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;Russ, Joanna, 1973. : 'Somebody's Trying to Kill Me and I Think It's My Husband: The Modern Gothic', ''Journal of Popular Culture'', 6.4: 666-691.
;Russ, Joanna, 1973. : 'Somebody's Trying to Kill Me and I Think It's My Husband: The Modern Gothic', ''Journal of Popular Culture'', 6.4: 666-691.
;Ryder, M. E., 1999. : 'Smoke and mirrors: Event patterns in the discourse structure of a romance novel', ''Journal of Pragmatics'', 31.8: 1067-1080. [http://www.ingentaconnect.com/search/article?title=smoke+mirrors+romance&title_type=tka&year_from=1998&year_to=2005&database=1&pageSize=20&index=1 Abstract] **
;Ryder, Mary Ellen, 1999. : 'Smoke and mirrors: Event patterns in the discourse structure of a romance novel', ''Journal of Pragmatics'', 31.8: 1067-1080. [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6VCW-3X6BRT2-6&_user=10&_coverDate=08%2F31%2F1999&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=04a8b80871ea922fecd7d9ba3a6b26c9 Abstract] **

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Paizis, George, 1987. 
'"Putting People First" or the contemporary romantic novel, critical discourse and ideology', La Chouette, no 18, March: 38-46. [La Chouette is published by the Department of French, School of Languages, Linguistics and Culture, Birkbeck College, University of London] **
Paizis, George, 1987. 
'That's Romance', Socialist Review, July: 24. **
Paizis, George, 1994-95. 
'Love, Ideology and Reality: the popular romantic novel and the reader', Journal of the Institute of Romance Studies, 3: 357-68. **
Paizis, George, 1998. 
'Category Romances - Translation, Realism and Myth', The Translator, 4: 1-24. Abstract
Paizis, George, 1998. 
Love and the Novel: The Poetics and Politics of Romantic Fiction (Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan). Some details
Paizis, George, 2006. 
"Category Romance in the Era of Globalization: The Story of Harlequin." The Global Literary Field. (Newcastle upon Tyne, England: Cambridge Scholars)pp. 126-151.
Palmer, Paulina, 1998. 
‘Girl Meets Girl: Changing Approaches to the Lesbian Romance,’ in Fatal Attractions: Rescripting Romance in Contemporary Literature and Film, ed. Lynne Pearce & Gina Wisker (London: Pluto), pp. 189-204.
Parameswaran Radhika, 1999. 
'Western Romance Fiction as English-Language Media in Postcolonial India', Journal of Communication, 49.3: 84-105. Abstract
Parameswaran, Radhika, 2002. 
'Reading Fictions of Romance: Gender, Sexuality, and Nationalism in Postcolonial India', Journal of Communication, 52.4: 832-851. Abstract
Patterson, Janet, 1981. 
'Consuming Passion', Fireweed: A Feminist Quarterly, 11: 19-33. Reprinted in Fireworks: The Best of Fireweed, Ed. Makeda Silvera (Toronto: The Women’s Press, 1986), pp. 69-82.**
Patthey Chavez, GG, and L. Clare, M. Youmans,1996. 
'Watery passion: The struggle between hegemony and sexual liberation in erotic fiction for women.' Discourse and Society. 7.1: 77-106.
Pearce, Lynne, 2004. 
"Popular Romance and Its Readers." in A Companion to Romance: From Classical to Contemporary. ed. Corinne Saunders, (Malden, MA: Blackwell) pp. 521-538.
Pearce, Lynne, 2007. 
Romance Writing. (Cambridge: Polity Press). Historical treatment looking at romance broadly. Does touch on popular romance, but it is not the whole focus of the book. Abstract
Pecora, Norma, 1999. 
"Identity by design : the corporate construction of teen romance novels, " in Growing Up Girls: Popular Culture and the Construction of Identity. Ed. Mazzarella, Sharon R., and Norma Odom Pecora (New York: P. Lang), pp 49-86. ** Excerpt
Philadelphoff-Puren, Nina, 2005. 
