Alexandra O'Hurley

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Alexandra O'Hurley writes Paranormal and Futuristic Erotic Romance.


Alexandra O'Hurley was born on the rural Eastern Shore of Maryland. She moved to Virginia Beach as a small child, but moved often around the Hampton Roads area. She claims that by being the new kid often, books became her best friends.

Alexandra later attended Salisbury University near her hometown in Maryland, where she worked on her degree in History Education. She left college after two years to marry. A year later she had her one and only child, a daughter.

Since divorced, she returned to school, spending time at Johnson and Wales University, and worked on a Culinary Degree. Afterwards, she spent time working as a pastry chef, caterer, cake decorator and bakery manager.

Currently attending school once more, she is working on dual degrees in Web Design and Graphic Arts, while working, writing, and raising her daughter. She is still living in the Hampton Roads area.

On the Web

