Femme Metal - Nathalie Gray

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Revision as of 08:48, 1 October 2006 by Nathaliegray (talk | contribs) (Femme Metal series by Nathalie Gray)
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Alexandra Novona has been called many things. Soldier. Enemy. Bodyguard. Bitch. Her body's been through enough refits to trip every metal detector in the system. But nowadays, she's what is politely referred to as a "privateer". A new tag for an old job—slaver.

On the Femme Metal, a tough, ugly-as-hell little ship, she prowls deep space procuring males. Human or alien. She doesn't much care. As long as they generate profit. And nothing will stop her from supplying her wealthy customers with top-grade male specimens for their brothel ships. Not even the seven-foot, blue-skinned, silver-haired wonder her customer very specifically requested.

Released 29 Jun 05 - ISBN #1-4199-0249-0

Nathalie Gray Explosions and...romance? Bring it on! www.nathaliegray.com