"Contextualising Consent: The Problem of Rape and Romance." Australian Feminist Studies 20.46: 31-42.
Philadelphoff-Puren, Nina, 2004. 
"The Mark of Refusal: Sexual Violence and the Politics of Recontextualization." Feminist Theory 5.3: 243–256.
Philips, Deborah, 1985. 
'Marketing Moonshine', Women's Review 2 (December): 16-17. **
Philips, Deborah, 1990. 
'Mills and Boon: The Marketing of Moonshine,' in Consumption, Identity, and Style: Marketing, Meanings, and the Packaging of Pleasure, ed. Alan Tomlinson (London: Routledge), pp. 139-52. Excerpt here.
Philips, Deborah, 2000. 
'Shopping for Men: The Single Woman Narrative', Women: a Cultural Review, 11.3: 238-251. Abstract
Postma, Kathlene, 1999. 
'American Women Readers Encounter Turkey in the Shadow of Popular Romance', Journal of American Studies of Turkey, 9: 71-82. Online, unpaginated version. [The novel under discussion, 'Demetra Vaka's In the Shadow of Islam, published by Houghton Mifflin in 1911', is discussed in the context of the conventions of the romance novel, though it subverts them.]
Proctor, Candice, 2007. 
'The Romance Genre Blues or Why We Don't Get No Respect.' in Empowerment versus Oppression: Twenty First Century Views of Popular Romance Novels. ed. Sally Goade, (Newcastle, U.K.:Cambridge Scholars Pub.) pp. 12-19.
Puente, Sonia Núñez. 2008.
"The romance novel and popular culture during the early Franco regime in Spain: towards the construction of other discourses of femininity." Journal of Gender Studies 17, no. 3: 225-236.
Purdie, Susan, 1992. 
'Janice Radway, Reading the Romance', in Reading into Cultural Studies ed. Martin Barker and Anne Beezer, (London: Routledge), pp. 148-64.
Puri, Jyoti, 1997. 
‘Reading Romance Novels in Postcolonial India’, Gender & Society, 11.4: 434-452. Abstract


Rabine, Leslie, 1985. 
Reading the Romantic Heroine: Text, History, Ideology, (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press).** [This is described in Williams and Freedman as a "study of the romantic quest from Tristan and Isolde to the Harlequin novel" (145). A chapter each is devoted to the Tristan/Isolde legend, Prévost's Manon Lescaut, Stendhal's The Red and the Black, Charlotte Brontë's Shirley, Alain-Fournier's Big Meaulnes and Harlequin romances.]
Rabine, Leslie W., 1985. 
‘Romance in the Age of Electronics: Harlequin Enterprises’, Feminist Studies 11.1: 39-60.
Radford, Jean, 1992. 
"A Certain Latitude: Romance as Genre." in Gender, Language, and Myth: Essays and Popular Narrative. ed. Glenwood Irons, (Toronto: U of Toronto P), pp. 3-19.
Radway, Janice, 1981. 
'The Utopian Impulse in Popular Literature: Gothic Romances and "Feminist" Protest', American Quarterly, 33.2 (Summer, 1981): 140-162. [First page available here]
Radway, Janice A., 1983. 
‘Women Read the Romance: The Interaction of Text and Context’, Feminist Studies, 9.1: 53-78. [First page available here] [Rptd. in Ostrov Weisser, Women and Romance, pp. 323-341. **]
Radway, Janice A., 1984. 
'Interpretive Communities And Variable Literacies: The Functions Of Romance Reading', Daedalus, 113.3:49-73.
Radway, Janice A., 1991. 
Reading the Romance: Women, Patriarchy, and Popular Literature (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press). First published in 1984. The 1991 edition contains a new introduction by the author.
Radway, Janice, 1994. 
