Highland Mist - Donna Grant

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Revision as of 16:38, 8 May 2006 by Dgrant (talk | contribs)
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One prophecy to save the world.
Two realms fighting for control.
Three Druid sisters who hold the key to salvation
and the hearts of the men that would love them.

An honorable laird… Laird Connall MacInness was born to a clan that for centuries has been charged with the guarding of the sacred Druids. 'Tis a duty he has always met with a willing heart, until the day his sister, a Druid priestess, goes missing, and the very Druids he has protected refuse to help him find the last remaining member of his family. Then a 300 year old prophecy places a Druid priestess in his hands for safekeeping. 'Tis the chance at revenge that he's been waiting for, but is he willing to pay the cost his revenge will demand--the loss of his mate and the future of Scotland?

A willing lass…

Glenna MacNeil wants only to be free, to find the purpose of her life. When she is told to look for the dark laird that would free her, she eagerly goes with the powerful laird who fights her clan, not realizing she has set in motion events that will change the course of history.


Related Titles

  • The Druid's Glen 2: Highland Nights
  • The Druid's Glen 3: Highland Dawn
