An Innocent Madness

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What secrets lay hidden inside? A tradition of honor and intrigue marked the halls of Rathmaiden, the ancient family home of the Chivers family. Set in a peaceful Irish valley, it gave no outward sign of the turmoil and danger inside. Charlotte Bolton found herself the unwitting victim of manipulation and evil, although she had come simply to be married! It began when Richard Chivers, her intended, claimed no knowledge of the marriage arrangement. He was lying, as did everyone at Rathmaiden. Yet why? Charlotte discovered her future was tied to Rathmaiden's past, and the beautiful haunting specter of Nell Dillon. Was Nell dead or alive, and how was she bound to Richard Chivers? To prevent another tragedy, Charlotte must find the answers. yet to do so threatened her chances of happiness with Richard -- the man who had become more important than life itself!