'Romance and the Work of Fantasy: Struggles over Feminine Sexuality and Subjectivity at Century's End', in Viewing, Reading, Listening: Audiences and Cultural Reception, ed. Jon Cruz and Justin Lewis (Colorado: Westview Press), pp. 213-31. Reprinted in Feminism and Cultural Studies, ed. Morag Shiach (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999), pp. 395-???. **
Rapp, Adrian, Dodgen, Lynda, and Anne K. Kaler, 2000. 
"A Romance Writer Gets Away with Murder." Clues: A Journal of Detection 21.1: 17-21.
Rasley, Alicia, 1999. 
'Paradox in Balance: Some Feminist Themes in Romance', originally published in North American Romance Writers, see above.[1]
Raub, Patricia, 1992.
"Issues of Passion and Power in E. M. Hull's The Sheik." Women's Studies, 21: 119-128.
Reep, Diana, 1982
The Rescue And Romance: Popular Novels Before World War I, Bowling Green Sate University Popular Press.
Regis, Pamela., 1997. 
'Complicating Romances and Their Readers: Barrier and Point of Ritual Death in Nora Roberts's Category Fiction.' Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres 3.1-2:145-154.
Regis, Pamela, 2003. 
A Natural History of the Romance Novel (Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press). Excerpt
Rholetter, Wylene, 2008. 
'Nora Roberts', Teaching American Literature: A Journal of Theory and Practice 2.2/3.[2]
Ricker-Wilson, Carol, 1999. 
‘Busting Textual Bodices: Gender, Reading, and the Popular Romance’, English Journal, 88:3: 57-64.
Roberts, Sherron Killingsworth, 2002. 
'Meet Jessica and Elizabeth from Sweet Valley: Who Are the Female Role Models in Popular Romance Novels for Children?', Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (New Orleans, LA, April 1-5, 2002). 21 pgs. ERIC document ED470819.
Robinson, Lillian S., 1978. 
'Reading Trash', in Sex, Class, and Culture. Ed. Lillian S. Robinson (Bloomington: Indiana University Press), pp. 200-222. Excerpt from a later edition ["Most of this essay will be focused on a contrast between the works of Jane Austen and those of Georgette Heyer" (202)]
Romantic Conventions, 1999. 
Anne K. Kaler and Rosemary E. Johnson-Kurek, eds. (Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University Popular Press). [Preview of parts of this available via Google Books.]
Rose, Suzanna, 1985. 
"Is Romance Dysfunctional?." International Journal of Women's Studies, 8.3: 250-265.
Ruggiero, Josephine A. and Louise C. Weston. 
'Sex-Role Characterization of Women in "Modern Gothic Novels"', Pacific Sociological Review 20: 279-300. **
Ruggiero, Josephine A. and Weston, Louise C., 1983. 
'Conflicting Images Of Women In Romance Novels', International Journal of Women's Studies, 6.1:18-25.
Russ, Joanna, 1973. 
'Somebody's Trying to Kill Me and I Think It's My Husband: The Modern Gothic', Journal of Popular Culture, 6.4: 666-691.
Ryder, Mary Ellen, 1999. 
'Smoke and mirrors: Event patterns in the discourse structure of a romance novel', Journal of Pragmatics, 31.8: 1067-1080. Abstract **


Sales, Roger, 1999. 
"The Loathsome Lord and the Disdainful Dame: Byron, Cartland and the Regency Romance." in Byromania: Portraits of the Artist in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Culture. ed. Frances Wilson, (Basingstoke, England; New York, NY: Macmillan; St. Martin's) pp. 166-183.
Salmon, Catherine and Donald Symons, 2003. 
Warrior Lovers: Erotic Fiction, Evolution and Female Sexuality (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press). ** Abstract ["The stark contrasts between romance novels and pornography underscore how different female and male erotic fantasies are. These differences reflect human evolutionary history [...]. The authors focus particular attention on slash fiction [...] [and] argue that—despite some differences—slash fiction has much in common with romance novels."]
