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[http://www.mandyroth.com  By Mandy M Roth]
[http://www.mandyroth.com  By Mandy M Roth]
What would you do if one of Hollywood’s leading heart-throbs only had eyes for you? That’s the question that Valerie Falkyr is facing. After a chance meeting and a minor misunderstanding, she suddenly finds herself the object of one of film’s darkest hunks. In the beginning it’s overwhelming to have the attentions of someone so famous directed at her, but soon she sees a darker side of Guytano--a side that fans don’t get to see.
Guytano’s old enemies resurface and Valerie finds herself caught in their dark, blood thirsty world and can’t find her way out. The deeper Guytano pulls her into his reality, the more ghosts from Valerie’s own past resurface.
Rating: Contains graphic violence, explicit sex, and strong language.
MORE: http://www.newconceptspublishing.com/thevalkyrie.htm
"'''Five Stars!''' By the time I had finished reading VAMPRYE PRODUCTIONS: THE VALKYRIE, I had gasped, laughed and even gotten misty eyed. This distinctive vampire culture will not soon be forgotten, as the appealing characters will make the reader crave more stories about them. There are many heart wrenching moments, when I felt every emotion that was pouring from these characters. The shrewd humor will have you laughing, even when the situations seem dire. Talented author, Mandy Roth, gives the readers an awesome vampire story with many layers about life, death, and love. Bring on the next story in the series!" Amelia Richard, eCataRomance reviews
"'''Four Hearts!''' This story reads really fast. Guytano is a dark sexy hero with a sensuality that women love. The plot intrigued me and I will be looking forward to see what happens next in the world of the vampires." The Romance Studio
"'''Four Stars!''' The Valkyrie is told through Valerie’s eyes. It starts out wonderfully, and is a fast paced thrill ride. Valerie just rolls with the punches and at the same time finds out about what she was before she lost her memory... I am hoping that it is the beginning of a series, and that in the future she will pick one of these guys out as her consort. Great story, I couldn’t stop reading it until the end." Julie Bryan Just Erotic Romance Reviews
"THE VALKYRIE starts off the tantalizing Vampyre Productions series superbly. In just a few pages, Ms. Roth creates an intriguing backdrop for a host of charming characters. From Valerie to Guytano, and a few mystery guests, THE VALKYRIE will grab readers and hold them enthralled through the very last page. Although Valerie is surrounded by testosterone-laden men, there's only one that she truly wants -- Dr. Payton Sullivan. The sex between Payton and Valerie is spicy and emotional. Other characters that I found quite tasty were Gregorios, the man who helps Valerie remember her past, and Lucha, a dangerous vampire who has a stake in the course of Valerie's future. Mandy M. Roth fully engaged my senses with THE VALKYRIE. I can't wait to read more in this wonderful new series." Sinclair Reid, Romance Reviews Today
"'''4 Blue Ribbons!''' THE VALKYRIE is a paranormal story with an interesting plot and great characters. Though the reader might be tempted to feel sorry for Valerie due to her assault, almost from page one the reader knows that this is not a woman to pity. She is gutsy, sexy, smart, and good at kicking butt when the time comes. Valerie is surrounded by a cast of intriguing characters including a few already mentioned. Their stories and their involvement with Valerie make this story outstanding. THE VALKYRIE is action-packed with a great paranormal bent that fans of Laurell K. Hamilton, Sherrilyn Kenyon, or Diana Gabaldon will enjoy. Mandy M. Roth has created a truly enjoyable story. I just hope she continues the story as I think there is a lot more to be found out about Valerie and her companions." Sarah W., Romance Junkies
"I feel I must warn readers though…for the men in this story!! There are some to-die-for men and delicious they all are! Not only do we have Guytano, who is intense and attractive, but we meet Payton – Valerie’s doctor and lover. Their chemistry is heated and sexy. There is also Gregarious – another sinful man in The Valkyrie who is instrumental in helping Valerie uncover who she really is. Then there is Lucha who will do whatever it takes to get to Guytano. Ms. Roth provides her reader with an amazing bunch of men and we are left very curious about all of them.... It is an emotional roller-coaster ride when reading The Valkyrie, and I for one, am left eager for the next in this Vampyre Productions series. Ms. Roth can’t write fast enough for this reader. This was an amazing start to a new paranormal series." Tracey West, The Road to Romance
"From the first paragraph till the very end, I was entranced. I absolutely loved this story! Not to mention, Valerie is one tuff cookie. Both in the physical sense and emotional. Each character had their very own personality. In The Valkyrie, you have it all. The paranormal side, with the reality of very real to life emotion. I have always been a paranormal fan, and can now add Mandy Roth to my list of favorites. Highly recommended." Shelina Emery, Myshelf.com

Revision as of 18:51, 16 February 2006

By Mandy M Roth

What would you do if one of Hollywood’s leading heart-throbs only had eyes for you? That’s the question that Valerie Falkyr is facing. After a chance meeting and a minor misunderstanding, she suddenly finds herself the object of one of film’s darkest hunks. In the beginning it’s overwhelming to have the attentions of someone so famous directed at her, but soon she sees a darker side of Guytano--a side that fans don’t get to see.

