, 2009. 
'The Texas Billionaire's Pregnant Bride: An Evolutionary Interpretation of Romance Fiction Titles', Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology 3.4: 386-401.[33] or [34]
Craddock, Louise, 2004. 
'Bridget Jones's Little Red Dress: Chicklit, mass-market popular romance and feminism', Diegesis: Journal of the Association for Research in Popular Fictions 8: 43-51. [Compares Harlequin's Red Dress Ink (chick lit) imprint to its romances] Pdf of whole issue
Crane, Lynda L., 1994. 
'Romance Novel Readers: in Search of Feminist Change?', Women's Studies, 23.3: 257-69.
Crane, Megan, 2015. 
“Stacy Holden’s ‘Love in the Desert’: An Author’s Response”. Journal of Popular Romance Studies 5.1.[35]
Crane, Ralph and Lisa Fletcher, 2016. 
“The Genre of Islands: Popular Fiction and Performative Geographies.” Island Studies Journal 11.2 (2016): 637-650. [36]
Cranny-Francis, Anne, 1990. 
Feminist Fiction: Feminist Uses of Generic Fiction (Cambridge: Polity). [Chapter 6, "Feminist Romance" (pages 177-192) focuses on the romance genre.]
Crawford, Mary, 1994. 
'Rethinking the Romance: Teaching the Content and Function of Gender Stereotypes in the Psychology of Women Course', Teaching of Psychology, 21: 151-153. Fragment of Article **
Crawford, Joseph, 2014. 
The Twilight of the Gothic? Vampire Fiction and the Rise of the Paranormal Romance, 1991-2012. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2014. See also María T. Ramos-García's review of this book in the Journal of Popular Romance Studies
Creed, Barbara, 1984. 
'The Women's Romance as Sexual Fantasy: Mills & Boon', in All Her Labours II: Embroidering the framework, ed. Margaret Allen, Jean Blackburn, Carol Johnson, Margaret King and Alison Mackinnon (Sydney: Hale and Iremonger): 47-67. **
Creed, Barbara, 2003. 
Media Matrix: Sexing the New Reality (Crows Nest, N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin). review here Contents page and excerpts [contains a chapter on Mills & Boon romances, titled 'Mills & Boon dot com: The beast in the bedroom']
Crusie, Jennifer, 1997. 
‘Romancing Reality: The Power of Romance Fiction to Reinforce and Re-Vision the Real’, first published in Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres, 3.1-2: 81-93. [An unpaginated version is available on Crusie's website.]
Crusie Smith, Jennifer, 1998. 
'The Romantic Suspense Mystery', Mystery and Suspense Writers: The Literature of Crime, Detection, and Espionage, Ed. Robin W. Winks and Maureen Corrigan (New York: Scribner), pp. 1183-97.
Crusie Smith, Jennifer, 1999. 
'This Is Not Your Mother's Cinderella: The Romance Novel as Feminist Fairy Tale', in Romantic Conventions, see below, pp. 51-61. Excerpt. Unpaginated version on Crusie's website.
Curthoys, Ann, and John Docker, 1990. 
'Popular Romance in the Postmodern Age. And an Unknown Australian Author', Continuum: The Australian Journal of Media & Culture, 4.1.[37]