Wings of Thunder

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Wingsofthunder2014 200.jpg

Book Description

Book 3 of the Thunder Trilogy

As the days flow into weeks, and weeks become months, Rion finds Annie slowly becoming more and more despondent with homesickness, melancholy, and the growing need to see her home world again. His own fears escalate, knowing that if she returns, he will never be able to follow her. If she is taken back, he will never see her again. But she is an "otherworlder", and their laws dictate she cannot be forced to remain. If her wish is to go back to Earth, he has no choice but to return her. But then fate sends a messenger through the gap of a massive, destructive storm, forcing Rion to fight to keep what he cannot live without.

Now it becomes a battle between saving their love and their marriage, or giving her up and relinquishing her to the arms of another man.

A man from Earth.

Warning! Contains a duel to the death, an itchy redness, suspected infidelity, massive storm destruction, artwork, unconventional use of an emergency flare gun, and a whole new interpretation to the term "bloody good show!".


"Once again, Linda Mooney has worked her singular magic, creating a fantastic close to her Thunder trilogy with Wings of Thunder, a riveting story filled with unswerving love, edge-of-the-seat danger and one man’s disturbing obsession." ~ Merrylee, TwoLipsReviews

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