Guytano’s old enemies resurface and Valerie finds herself caught in their dark, blood thirsty world and can’t find her way out. The deeper Guytano pulls her into his reality, the more ghosts from Valerie’s own past resurface.

Rating: Contains graphic violence, explicit sex, and strong language.

MORE: http://www.newconceptspublishing.com/thevalkyrie.htm

"Five Stars! By the time I had finished reading VAMPRYE PRODUCTIONS: THE VALKYRIE, I had gasped, laughed and even gotten misty eyed. This distinctive vampire culture will not soon be forgotten, as the appealing characters will make the reader crave more stories about them. There are many heart wrenching moments, when I felt every emotion that was pouring from these characters. The shrewd humor will have you laughing, even when the situations seem dire. Talented author, Mandy Roth, gives the readers an awesome vampire story with many layers about life, death, and love. Bring on the next story in the series!" Amelia Richard, eCataRomance reviews

"Four Hearts! This story reads really fast. Guytano is a dark sexy hero with a sensuality that women love. The plot intrigued me and I will be looking forward to see what happens next in the world of the vampires." The Romance Studio

"Four Stars! The Valkyrie is told through Valerie’s eyes. It starts out wonderfully, and is a fast paced thrill ride. Valerie just rolls with the punches and at the same time finds out about what she was before she lost her memory... I am hoping that it is the beginning of a series, and that in the future she will pick one of these guys out as her consort. Great story, I couldn’t stop reading it until the end." Julie Bryan Just Erotic Romance Reviews

"THE VALKYRIE starts off the tantalizing Vampyre Productions series superbly. In just a few pages, Ms. Roth creates an intriguing backdrop for a host of charming characters. From Valerie to Guytano, and a few mystery guests, THE VALKYRIE will grab readers and hold them enthralled through the very last page. Although Valerie is surrounded by testosterone-laden men, there's only one that she truly wants -- Dr. Payton Sullivan. The sex between Payton and Valerie is spicy and emotional. Other characters that I found quite tasty were Gregorios, the man who helps Valerie remember her past, and Lucha, a dangerous vampire who has a stake in the course of Valerie's future. Mandy M. Roth fully engaged my senses with THE VALKYRIE. I can't wait to read more in this wonderful new series." Sinclair Reid, Romance Reviews Today

"4 Blue Ribbons! THE VALKYRIE is a paranormal story with an interesting plot and great characters. Though the reader might be tempted to feel sorry for Valerie due to her assault, almost from page one the reader knows that this is not a woman to pity. She is gutsy, sexy, smart, and good at kicking butt when the time comes. Valerie is surrounded by a cast of intriguing characters including a few already mentioned. Their stories and their involvement with Valerie make this story outstanding. THE VALKYRIE is action-packed with a great paranormal bent that fans of Laurell K. Hamilton, Sherrilyn Kenyon, or Diana Gabaldon will enjoy. Mandy M. Roth has created a truly enjoyable story. I just hope she continues the story as I think there is a lot more to be found out about Valerie and her companions." Sarah W., Romance Junkies

"I feel I must warn readers though…for the men in this story!! There are some to-die-for men and delicious they all are! Not only do we have Guytano, who is intense and attractive, but we meet Payton – Valerie’s doctor and lover. Their chemistry is heated and sexy. There is also Gregarious – another sinful man in The Valkyrie who is instrumental in helping Valerie uncover who she really is. Then there is Lucha who will do whatever it takes to get to Guytano. Ms. Roth provides her reader with an amazing bunch of men and we are left very curious about all of them.... It is an emotional roller-coaster ride when reading The Valkyrie, and I for one, am left eager for the next in this Vampyre Productions series. Ms. Roth can’t write fast enough for this reader. This was an amazing start to a new paranormal series." Tracey West, The Road to Romance

"From the first paragraph till the very end, I was entranced. I absolutely loved this story! Not to mention, Valerie is one tuff cookie. Both in the physical sense and emotional. Each character had their very own personality. In The Valkyrie, you have it all. The paranormal side, with the reality of very real to life emotion. I have always been a paranormal fan, and can now add Mandy Roth to my list of favorites. Highly recommended." Shelina Emery, Myshelf.com