The Abducted Heiress - Jasmine Cresswell

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About The Book

ALL HER EFFORTS GONE TO WASTE. For six long years, Georgiana, a young and lovely heiress, had kept up a grotesque and difficult masquerade. She had disguised her beauty and intelligence behind a mask of homeliness and stupidity. Her reason? To avoid marriage to the odious Freddie, a ne'er-do-well young lord with a taste for life and women that could never include someone as ugly and silly as she pretended to be.... Or so Georgiana thought!

Alternative Book Description

Burdened by an enormous inheritance and scheming guardians, Georgiana Thayne has managed to avoid an enforced marriage to her Cousin Freddie for six long years by acting out a childish masquerade. Just when she can hide no longer behind a pretence of plainness and stupidity, the notorious Marquis of Graydon - disreputable and mysterious - unexpectedly intervenes by abducting Georgiana, and thus preventing her detested marriage. Infuriated by his cynical use of her to further his own schemes, Georgiana resolves upon revenge. Unfortunately, she begins to realise that if Freddie had resembled her devilish kidnapper, she would not have objected to being married in the first place ...