Renee George

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Reneé George was born in El Cajon, CA. She has lived in Hawaii, Texas, and California, before settling in Missouri. Happily married for 15 years, Reneé lives a hectic, but fulfilling life with her husband and her sweet baby boy (okay, so he's eleven now, but he is still her baby!).

She works as an editor, illustrator, and free lance writer. She has been writing for Changeling Press since May 2005.

As she likes to put it, "there is something distinctly voyeuristic in most people. I know that I am a voyeur, watching the lives, loves, and self-discovery of unique characters unfold in the written word is extremely satisfying. It's like knowing a great secret." Reading and writing erotica allows you to do and see things that in the vanilla world are just considered taboo."

On the Web