Samuel, Barbara, 1997. 
"The Art of Romance Novels." Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres 3.1-2: 78-80.
Santaulària, Isabel, 2002. 
"The Fallacy of Eternal Love: Romance, Vampires and Love in Linda Lael Miller's Forever and the Night and For All Eternity." in The Aesthetics of Ageing: Critical Approaches to Literary Representations of the Ageing Process.(Lleida, Spain: Universitat de Lleida), pp. 111-126.
Schell, Heather, 2007. 
"The Big Bad Wolf: Masculinity and Genetics in Popular Culture." Literature and Medicine 26.1: 109-125. (Christine Feehan is the author addressed in this article). Abstract
Scott, Alison M. 2002. 
'Romance in the Stacks; or, Popular Romance Fiction Imperiled', in Scorned Literature: Essays on the History and Criticism of Popular Mass-Produced Fiction in America, ed. Lydia Cushman Schurman and Deidre Johnson, Contributions to the Study of Popular Culture, 75 (Westport, CT: Greenwood),pp. 213-224.
Seale,Maura, 2007. 
'"I find some Hindu practices, like burning widows, utterly bizarre": Representation of Sati and Questions of Choice in Veils of Silk.' in Empowerment versus Oppression: Twenty First Century Views of Popular Romance Novels. ed. Sally Goade, (Newcastle, U.K.:Cambridge Scholars Pub.) pp. 129-147. Unpaginated version
Seidel, Kathleen Gilles, 1997. 
"Half-Risen Venus", Paradoxa 3.1-2: 250-252. [This is a review of Paul Grescoe's Merchants of Venus: Inside Harlequin and the Empire of Romance.]
Selinger, Eric Murphy, 2007. 
'Rereading the Romance', Contemporary Literature, 48.2: 307-324.[3] [This is a review article, critiquing earlier works on the romance genre (such as those by Radway and Modleski) and giving more favourable opinions about the newer works under review: Juliet Flesch's From Australia with Love: A History of Modern Australian Popular Romance Novels; Empowerment versus Oppression: Twenty-First Century Views of Popular Romance Novels, edited by Sally Goade; Deborah Lutz's The Dangerous Lover: Gothic Villains, Byronism, and the Nineteenth-Century Seduction Narrative; Lynn S. Neal's Romancing God: Evangelical Women and Inspirational Fiction; Pamela Regis's A Natural History of the Romance Novel.]
Shapiro, Joan, & Lee Kroeger, 1991. 
‘Is Life a Romantic Novel? The Relationship Between Attitudes About Intimate Relationships and the Popular Media’, American Journal of Family Therapy, 19.3: 226-236. **
Smith, Janet S. Shibamoto. 1999. 
"From Hiren to Happi-endo: Romantic Expression in the Japanese Love Story." In Languages of Sentiment: Cultural Constructions of Emotional Substrates, 131-150. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Benjamins. [Extensive excerpt available from Benjamins' website (click on the "Google Preview" button).]
Shibamoto Smith, Janet S., 2004. 
'Language and Gender in the (Hetero)Romance: "Reading" the Ideal Hero/ine through Lovers' Dialogue in Japanese Romance Fiction', in Japanese Language, Gender, and Ideology: Cultural Models and Real People, ed. Shigeko Okamoto and Janet S. Shibamoto Smith (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 113-130. ** Review
Shibamoto-Smith, Janet S., 2005. 
‘Translating True Love: Japanese Romantic Fiction, Harlequin-Style’ in Gender, Sex and Translation: The Manipulation of Identities, ed. José Santaemilia (Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing), pp. 97-116. ** Summary
Shibamoto Smith, Janet S., 2008. 
"Changing Lovestyles: Fictional Representations of Contemporary Japanese Men in Love." Positions 16.2: 359-87. First Page
Smith, Faith, 1999. 
