Suspicion And Seduction

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About The Book

She'd escaped her manager, fled the grueling demands of a highly successful acting career, and embarked on an idyllic vacation. Nothing appealed to Gabriella Ford more than a lazy week alone with her father on the Dixie Lee. But even as she prepared to board the converted tug moored off the Florida coast, she was assaulted by a total stranger, ordered to leave--at once.

He called himself Barry Harris. He was formidable, yet in spite of his warnings, she would stay. Boldly she'd follow him to the depths in search of sunken treasure, face the fierce sharks that guarded it, then surface to confront the passions that lurked within. Did her father's new "partner" pose a threat or promise protection from a greater danger? Too soon she gave him her trust, surrendered to her own desire. But what had she done--found the treasure of love she'd sought all her life, or allowed herself to be used, betrayed--again?