Cradle And All - Rebecca York

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About The Book

“Your baby is missing.”

Abby Franklin’s dream of cuddling and crooning to her new baby turned into a nightmare with those four words. On the day she and husband Steve Claiborne were to fill their nursery, little Shannon was kidnapped.

But who had taken her baby wasn’t as critical as why. The question was tearing Steve from Abby, turning a wonderful husband into a silent stranger. The answer was tearing her apart.

No one could help her…not the police, not the government, not even the CIA. Only she could bring her family back together.

Abby had once risked her life for Steve. Now she had to gamble it again for the only things that mattered—Steve’s love and the precious gift that love had given her….

Related Titles

Seventh in the 43 Light Street series.

Sequel to Life Line.