Hawk's Rayne

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Revision as of 20:26, 15 February 2006 by Donica Covey (talk | contribs)
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Once the great Nations of the Americas lived in harmony with nature, having pride in themselves and trusting the Great Spirit to provide for them. Over the centuries this was lost, driven out of them as they were driven from their homes. Now one immortal man, Flint Kestrel must find the key that links his people’s past to their future.

Rayne Amitola has the perfect life, one she’s worked hard to achieve as a top advertising executive in the fast paced life of New York City. Suddenly her life is turned upside by the enigmatic Kestrel and his wild claims that she is the key he has searched over several lifetimes to find. She’d tell him to get a life and out of hers, if she was sure he didn’t live forever...

Purchase at Triskelion Publishing [1]