Joyce Thies

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Joyce Thies's Pseudonyms
Janet Joyce Pseudonym used with Janet Bieber to sign contemporany novels (1982-1986).
Jenna Lee Joyce Pseudonym used with Janet Bieber to sign contemporany novels (1984-1986).
Joyce Thies Real name used to sign contemporany novels in solitaire (1984-1991).


Joyce Bieber began her writing career as a coauthor with Janet Bieber, writing under the pseudonyms Janet Joyce and Jenna Lee Joyce; together they wrote more than fifteen romances.

Later, she wrote romance novels under her real name, Joyce Thies.


Single Novels

Hubbard Series

  1. King Of The Mountain - (1990/03, Silhouette Desire, ISBN-10: 0373055633)
  2. The Drifter - (1991/03, Silhouette Desire #636, ISBN-10: 0373056362)

Anthologies in Collaboration