Then Come Kiss Me

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1958 US Edition
By Mary Burchell
Publisher Harlequin Romance #422
Release Month 1958 (US)
Harlequin Romance Series #
Preceded by The Golden Amazon's Triumph
Followed by Nurse Greve

Book Description

When Marina became engaged to the most eligible bachelor in the neighbourhood, it was a purely temporary affair, arranged to suit their mutual convenience. It was unfortunate, then, that Marina should discover that she was in love with Nicholas at the precise moment that he decided that it was time for the engagement to come to an end.

Cover Variation (By Release Date)

1958 <br\>US Edition
1974 <br\>US Reissue
197? <br\>US Reissue
19?? <br\>US Reissue
1982 <br\>US Edition