Chick Lit Academic Bibliography

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Adams, L. 2004. 
"Chick Lit and Chick Flicks: Secret Power or Flat Formula?" The Horn Book Magazine. 80:669-680.[1]
Alb, Anemona Filip. 2008.
"Protean Femininities: Shifting Stereotypes in 'Chick Lit'." Gender Studies 1, no. 7: 39-48.
Arosteguy, Katie O'Donnell. 2009. 
"The Clothes Do Make the Women: The Politics of Fashioning Femininity in Contemporary American Chick Lit." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 70, no. 11: 4284. [2]
Arosteguy, Katie. 2010. 
"The Politics of Race, Class, and Sexuality in Contemporary American Mommy Lit." Women's Studies 39, no. 5: 409-429.
Benstock, Shari. 
"Afterword: The New Woman's Fiction." Chick Lit: The New Woman's Fiction. Ed. Suzanne Ferriss and Mallory Young. New York: Routledge, 2006. 253-???.
Boyd, Elizabeth B. 
"Ya Yas, Grits, and Sweet Potato Queens: Contemporary Southern Belles and the Prescriptions That Guide Them." Chick Lit: The New Woman's Fiction. Ed. Suzanne Ferriss and Mallory Young. New York: Routledge, 2006. 159-172.
Burns, Amy, 2011. 
"'Tell me all about your new man': (Re)Constructing Masculinity in Contemporary Chick Texts." Networking Knowledge: Journal of the MeCCSA Postgraduate Network 4.1. Links to abstract and pdf
Butler, Pamela and Jigna Desai. 
“Manolos, Marriage, and Mantras: Chick-Lit Criticism and Transnational Feminism.” Meridians 8.2 (2008): 1-31. Abstract
Campbell, P. 2006. 
"The Sand in the Oyster The Lit of Chick Lit." The Horn Book Magazine. 82 (4):487-491.[3]
Cano López, Marina. 
"Looking Back in Desire; or How Jane Austen Rewrites Chick Lit in Alexandra Potter’s Me and Mr. Darcy." Persuasions 31.1 (2010).[4]
Caselli, Carolyn Ann. 2006.
Chick Lit : postmodern literature for the everywoman. Thesis (M.A.)--California State University, Northridge.
Craddock, Louise. 
"Bridget Jones's Little Red Dress: Chicklit, Mass-market Popular Romance and Feminism." Diegesis: Journal of the Association for Research in Popular Fictions 8 (2004): 43-51. Whole issue as pdf.


Davis-Kahl, Stephanie. 
"The Case for Chick Lit in Academic Libraries." Collection Building 27.1 (2008): 18-21. Abstract and link to pdf
Dorney, Kate. 
"Shop Boys and Girls! Interpellating Readers as Consumers in Chicklit and Ladlit." Diegesis: Journal of the Association for Research in Popular Fictions 8 (2004): 12-22. Whole issue as pdf.
Dunn, Hannah. 2005.
Making the personal political: reflexivity as neo-feminist activism in Brit-art and Chick-lit. Thesis (M.A.)--University of Colorado.
Ebert, Teresa L. 2009. 
The task of cultural critique. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. [Chapter-Chick lit: "not your mother's romance novels"] Excerpt
Farr, Cecilia Konchar. 2009. 
"It Was Chick Lit All Along: The Gendering of a Genre." In You've Come a Long Way, Baby: Women, Politics, and Popular Culture, 201-214. Lexington, KY: UP of Kentucky, 2009.
Ferriss, Suzanne and Mallory Young. 
"Introduction." Chick Lit: The New Woman's Fiction. Ed. Suzanne Ferriss and Mallory Young. New York: Routledge, 2006. 1-16.
Ferriss, Suzanne and Mallory Young. 
“Chicks, Girls and Choice: Redefining Feminism.” Junctures: The Journal for Thematic Dialogue 6 (2006): 87-97. [5]
Ferris, Suzanne. 
"Narrative and Cinematic Doubleness: Pride and Prejudice and Bridget Jones's Diary." Chick Lit: The New Woman's Fiction. Ed. Suzanne Ferriss and Mallory Young. New York: Routledge, 2006. 71-84.
Fest, Kerstin. 2009. 
"Angels in the House or Girl Power: Working Women in Nineteenth-Century Novels and Contemporary Chick Lit." Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 38, no. 1: 43-62.
Frater, Lara. 2009. 
"Fat heroines in chick-lit: gateway to acceptance in the mainstream?" in Rothblum, Esther D., and Sondra Solovay. The Fat Studies Reader. New York: New York University Press. 235-240. Excerpt


