Ansley Vaughan

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Ansley Vaughan is a journalist, living and working in London in the United Kingdom. She writes adventure stories with a strong erotic content. Some are m/m others are heterosexual romances.

She's influenced by a love of history, a passionate interest in current events around the world, and a pronounced sense of the ridiculous. An enthusiastic traveller, her books are set in many locations around the globe.

On the Web

  • [1] - Website
  • [2] - Writing Blog
  • [3] - Live Journal
  • [4] - Myspace
  • [5] - Freya's Bower



Short Stories

Coming Soon

  • An African Moon - an m/f adventure in which ancient African legend and the modern lust for oil and wealth come crashing together (Freya's Bower)
  • Plan Colombia - an m/f tale of kidnap, espionage, sexual education and unsuitable attraction which moves from New York to Colombia then on to the red light district of London and the canals of Venice before reaching a shattering climax in the tranquil West Country of England (Freya's Bower)
  • The Wedding of the Wolf - another m/f story of what happens when a young woman, planning a wedding, finds herself in a ruined castle in Tuscany and gets involved with the far-from typical Count who owns it, as well as his difficult family and criminal associates. (Freya's Bower)

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