The Savage

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She is Summer Weston, a willful Texas beauty who commands the attention of every eligible male in the county...including one notorious loner no lady would dare consider. He is Lance Calder, half-white, half-Comanche -- proud, passionate...and forbidden. Yet he is Summer's only hope of rescuing her sister, kidnapped in a Comanche raid. Aching to possess the ravishing belle, Lance sets an impossible price on his aid -- marriage to a half-breed. Desperate and terrified, yet drawn to the savage who claims her as his wife, Summer is stunned by his raw sensuality, both fierce and tender. Shunned by her own people, she travels with him into the dangerous land of the Comanches...daring to trust the hostile stranger whose pride keeps him distant...until the white-hot fire of their passion destroys all boundaries and brands their very souls with enduring love.