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[[Erotic Romance]], [[Paranormal]]
[[Category: Erotic Romance]] [[Category: Paranormal]] [[Category: 2006 Releases]]
* '''Kate Hill''': [[Kate Hill]]
* '''Author''': [[Kate Hill]]
* '''Changeling Press''': [[Changeling Press]]
* '''Publisher''': [[Changeling Press]]
* '''2006''': [[2006]]
* '''Year''': [[2006]]
The Order of the Universe…
The Order of the Universe…

Revision as of 17:32, 14 May 2007


The Order of the Universe…

All things have their opposite. From the beginning, the essence of good must forever join with the essence of evil, or else existence itself will end. The old sprits of Good and Evil have reached the end of their time. Before they die, a new couple must wed, or else the universe will cease to exist.

Unholy Vows…

Urbane relishes life in hell, flaunting evil powers he has spent centuries perfecting. Then he sees the beautiful Evangeline and a desperate craving gnaws at his wicked soul. When no fiendish indulgence expels his desire for her, he makes the ultimate sacrifice. A midnight ceremony in the forbidden garden binds his soul to hers in eternal matrimony.

Evangeline is a daughter of heaven and loves her existence in the divine realm, yet she will sacrifice her happiness to fulfill her role in the Great Order. She will marry the demon Urbane. Though his innate evil fills her with terror, she finds herself longing to devour the swarthy fiend with burning eyes and a touch that makes her feel anything but angelic.

Trapped between heaven and hell, Evangeline and Urbane have only each other. Forever.

  • [Link To Publisher]

Changeling Press