Help:Same Title Multiple Authors

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Many titles have been reused over the years with different authors. To differentiate between them, please use the following recommendations. You can copy the syntax from any box to help you.

Disambiguation Page

The title itself should link to a page with a listing of all the books with that title and their authors. Example Page

The syntax to use to create a page like this is as follows:

[[category:Books - Same Title]] 
''Book title'' is the title of books by:

* [[book title - author name|1]] - [[author name]], date, (Publisher)
* [[book title - author name|2]] - [[author name]], date, (Publisher)

You can continue that listing for as many books as you know by that title. Ideally, please list the books in chronological order. Please note the format for the single title page:

Between the Sheets - Tricia Adams is correct while [[Between the Sheets by Tricia Adams]] is not.

Single Title Page

Please use [[Book title - author name]] as the format for each single title. Create the single Title page as you would using the Book Template.

Books Page

On the Books page with the appropriate letter for the title, please use the follow markup.

* ''[[book title]]''
* [[book title - author name|1]] - [[author name]], date, (Publisher)
* [[book title - author name|2]] - [[author name]], date, (Publisher)

Moving old Page and Correcting Links

If the page for the title was already created and referred to a specific author's version, please do the following.

1. Copy the entry of the page into a text editor for holding.

2. Create the Disambiguation Page as noted above. This will create the page you'll need next.

3. Copy the entry from the text editor to the newly created new page for that author's version.

4. Check the new Disambiguation Page for out of date links via the What Links Here tool on the left side of the wiki. There may be several or no links to other pages. On each of those pages, find the link to the [[Book title]] and correct to the appropriate author page by using the following:

[[book title - author name | book title]]

The | allows the book title to display cleanly but still link to the specific book by the author in question.

  • Note: If #4 seems daunting please add {{Whatlinkshere Correction}} to the top of the page.