"Beautiful Indians, Troublesome Negroes, and Nice White Men: Caribbean Romances and the Invention of Trinidad." in Caribbean Romances: The Politics of Regional Representation. ed. Belinda Edmondson (Charlottesville, VA: UP of Virginia) pp. 163-182.
Snitow, Ann Barr, 1979. 
‘Mass Market Romance: Pornography for Women is Different’, Radical History Review 20 (Spring/Summer 1979):141-61. Republished in Powers of Desire: The Politics of Sexuality 1983., ed. Ann Snitow, Christine Stansell & Sharon Thompson (New York: Monthly Review Press), pp. 245-263. Excerpt published in "Feminist Literary Theory: A Reader", ed. Mary Eagleton. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1986, of which an excerpt is available online. [scroll down the page to reach the beginning of the excerpt.] Republished in Ostrov Weisser, Women and Romance (see above), pp. 307-322.
Snodgrass, Mary Ellen. 2010. 
Reading Nora Roberts. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Excerpt
Sonnet, Esther, 1999. 
"'Erotic Fiction by Women for Women’: The Pleasures of Post-Feminist Heterosexuality." Sexualities,2.2:167-187. [From the abstract: "This article addresses the material construction of female heterosexuality through examination of the mass marketing of women’s pornography - ‘erotic fiction for women by women’ as exemplified by Virgin Publishing’s Black Lace imprint."]
Spehner, Norbert, 1997. 
'L'Amour, toujours l'amour ...: The Popular Love Story and Romance: A Basic Checklist of Secondary Sources', Paradoxa: Studies in World Literary Genres 3.1-2: 253-268.
Spigel, Lynn. 1985. 
"Detours in the Search for Tomorrow: Tania Modleski's Loving with a Vengeance: Mass-Produced Fantasies for Women." Camera Obscura: A Journal of Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies 13-14: 215-234.
Stacey, Jackie & Lynne Pearce, 1995. 
'The Heart of the Matter: Feminists Revisit Romance', in Romance Revisited, ed. Lynne Pearce & Jackie Stacey (New York: New York University Press), pp. 11-45.
Stieg, Margaret F., 1985. 
'Indian Romances: Tracts for the Times', Journal of Popular Culture, 18.4: 2-15. ['the Indian Romance, flourished between 1890 and 1930. It was a romantic novel set in India, featuring Anglo-Indians (English expatriates living in India) as the leading characters.' (1985: 2)]
Stotesbury, John A, 1994. 
"Language and Mindstyle in Anglophone Popular Romantic Fiction under Apartheid." Logos 14: 18-32.
Stotesbury, John A., 2004 
'Genre and Islam in Recent Anglophone Romantic Fiction', in Refracting the Canon in Contemporary British Literature and Film, ed. Christian Gutleben & Susana Onega, Postmodern Studies, 35 (Amsterdam: Rodopi), pp. 69-82. Abstract **
Stout, Diana, 2008. 
'Karen Robards', Teaching American Literature: A Journal of Theory and Practice 2.2/3.[4]
Stowers, Eva, 2007. 
'City of Fantasy: Romance Novels in Las Vegas.' in Empowerment versus Oppression: Twenty First Century Views of Popular Romance Novels. ed. Sally Goade, (Newcastle, U.K.:Cambridge Scholars Pub.) pp. 198-205.
Sucatre, Conrad V., 2005 
Old School Romance (Vintage Romance Publishing).** [I have not been able to identify a place of publication, and clearly this is not an academic publisher. The author says that the book is about 'the romance writing industry as it existed prior to 1950. At my fingertips were the books and biographies of such authors as Faith Baldwin, Emilie Loring, Kathleen Norris, Temple Bailey, Elsa Barker and many others. I assembled all these facts into my book'.[5] ]
Swaffield, Audrey-Claire, 1981. 
"Paperbacks Promoting Passion! What Is Harlequin Really Presenting?." Canadian Woman Studies/Les Cahiers de la Femme 3.2: 4-6.