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Book Description

Miranda Sayers’s only friend is her wheelchair. It has been her refuge and her escape mechanism for most of her twenty-six years. But the time has come when her grandmother can no longer help take care of her. Now Randi is faced with having to survive on her own, and unfortunately that future doesn’t look promising.

Collin First’s job on Earth is to find the Ducts between his world and this one. As an Extinguisher, he has to eliminate those passageways before any of the dangerous creatures from Sandeflay can pass through and harm any humans. The last thing he expected when he took the assignment was to find the beautiful, crippled woman living one floor below his apartment.

Before either of them can contend with the impossibility of their relationship, Randi and Collin are thrown together, seeking each other’s love and help. And when circumstances force Randi to follow Collin to Sandeflay, danger and the greatest miracle of all awaits them both.


Ms. Mooney doesn't shy away from the issue of a relationship between a paraplegic and a handsome stud. Instead she lets the story grow with it. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Sandeflay. It parallels our world but some things are so much more advanced just as some things seem primitive in an exotic kind of way. I'm thrilled that I couldn't predict how this author would work things out. Just when I thought I'd guessed the path she would take she'd veer off on a side path that was much better than the simple storyline I'd envisioned. This story is rich in characters, love, eroticism and beautiful fantasy. Linda Mooney has done an excellent job of penning a story that will be fun for anyone who likes to get lost in a great book. ~ Dee Dailey, The Romance Studio

A Simply Romance Reviews OUTSTANDING READ!

Let me tell you, the shocks and wow's in this book are outstanding. Sandeflay sounds like a place I would love to visit or even live. This book is full of life and the people are wonderfully real. Collin is hunk and in a few paragraphs you fall for him hard. Randi is a strong woman, and when she finds that place inside her, the one that she hid years ago, that lady is one that is so easy to like and in time you cheer for her and Collin. Especially when Linda throws one more extra surprise into the mix. Great book, a definite keeper. ~ Melisa, Simply Romance Reviews

I loved this story. It had the entire heart-string-pulling you come to expect from Ms. Mooney, but always with a little something extra. She never disappoints her readers. I really loved the characters and the way they were drawn to each other. I loved Collin's pet and you will too. I loved all the character development in this story and I hope we get more stories from this world about other Extinguishers and their lives. I always come away from a Linda Mooney book with a little tear and a few stars in my eyes for her books are what romance is made of. People that truly care about one another and not just sex but there is that too but it is done in such a way that you just feel the love between the characters and wish them well. ~ Melanie, Enchanting Reviews

SANDEFLAY is an absolutely stunning read by Ms. Mooney; her characters are endearing and her fictional world of Sandeflay is a place I would be delighted to visit. I went through a whole range of emotions while reading this book including love for the characters and the world of Sandeflay, empathy for Miranda and her limitation along with the seemingly unwinnable situation between Collin and herself, respect for the sacrifices that Collin has made for his planet, his job and his pet, and heartbreak when the plot took some nail biting twists and turns.

The love that Collin and Miranda have for each other is so strong it is a thing of beauty. Ms. Mooney has surpassed all expectations with SANDEFLAY. ~ jhayboy, Romance Junkies


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