Hunters For Hire

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This series spans both Ellora’s Cave erotic romance and Cerridwen mainstream fiction books. Cerridwen stories could be written as either Futuristic Romance or for the Futuristic/SciFi (non-romance) genre. For EC, the stories must be primarily erotic romances. The background genre is SciFi, but each story must focus on the development of a romantic relationship enhanced with explicit sex, and concluding with an emotionally satisfying committed relationship.

The stories revolve around an organization known as Bounty Hunters, Inc., and take place in the year 2408 on the planet Quartus Seven in the Secundus Solar System. This group of men and women unite for a common goal, to rid the galaxy of the threats posed by the worst of the worst criminals. They are willing to do whatever it takes to capture their bounties and bring them in to collect their rewards. No job is too big or too small so long as the price is right.

Each story must be able to stand on its own while still being part of the series and using the predefined setting and background. An explanatory Prologue and Glossary are provided for inclusion in each story.

For more information and a copy of the series “bible”, email coordinating author Heather Holland at . All submissions for the series must be sent to; include “Hunters for Hire” in the Subject line along with your story title. (Please do not misdirect submissions to Heather.)

Heather on the Web