The Faro Kid

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1950 US Edition
By Leslie Ernenwein
Publisher Harlequin Romance #89
Release Month 1950 (US)
Harlequin Romance Series #
Preceded by Renegade Ramrod
Followed by The Widow Gay

Book Description

When Steve Rennevant trailed the Faro Kid to Arizona's Kettledrum Basin and lost him, he still had a score to settle with Whitey Hallmark and Red Haggin, both of whom were wanted for murder while robbing the U. S. Mail. So into San Sabino he rode, a lean, bitter, hate-filled, gun sharp lawman, not much caring about the cards Fate was dealing him.

Because he kept his badge in his pocket, because he saw a beautiful woman in distress, because he ran into an old gambler to whom he owed a moral debt, Steve Rennevant was soon in trouble. The kind of trouble that made him enemies with Big Dan Bannerman, along with Haggin and Hallmark; trouble that allied him with a pool of little ranchers and caused him to meet lovely Anne Cruzatte and fall in love for the first time in his life...

Fatalist that he was, Rennevant figured his cards were pretty good - until he met the Faro Kid! The bandit he had sworn to bring to justice - but now the last man in the world he wanted to see! It meant the loss of everything he ever really cared for. But Rennevant was a lawman, and there couls be no other course...

Cover Variation (By Release Date)

1950 <br\>US Edition