Jill Monroe

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Jill Monroe writes for Harlequin's Heat and Blaze lines. She is a generally nice person who is only mean when provoked.

Jill is a resident of Oklahoma and proud member of the Oklahoma Romance Writers. A self-admitted contest junkie, Jill achieved her ultimate success when she finaled in the Golden Heart in 2003. This happened despite the fact that she absolutely refuses to employ the most useful writing tool of all: the serial comma. Luckily, she has critique partners who helpfully point out each and every missing comma. Jill retaliates by prominently featuring ducks in her manuscripts to drive her friends crazy.

In addition to admitting an embarrassing (for her friends) weakness for cowboy poetry, Jill is also absurdly addicted to diet cherry cokes from Sonic. She says they're "inspirational".

She cannot remember the name of the Harlequin book that got her started in the romance genre, but will admit to reading "a ton" of romances since then. She has a particular fondness for Harlequin Presents and cites Trish Morey as a particular favorite. Other favorite authors include Gena Showalter, P.C. Cast, and the unrelated Lucy Monroe.

In her spare time, Jill Monroe labors under the misimpression that she's training to participate in the Race/Walk For the Cure -- those who know her best know that she's severely allergic to exercise. She'll be serving the Race/Walk in a less physically strenuous capacity.

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Books By Jill Monroe