Gamble, Sarah. 
"When Romantic Heroines Turn Bad: The Rise of the ‘Anti-Chicklit’ Novel." Chick Lit. Working Papers on the Web 13 (2009). Ed. Sarah Gormley and Sara Mills.[6]
Genz, Stéphanie, and Benjamin A. Brabon. 2009. 
Postfeminism: cultural texts and theories. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. [Chapter - Girl power and chick lit, on pages 76-90.] Excerpt
Gill, Rosalind. 
"Lad lit as mediated intimacy: A postfeminist tale of female power, male vulnerability and toast." Chick Lit. Working Papers on the Web 13 (2009). Ed. Sarah Gormley and Sara Mills.[7]
Gill, Rosalind and Elena Herdieckerhoff. 
"Rewriting the Romance: New Femininities in Chick Lit?" Feminist Media Studies 6.4 (2006): 487-504. [Abstract and pdf available from LSE Research Online]
Gormley, Sarah. 
"Introduction." Chick Lit. Working Papers on the Web 13 (2009). Ed. Sarah Gormley and Sara Mills.[8]
Gorton, Kristyn. 
"'Kiss My Tiara': Chicklit and Female Empowerment." Diegesis: Journal of the Association for Research in Popular Fictions 8 (2004): 23-28. Whole issue as pdf.
Guerrero, Lisa A. 
"'Sistahs Are Doin' It For Themselves': Chick Lit in Black and White." Chick Lit: The New Woman's Fiction. Ed. Suzanne Ferriss and Mallory Young. New York: Routledge, 2006. 87-102.
Gymnich, Marion, and Kathrin Ruhl. 2010. 
"Revisiting the Classical Romance: Pride and Prejudice, Bridget Jone's Diary and Bride and Prejudice." In Gendered (Re)Visions: Constructions of Gender in Audiovisual Media, 23-44. Göttingen, Germany: V&R, 2010. Excerpt
Hale, Elizabeth. 
"Long-Suffering Professional Females: The Case of Nanny Lit." Chick Lit: The New Woman's Fiction. Ed. Suzanne Ferriss and Mallory Young. New York: Routledge, 2006. 103-118.
Harzewski, Stephanie. 2004. 
"'Chick Lit' and the Urban Code Heroine: Interview Symposium with Caren Lissner, Melissa Senate, Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez, and Jennifer Weiner." In Voces de América/American Voices: Entrevistas a escritores americanos/Interviews with American Writers,. Cádiz, Spain: Aduana Vieja, 2004. 689-719.
Harzewski, Stephanie. 
"Tradition and Displacement in the New Novel of Manners." Chick Lit: The New Woman's Fiction. Ed. Suzanne Ferriss and Mallory Young. New York: Routledge, 2006. 29–46.
Harzewski, Stephanie. 
"The new novel of manners: Chick lit and postfeminist sexual politics" (January 1, 2006). Dissertations available from ProQuest. Paper AAI3225468. [Abstract]
Harzewski, Stephanie. 
Chick Lit and Postfeminism. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2011.
Hewett, Heather. 
"You Are Not Alone: The Personal, the Political and the 'New' Mommy Lit." Chick Lit: The New Woman's Fiction. Ed. Suzanne Ferriss and Mallory Young. New York: Routledge, 2006. 119-140.
Horrocks, Clare. 
"Tart Noir: Chicklit with Criminal Balls." Diegesis: Journal of the Association for Research in Popular Fictions 8 (2004): 59-64. Whole issue as pdf.