Shooting Stars

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Revision as of 19:04, 20 April 2010 by Streetmouse (talk | contribs)
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Hunter Stone, former Hollywood A-lister, is the last person Joceyln York expects to save her from an avalanche on her ill-fated Wyoming vacation. She snaps some photos of him, but he won't let her leave his ranch with them. Since she won't give up the photos that could get her out of the paparazzi life for good, she's a prisoner—albeit in a mansion on 400 acres with a gorgeous movie star.

Hunter can't look at his new "house guest" without remembering his wife's death in an accident caused by paparazzi. But Jocelyn isn't like the others. She's artistic and smart, and just plain gets under his skin. Will she ruin his carefully guarded privacy, or will she accept a bargain that will get them into the limelight—and her into his bed—on his terms?