Turn-Of-The-Century Toughs

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Turn-of-the-Century Toughs is a cycle of historical fantasy novels by Dusk Peterson about disreputable men on the margins of society, and the men and women who love them. The novels are set in a world based on the late Victorian and Edwardian Eras.

The cycle is made up of three novel series: The Eternal Dungeon, Life Prison, and Michael's House. As the titles suggest, the first two series are set in prisons. The third is set in a house of male prostitution.

The stories focus primarily on male friendship and gay romance, although friendship and romance between men and women play a small role in the tales.

Black, multi-cultural, and interracial storylines are important in the cycle. Religion also plays an important role in the cycle.

Stories in the series Michael's House have been serialized by the gay erotic romance magazine MAS-Zine, which has also published two stories from the Eternal Dungeon series. Several stories from the cycle are published as e-books or are available online.

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