A Comfortable Wife

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2002 Harlequin

Book Description

Antonia Mannering refused to become an old maid!

She was a young woman with plans and Lord Philip Ruthven played a large part in them. Though the childhood friends had not seen one another in years, she was perfectly aware that Philip had no lack of female companionship. But he had never married, and it was high time he did. If she could prove to him that she was capable of running his home and would not disgrace him in society, Antonia was certain he would propose a comfortable arrangement. But never had she expected that their hearts would somehow find their way into the bargain!

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Laurens Comfortable Wife PB USA 2002.jpg


  • Title: Alle Frauen lieben Baron Ruthven
  • Publisher: Cora Verlag
  • Imprint: Mylady 249, March 1998