Annie Alvarez

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Annie Alvarez writes paranormal, lesbian erotica and is an avid reader.


On the Web


Annie can put together a lesbian erotica at the drop of a dime, but ask her to write an autobiography and her mind goes completely blank.

She was born in New Orleans, Louisiana. That's right, the Big Easy or the bathtub, whichever you prefer. Anyways, when she was born, Mercy Hospital was still called Mercy, so she's got a few years under her belt. At the age of 5, her family moved to sunny South Florida where she spent the next 27 years baking in the sun and enjoying the constant, predictable, sunny weather.

As a teenager, she caused her fair share of trouble, which we will not go into here. Needless to say, when she turned 18, she came out to her friends and family. Her picture was plastered on the front page of the Miami Herald's Sunday morning edition. The Miami Herald is the largest newspaper in South Florida and her picture took up half the front page, which started her first fifteen minutes of fame.

Annie has had her share of relationships, some were good and some were downright wrong. At the age of 32, a mutual friend introduced her to her current partner, who lived in Texas. They seemed a perfect fit for each other, even though her partner spoke with a funny accent. They have been together 15 years now and wouldn't trade a single day of it. They don't have kids even though they both want them. What they do have is 3 cats who are highly opinionated, and 2 huge, loveable dogs.

Annie never said, oh geez, when I grow up, I want to be a writer. No, that didn't happen to her. What did happen was that imagination side-swiped her one day and an erotic story complete with characters, consumed every bit of her waking moments. To get it out of her head, she put it on paper and that's how her writing career started. She has successfully published 6 ebooks, including the popular, The Hightower Series, and is currently working on several more stories.

Annie's stories center on Izzy and Tamara, both vampires and both very sexy, but deadly. It's full of hot, explicit love scenes between them and sometimes- other partners. People have asked her if she tends to write from experience, her answer is yes, and no. Yes, because she writes lesbian erotica and she's a lesbian. No, because she's not a vampire although some days, she wishes she were.

Well, there you have it, Annie's life in a nutshell. Of course, she left stuff out...she already shares her dirty mind with you; she can't very well go sharing her dirty laundry, too!

Stand Alone Books


The Hightower Series



Alt text
Cheating Death - October 2009

Alt text
Lustful Torment - October 2010


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