Mina Carter

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About the Author

Mina Carter can be found exploring in the middle of the English countryside with her real-life hero and their young daughter ... the true boss of the family. As a successful business woman, Mina never tires of learning new skills; qualified in such fields as Aromatherapy, welding, and corsetry.

She juggles full-time mumhood, running a family business, and writing, tossing another ball in the air with her cover artwork. For her, writing time is the wee hours of the morning or any spare minute that can be begged, bought, or conned.

Her first stories were penned at age of 11, when she used a stationary set meant for Christmas thank you letters to write stories instead. More recently, she wrote for her own amusement to save on outrageous monthly book bills, as well as for the masses of friends on her doorstep demanding longer stories. Now you'll find her reading and writing original worlds where the paranormal is everyday and the romance is a must.

Practically living online, Mina can usually be found lurking around the Blade Publishing forums, Cobblestone's Main Street, or the e_roticromance group on LJ.

On the Web


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